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Blaze kissed my cheek and then got up to use the bathroom. I watched that perfect ass sashay its way from the bedroom. Licking my lips, I reached for my glasses, not realizing that my body was so sore. My core hurt like hell, but it was all worth it. My heart was still racing and I was in disbelief at what had transpired. I just had sex with Blaze Baxter and it was more than I could have ever imagined.

When he reemerged from the bathroom, I couldn't help but gaze down at his cock. Even soft, he was well hung and he knew it. His chuckle forced me back to focus and I blushed. Blaze crawled under the covers and dragged me underneath with him.

"What are you doing?!" I laughed as he tickled me.

"I just remembered how ticklish you are!" He proceeded to annoy me with his tickles and I laughed so hard that I snorted. His eyes twinkled as he slowed his caress, positioning himself between my thighs again. He ran his hands down my sides, taking me in.

"A birthmark. It's a paw."

"What?" I asked, not paying him much attention to his words, "Oh, my birthmark?" I laughed. He kissed it, a little bruise looking birthmark on my right outer thigh. It was shaped like a paw print.

"No wonder you're so feisty," he said, "A lioness."

I shook my head at his cheesiness, but I also liked it. No one had ever said those words to me.

"What do you want for dinner?" I could feel him closing in on my core again.

"You and this sexy body of yours," I said to him as he prodded my wet pussy.

"Have you always thought I was sexy?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't think you were very sexy.." I kissed his cheek, "Very handsome..." I kissed his neck.. "Very gorgeous..." I kissed his lips bucking my hips up so he could feel my core again.

"Baby, I could go all night long,"he leaned down and licked my neck. Once he saw my nipples were hard, he dove for them too and I could feel him ease back into me.

I keened with delight, not believing that he was stuffing me full again.

"I'll make this quick, baby, I know you're sore," he said, grunting between thrusts.

I wrapped my legs around him as he hit all of my hot spots again, twirling his hips around so his dick hit every single nerve ending inside of me. He cursed as my walls sucked him in, claiming his cock.

I whimpered into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. To my surprise, I bit down on him within minutes of his stroking and he came soon after.

He lay his head on my chest and slowly slipped out of me, lingering over my body for a moment.

He kissed me a few times on the neck before pulling me up from the bed. I could barely stand and he was sure proud of himself. Smiling arrogantly at me, I rolled my eyes, but allowed him to hold me in his arms so I wouldn't crumple to the floor.

He leaned into me again, cupping my chin,

"I don't know what I want for dinner, but you're the best appetizer I've ever had."


We both needed showers and took the time to do so separately, albeit I would not have minded showering with him.

After stepping into the light of the bathroom, I gasped in the mirror at my reflection. I looked bruised and battered. Had he really been that rough?

I slipped a towel around me and dashed to my room to retrieve my bags. I washed quickly, putting on a tee shirt and sweats before making my way downstairs where Blaze was, sitting outside. He was so hot and I felt myself ache for him again. I'd need to stop that because I don't know how much more of a pounding I could take.

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