Chapter 9. I Care About You

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The quietness of the hospital along with the sounds of medical machines operating makes Hanni feel a bit cold on the spine. Hanni usually doesn't stay overtime but since the hospital is in a shortage of nighttime workers, she volunteered to help.

"Hanni, you okay?" The taller girl asked, looking down at the shorter girl on her right side. "Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit chilly." She answered. "Why don't we get some warm drinks? That'll help." Minji suggested. "Oh, yes please!" The foreign girl answered instantly as if she's been waiting for this moment her whole life. Minji can't help but let out a few giggles as she watches Hanni marching towards the cafeteria.

"Minji, ah? What do you want?" Hanni asked, standing in front of the hot beverage drink dispenser. "Coffee, please." Minji answered. Hanni nodded before making the drinks. Since she's not much of a coffee person, she chose hot chocolate.

Minji grabbed some sweets to help her going through the shift along with the cup of coffee she will eventually wolf down. "Ugh, I hate working nights." Minji whined as she nimble on her chocolate chip cookie. "It is, but we can do it! It's only for today then we can rest." Hanni answered enthusiastically.

There really isn't much for the two to accomplish besides checking in to see if patients are doing okay and stay in the emergency room, waiting for people with emergencies to come. "How's patient in room 103? I heard she's got a pretty bad case of physical abuse." Minji asked. "I checked on her earlier, her wounds are healing well." There was a slight pause before Minji flinch at the sudden punch Hanni just threw at the cushioned chair.
"What an asshole. She doesn't deserve to go through all of that. I hope that one shithead of a dick gets thrown into prison until he rots to hell." Hanni let out her anger.

Minji gulped before rubbing the other one's shoulder, calming her down. "Let's calm down before you get thrown into prison for murder." Hanni obliged, taking some few deep breaths.

As the two walk back the empty hallway, Hanni's uneasy feeling came back. Minji also notices.

"Hanni, what's wrong?"
"I don't know, I feel a bit uneasy."

Minji, remembering Hanni's fear of ghosts and the dark, she suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. "You know.." there was a slight pause. "I heard that before this hospital was built, this place was a cemetery." The statement sent shivers down Hanni's spine. Especially since she's a person who gets spooked easily. "Minji, I am not playing." She answered, a mixture of fear and anger.

Minji threw her hands into the air in offence. "I'm not!" Suddenly, the two jerked their heads to the end of the hallway where they just were at. A loud noise that sounds like something dropped.

At this point, not only is Hanni spooked, so is Minji. "Miss seaweed.. what was that?" Hanni whispered slowly. Minji slowly turned her head to face Hanni, she let out a slow breath. "I don't know.."

At this point, both of them are terrified and their faces have turned pale. They don't dare to move, believing that whatever made that noise would come rushing and swallow them whole if they make any noise or movement. "We can't stay here forever!" Hanni whispered loudly. "Okay, why don't you check on that noise and I'll get the security. Deal?" Minji was completely serious. "Are you nuts? Why don't you go check and I'll get the security." Hanni protested.

The two bicker for a moment before they both came to an agreement to check on it themselves, in case it's a patient in help. Minji walk first with Hanni walking right behind her, using her as a shield.

They both let out a long sigh of relief as they see an elder patient sitting in one of the chairs. "Mr. Cho, what are you doing in the cafeteria so late?" Minji asked. The old man looked up and smiled. "I just needed some water, I pressed the help button but no one showed up." As he speak, his voice shakes. Hanni can't help but adore the elder, her fear also disappeared. Hanni and Minji help Mr. Cho to get up from his chair.

"Let's get you back to your room, okay? Sleep is very important." Hanni suggested. "When you guys came in, you remind me of my wife and I when we were younger." The elder spoke, walking through the hallway with the help of the two doctors. Minji looked over at Hanni, expecting discomfort from the statement. But instead, the foreigner smiled. "Oh, really? We are very close. Where is your wife now, Mr. Cho?" Hanni asked.

"She's long gone," He added, "It feels like she's still with me, every time. I can still remember her smile, her laugh, and the taste of the food she makes. Her specialty is pork stew." He said, sentimentally. "I'm sure she was a great person." Minji said. "Oh, she was. She's the best wife I could ever ask for." Mr. Cho replied, almost immediately.

Hanni can't help but feel a bit sad. She always feels sad when it comes to love and how two people loving each other have to part ways. On the bright side, she also feels warm. The way Mr. Cho talks about his late wife, how happy and proud he seems. It makes Hanni appreciate everything more. Also hoping her and Haerin's marriage would be loving and happy even if they become sixty years old.

Minji helped Mr. Cho to get in his bed and reassured that they'll check on the nurses to come in if he needs anything.

"His love for his wife is so pure. I hope it'll also be like that for me." Hanni said as they leave the room. There was a few seconds of silence before Minji reply.

"I'm sure it will."

The pair checked in on their nurse friends as they promised the patient. To their not very surprise, a good portion of their current available nurse fell asleep. The rest are possibly helping with patients. Usually, Minji would get angry but right now, she also sympathise with the workers. Night shifts are hassles, especially if you don't do it frequently.

At night, most patients are asleep so you don't have much to do, you may believe it's fine to sleep but the moment you sleep there will be somebody who needs help.

Great respect to people who work at night.

"Nurse Winter, please wake up." Minji softly shook the nurse. One by one, Hanni and Minji woke up the nurses and also provided them with some caffeinated drinks to help push through the night.

It's hard, but they have to push through. It's professionalism. Plus, medical school was definitely way more intense than this.

Minji groaned the moment she plopped herself on the couch in Hanni's office. "Only a few hours left." Hanni said as she's closing the door behind them. "Yep." Minji replied.

Hanni took a seat by her desk, scrolling through Tiktok to pass time. As hypothetical as it might be, Hanni eventually starts to feel her eyelids drop. Minji notice how the shorter one tries to fight her sleepiness to stay awake. Minji smiled. She adored Hanni, and maybe something even beyond that.

The tall one walked over to the desk and sat down across from the sleepyhead. "You can sleep. I won't tell anyone." She reassured, knowing how much of a rules-abiding person Hanni is. "I can't.." Hanni mumbled, sleepily. Minji smiles as she gently pat the other one's head. "You can." Her voice sounds soft.

Hanni, with half-closed eyes, "Why do you always do so much for me?" Asked. Minji thinks of what is the appropriate answer. Silence filled the room.

"I care about you."

Hanni had already drift off to dreamland. She couldn't hear the answer to the question she asked, but she probably won't even remember it when she wakes up.

Minji leaned back on the cushioned chair. Her eyes are glued to the girl sleeping peacefully in front of her. This is enough.

Just being by your side, Hanni. That's enough for me.

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