Chapter 35. No More Hiding

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"Haerin, what's up with you?" Lily asked, not taking her eyes off from the book she's reading. Haerin sighed longly, "How do I get Dani to marry me? Better yet, what's an ideal proposal?" She hectically searched through the web for hours now and still no luck in finding anything near ideal.

"Woah, you need to slow down. You just got back together so let's not overwhelm her with marriage yet. Also, you went through marriage and proposal once so why are you so bad at it now?" Lily closed her book.

"I know! I just want to plan it in advance.. I want it to be perfect for her. And Hanni and Dani are two different people, with different tastes so of course it's gonna be two different experiences!" Haerin explained.

Lily glanced at the digital clock on the wall. "You should go get lunch, it's almost time." She dragged Haerin out of the office and practically thrown her into the elevator. Haerin grumbled, taking her phone out to search for more information, neglecting her work.

As Danielle and her team walks out the building, the cold air sent shivers down their spines. "It's so cold!" The puppy squealed. "Do you want my coa-" Before Eunwoo could offer, Haerin put her jacket around Danielle's shoulders then proceeded to wrap her scarf around her girlfriend.

"She's warm now." She pulled Danielle by the waist to collide their body together. Everybody looked at them in shock, including the other employees walking by. Danielle could feel the stares as well as people whispering, possibly about them displaying such affection after the turned down proposal.

"What are you doing here?" Danielle whispered, trying to free herself from the woman's grasp but couldn't do so. "I missed you, so I'm here to be with you." Haerin said loudly and proud where everybody nearby heard them. Danielle nervously looked at the members of her team.

Haerin looked at the group swiftly before returning her gaze to the lovely Danielle in her arms.

"Are you guys going to lunch?" She asked, not breaking the eye contact. Danielle nodded, letting out a soft smile as she finally gave up on trying to free herself. Haerin broke the eye contact and looked over at Danielle's coworkers.

"She'll be going with me."

Without waiting for an answer, Haerin led the way, keeping her hand around the angel's waist. Danielle looked back with an apologetic expression.

"What was that for!?" Danielle jokingly hit Haerin once they're a far distant away from everyone. "You can't lie, that sounded pretty cool." Haerin smiled proudly, bringing her girlfriend into a hug. "I don't want us to hide away," her voice softens, "I want to love you comfortably, proudly, loudly but also privately. I dont want to love you silently and secretly anymore. You deserve more than that."

Hearing the reassurance made Danielle to become emotional. A few tears swelled up. "Stop saying that! You'll make me cry." She sniffled, a frown became visible on her face. Haerin cupped the girl's face, kissing it profusely then patted her head gently.

"Let's go eat, I did some research and found a great sushi place nearby!" Haerin said excitedly, grasping Danielle's hand into her own. The puppy giggled as she rests and leaned her head against the woman's shoulder.

"You've been doing so much research for our dates. Miss Kang, you're not neglecting your work are you?"

Haerin laughs nervously, "It's worth it. Everything is worth it if it's for you." She cheekily remarked. "Did you do research on how to flirt too?" Danielle teased. Haerin raised her eyebrows, "Maybe."

Once the couple arrived at the restaurant, Haerin held the door for Danielle and stuck by her side like a clingy cat. They sat together shoulder by shoulder and Haerin cannot stop flirting and kissing the girl.

The woman smiled so brightly as she listens to the Australian talk and ramble on about how her day have been.

"You know Dani, since Christmas is coming up.." Haerin shyly scratched her neck. "Would you like to go on a vacation with me? We can visit Australia and your hometown or wherever that you have always been wanting to go. I'll take care of everything of course- so I don't want you to be shy or anything and pick the place that you really want to go."

Danielle's mouth and eyes are both wide open in disbelief.

"Why would you keep planning such things?" She lightly punched the woman's shoulder. "You keep getting me expensive things and offering to go on trips.. how could I ever pay you back enough?" She shook her head, "And I don't want you to think that I'm with you for the money. I don't need all of the expensive gifts and trips, Haerin."

It was no surprise that Haerin was too stunned and busy admiring the girl's beauty that she didn't quite listen to the whole statement coming from Danielle. She leaned in and gently pecked the woman's lips.

"I chose to do these things for you purely because I want to." She whispered softly. "I love you baby," Haerin tucked a strand of hair behind Danielle's ear. The woman smiled in return, "I love you too."

Haerin put a piece of sushi into her mouth and chewed it. "This place is a lot better than I expected." She gave a little nod of approval.


"Sorry, I have to leave before break ends, but I'll pick you up when work is over, okay?" I nodded before bringing our lips together for a goodbye kiss. "I love you," I said, smiling from ear to ear. "I love you too, my love." Haerin responded and gave me a loving forehead kiss before driving away to meet with a client.

She left like 10 seconds ago and I already miss her. Am I being too clingy? Will this be a turn off for her? Ugh, Danielle stop thinking so negatively!

I jumped a bit when my phone started to ring.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello, miss Marsh." Immediately I realise who it is on the other line. This voice would be pretty hard to miss.

"Chairman Kang? Do you need something? And how did you get my number?"

"Please meet me at xxx and come as soon as possible."

I looked at my phone in confusion because the chairman hung up right after he finished his sentence. I have a bad feeling about this.. he sounded way too serious and calling my personal number, as well?

I quickly catch a taxi and drove to the address that he sent. My palms are getting sweatier and sweatier as I'm starting to get near the place.


"Chairman Kang." I bowed after entering the office room. "Please lift your head. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and short notice." The old man said but in a nicer tone this time compared to when we were talking through the phone.

"No, it's fine, sir. What do you need me for?" I asked. I could see the expression in his face dropped. He looked cold and distant.. and scary.

"I won't go around the bush, I want you to break up with Haerin."

It kind of felt like my whole world just crashed and broke apart. I just froze in place, not knowing what to say or do.

"Haerin is an ex-divorcee, yes you also didn't know but you were the mistress. Plus, you guys are boss and co-worker, not even that! You're an intern! This will give a bad taste if it gets out to the public," Chairman Kang explained. "I can't approve of your guys' relationship."

"Chairman Kang-"

"I'll give you a condition. If you guys break up, I promise, I'll help you start your own company and business. I'll fund your projects and help you to get up as one of the bigger businesses in the industry."

Running my own company and business. Something I've always wanted to do. I was always fond of it and it just looked so cool how my mom was running the company. I was so inspired as a young girl.

..a choice between my dream and the love of my life?

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