Letting Go

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We made our way to the warehouse and every little fucking scenario was playing out in my head.

Was she hurt? Was she even there? Was she dead? If I hadn't have gotten with her she'd be OK. She'd be going off to college, getting with Kenny or scrawny Brent. Having babies and winning Pulitzer's for her writing.

I couldn't lose her. Not again. Not like this.

I knew what Chet and Lucas were capable of, IF they even had her. If they didn't have her...I couldn't think straight. I couldn't think straight with Jordan whining in the backseat of my car.

"Jordan, shut the fuck up or I'm going to blast your ass right here on the side of the road and I don't give a fuck if I go to prison for it," I glanced at Greg who was all in it. I knew he'd not been close to Jordan and was wary when he was hanging out with Rachel, but for Erica to go this far? It was all too much to take in.

"What do you have on Erica and her family?" Greg asked as we ran a red light. No one seemed to care.

"Everything,"Jordan whimpered, "Embezzlement, fraud, money laundering, election fraud, racketeering. Her dad's been in this since forever. I knew I needed my own evidence against her in case..."

I seethed, breathing in all of my anger that I wish I was taking out on his face. He was my friend. One of my best fucking friends and he'd helped secure this shit. He'd been in on it for months.

"When the cops get there, you're telling them everything. I don't give a fuck if you want to lawyer up,"I turned the car onto the main drag. We would be rolling into Atlas soon and I was hoping to God the cops would get some probable cause out of Opal to storm that warehouse.

It was interesting to me that the boys would be willing to help me out like this, no questions asked. I know that Melissa was scared for not only Sapphire, but for Greg and I could see he was thinking about her, just as I was thinking about my girl.

"She'd better be OK, Jordan,"I kept telling him.

"I know she's there, Blaze," he kept saying as if he knew more than what he'd told us back at the house, "I just do..."

Once we were in Atlas, I pulled into an abandoned parking garage a few blocks away from the warehouse. Rob said he'd say with Jordan. Considering Rob's large size compared to Jordan's, Jordan knew he couldn't escape the Impala without a beat down from ole Rob.

"I know a way through the back,"I told them.

Greg followed, but he hesitated momentarily, "What if she's not here and we're walking into a trap?"

I sighed, "Then we're walking into a trap. I can't sit around and think about it, Greg. Jordan seemed adamant that she'd be here. If she is, I know where they took her."

Greg and Jesse weren't packing, but I was. I just needed them to be my eyes and ears. I didn't want them in danger, but if they were willing to go with me, I was thankful.

There was a basement that covered the whole bottom length of the warehouse. I knew they'd taken Fox there a few times when he didn't pay up or they'd take some poor girl there when she wasn't complying. It was hell and I'd seen it once when Lucas showed me around. It was made into an underground prison, brothel, criminal hideaway, you name it.

When I was there, I never saw anything that would indicate people were being kept there, but the other shady business was taking place. If I talked, God knows what they'd do to my friends and family, but I couldn't care about that now. I was going to get Sapphire. I couldn't bear to think about what she was going through.

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