Game Changer

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Once at the field, I noticed that there was hardly a spot left in the lot. We were playing Atlas so there was an abundance of cops and security. Fitting that Atlas would be rivals not only on the field, but off.

Wonder how many people Sapphire would know. I tried to keep her close to me, but she found her girlfriends and I found Greg and the boys. We parted, but not before I kissed her long and hard. I told her that if she happened to find Fox first to let me know.

"How's the little wife?" Jesse teased as the girls walked away.

"Fuck off," I smiled, shoving him, "You know that ain't me, man."

We talked for a while, but only Greg and Rob really watched the game. I noticed that my father was here with Star and Brenda. Star motioned for me to join them, but I just nodded. My father barely acknowledged me anyway.

We were winning, but everyone was waiting for a fight or two to break out. I caught sight of Sapphire on the other side where the Atlas visitors were seated. Of course she'd be over there. Why? Why wasn't she with me?

My phone pinged and I was actually shocked that it was Fox. He said he'd just arrived and would meet me at the gates.

He strolled up looking better than he did the last time I saw him.

"Bro, what's up?"

"Same ole shit,"I told him, as we walked back to the group, "Dad's here."

"Jesus, don't let him know I am."

"Too late,"I pointed to the bleachers where my family sat, Star waving frantically at us. Brenda rolled her eyes and Dad glanced at us once and turned back to the game.

"I hear someone doesn't like you dating an Atlas chick,"Fox asked as Star joined us. They hugged and I shrugged at Fox, "Well, you know how he is, man. He's never satisfied."

"You both should just leave that house, bro,"he said,breathing in heavily. "Toxic as fuck in there."

Star was all too giddy to have both of her brothers together and with her.

We talked for a little while longer until Dad and Brenda decided to join us. I knew we should have just walked away and allowed for a little sibling time, but Fox looked great tonight and I could tell he was sober.

Then Dad fucked it up.

"What's it tonight, Fox? Coke, meth?"Dad stood in front of us now. I bet he wasn't happy about both of his boys looming over him. We weren't kids anymore.

"Dad, you're always the charmer,"Fox didn't seemed phased, but I was.

"The fuck, Dad? He's sober. Can you pretend like you care about us for five fucking minutes?" Star put her hand on my arm, "No, Star, I'm sick and tired of him talking to us like this. You're a messed up son of a bitch."

"Fox, did your brother tell you he's dating,-"

"Watch it, Shawn,"I narrowed my eyes, feeling anger welling inside of me. We'd been Dad's thorns in his side since we were born and he still wouldn't let up.

"Yeah, I heard,"Fox smiled, "She's a sweet girl. Smart, kind, funny. Everything Blaze needs to keep him on track."

I winced. I didn't need anyone to keep me on track, but I was glad he was talking so nicely about Spooks.

"White trash, you mean?" Dad coughed, "Come on, son. Look around you at all the Avery girls. You could have any one of them and you chose the lowest of the low,-"

I lunged at him, but felt a bear hug grab me from behind. Fucking Greg,

"Let me go, man!"I struggled in his grasp.

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