Chapter 27. The End Is Also The Beginning

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"The moment both of your signatures are on this piece of paper, your marriage has ended. Do take a few minutes to think it over." The lawyer suggested before leaving the room for us to think and talk it through. Typically, the process would take much longer but as long as you pay an extra sum of money and have connections, everything is easy.

"Do you regret it? Marrying me." Hanni asked. I shook my head, "I'm glad I got the chance to marry you. You taught me a lot, you showed me emotions I've never felt before. Best of all, I learned how to love from you. I learned to be happy from you." I explained, squeezing her hand.

"This might seem like the end but it's not. It's the beginning, for both of us. We might not be together, but it is the beginning for us." I smiled. "It's time I set you free, for you to find actual love of your own."

She softly smiled.

We took the pens in front of us and signed the paper.

This is the end of our relationship, which also symbolises a new beginning.

Me and Hanni have talked everything out. We both agreed that we shared too much memories to end badly. As for our house, since it would be painful for either one of us to live in it, we decided to sell the property and donate the money to charity.

"Ready?" I asked, looking over at the short girl. She gave me a nod. As we enter our home, I get a bit of deja vu. When Hanni and I first moved into our home, we held hands and did a tour around together. Now, we'll do exactly that as a parting gift for the two of us. (Minus the holding hands part.)

Tomorrow is when the moving company would come in to help us pack our things so everything is still where it had always been.

We visit the living room first. Filled with memories of us planning things together as a couple and movies date nights.

"Remember when we took at least three hours for you to find a couch that you actually like?" I teased and laughed recalling the memories. "It was well worth it! The couch is literally a perfect touch to the design of the room." She explained proudly.

"Quick quiz, do you remember the first movie we watched together in here?" The seal asked.

"Of course I do. It was The Notebook. You picked it, but end up falling asleep before the movie could end." I flick my tongue with the roof of my mouth, making a clicking noise to tease her.

I felt a linger of sadness through me as we talk about how our life was together. It was such a lovely life. Am I starting to regret everything? I'm not sure. But for one thing, I know better than anyone that I cannot keep Hanni. She deserves someone better, someone who would treat her like how she treats them.

Even if I do regret my choices, I'm glad Hanni got to be set free from me.

"I still remember like it was yesterday, the first meal we had together in this kitchen is instant ramen!" Hanni exclaimed, giggling. "It tasted like a five star meal after carrying all those boxes." I added.

In her eyes, I could see a hint of sadness as she remembers.

We walked up the stairs together. The most memorable place and hardest for Hanni to overcome is our bedroom. We shared many bonds in there. We gave our trust to each other.

"Do you mind if I cry?"

"Go ahead, I won't judge you."

Just like that, she bursted into tears. I hugged her as she cries. Hopefully, her next partner will also hold her and comfort her whenever she cries or whenever she needs to. Or even better, Hanni deserves it.

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