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I was playing Betty Homemaker to Blaze and he was relishing every minute of it.

It was a few weeks after the fight at the stadium and he had me home every night right after work. If we went to Atlas, we went together. If we went to Avery, we went together. If we went to a party, we obviously went together.

I needed a new phone so he got me one. If I was running late from work or class, he was texting me to see where I was at. I found it annoying at first, but then I started doing it because I kept picturing him going to Atlas and murdering Tyler just because he couldn't find me for half a second.

We seemed to be the perfect couple, albeit a little too possessive and obsessed with the other. Lauren and some people I knew thought it was just "new, young love." I would just laugh and nod in agreement.

Even Star thought everything was great. She enjoyed having me around more, or at least that's what she'd said. I died a little when she told it was like having a real sister around.

Carla was the same way. We'd head over to her place for dinner or games and she would come over to ours for the same thing. Hell, we even started going to the mall together without Blaze. It was nice having a loving, mother figure around, though.

My sisters would joke and ask when the wedding was or if he'd asked me to prom. My girlfriends couldn't find out any real reason he'd be with me except for the fact that he "liked" me. Melissa tried to hone in Greg with her female prowess, but her words rang in my ears:

"Bros before hoes," Was all she could think of. If he was truly filling a quota, there was no evidence of it, but then some people believed he'd never be with a girl from Atlas unless he was up to something.

Me? Well, they thought I was just love struck.

I'd cook dinner for him, he'd bring me breakfast in bed. If we had an argument, it was usually something trivial and if it was a blowout, we'd have makeup sex. Epic makeup sex. Like, by the time the end of December was upon us, we'd gone through mostly everything in that bag.

He bought the kids Christmas presents and was tickled when I bought him a bunch of paints and art supplies, setting up the vacant guest room as an art studio. I thought he was going to be mad at first because he showed no emotion, but his eyes twinkled when he kissed me, thanking me profusely for not only spending the money that he says I didn't have, but taking the time to set it up.

With that, he'd bought me an antique typewriter to go with the desk and a brand new camera. I don't know what the hell was happening, but this was exactly what I'd set out to accomplish.

He was getting closer to the kids and that kind of alarmed me. My father was even civil with him during a dinner Opal had. He'd been sober for it which shocked the hell out of me.

I didn't want the kids disappointed again when "Mr. Blaze" was out of the picture. The way he was with them told me that his future kids were going to have a great dad. Even Star was impressed.

"He's so afraid to become our dad,"she'd told me, which I already knew.

I was afraid to lose Star after this, too. What would she think of me? It didn't matter. I'd be long gone forever anyway.

At this point, Blaze wasn't just taking me to his friend's houses or Avery parties every other night, but he was going over to my friend's houses and Atlas parties with me. I know he was looking for Tyler on many of those occasions and it was possible to run into him, but we never did.

Anything he wanted to do, I did it. I wasn't going to lose this game or myself in the process.

We were even having game night and brunches with Evelyn and Peter. They were tickled to have a nice, young couple living in the complex. Blaze and Peter talked cars and Evelyn showed me how to make pies.

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