Chapter 12. Be Cautious

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"Haerin gets home pretty late, doesn't she?" The elder woman asked as she mince the garlic. "Sometimes. The company has been doing really well so I'm not surprised." Hanni explained as she seasons the soup. "I'm not saying I don't trust her, she's a great kid! But you know what they say about marriage. Getting too wound up with work can cause either one or both of the spouse to cheat." Her mouth explained.

Hanni scoffed, finding this statement unbelievable. "I know mom, but seriously, Haerin is great. I doubt she's the type to cheat." Hanni reassured. As soon as the door opens, Hanni immediately rushes to the front door to greet her beloved wife. "Honey, how was work?" Hanni said smiling widely, waiting for a kiss.

Haerin leaned down towards her five watermelon tall wife, kissing her gently. "It was busy but not too bad." Haerin finally respond. She held onto her wife, swaying their bodies side by side slowly. At the same time, grins and smirks from the elderly couple are striking their way. "It's cute seeing you guys being lovey-dovey as soon as you see each other." Mr. Pham teased, followed by his wife's sly giggles.

Neither Hanni nor Haerin mind the tease, they find it entertaining. Haerin went upstairs to take a shower before coming down for dinner. It's not everyday that they get to have a family dinner like this, so everybody cherishes it.

"Isn't it lonely and scary to work late?" Mrs. Pham asked as she picked up some food with her chopsticks and put it directly into Haerin's bowl. "Thank you." Haerin did a little head bow in respect and gratitude. "I think it's pretty normal, once you get busy with the work, you don't think of how lonely or scary it is." She answered.

Truth is, Haerin did work overtime, but not alone. Danielle stayed behind with her, they worked but also showed intimacy. She wondered while eating her rice, what would happen if Hanni and her parents find out? What will the consequences be like?

Haerin looked up at the family, their smiles and laughters. It's warm. She clenched firmly on the chopsticks.

What would be the wisest decision to make?

Upon finishing the dinner, the couple drove their parents back to their hotel to spend the night. Haerin suggested that they stay at their house for more convenience but the elderly couple refused and said they would much prefer staying at one of the best hotels in South Korea.

As the two cuddle in their bed, Hanni thought back to her mother's words. If Haerin actually cheat on her, she wouldn't even know. The girl has been going out a lot and also glued to her phone even more than before. Hanni completely trust her wife but a tiny part in her heart is still in doubt. Especially after recalling back to how their marriage was on the verge of falling apart a few months back.

"Baby?" She mumbled under the noises coming from the TV. "Hm?" Haerin replied as she rubs her wife's back comfortably. "If one day.. you find someone better than me, would you..... cheat?" She asked so slowly that you might believe it's a malfunctioning SIRI.

Silence filled the atmosphere between them. It took Haerin some time to reply, resulting in Hanni feeling even more doubtful.

"I wouldn't cheat." She finally responded. Her eyes are glued straight to the TV even when Hanni dart her eyes up into those lovely similar cat eyes. "You promise?" She whispered. "I promise." Haerin assured before connecting their lips together.

Haerin certainly didn't help with her uneasiness but she chose to brush off the question for tonight.


"Dr. Kang, you know if you frown like that you'll get wrinkles," Nurse Shuhua teased as she shows off her glistening hydrated pale skin. "This the power of the 20s!" She added. Hanni looked up and giggles; nurse Shuhua is a natural, she can easily make you laugh at the toughest moment.

"Thank you for the warning nurse Shuhua, I've been taking care of my skin. I am pushing thirty after all." Hanni sighs as the realisation of her getting old hits. Shuhua smiled, "Truth is, you look amazing Dr. Kang. If I didn't know you, I'll believe that you're fresh out of college!" Hanni smiled at the compliment. "What's on your mind? It's good to have someone listen." Shuhua added.

Hanni took a deep breath, "My parents are visiting for a few weeks. Last night, while making dinner with my mom, she mentioned how I have to be cautious of my wife seeing other women behind my back." Shuhua gasped loudly in disbelief. "At first I didn't think much of it but once I communicated with her on this topic, her manners did not help my doubt to go away." Hanni explained.

"If she cheats on you I'll cut her tip off."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves nurse Shuhua."

A moment of silence filled the room as both of them need to think of ways to help with Hanni's doubt in her marriage. "Why don't you have lunch with her? Just go in and surprise, see how she'll react and take a look around to see if there's anybody at the company that could get in the way of your marriage." Shuhua suggested. "Oh you are genius!" Hanni exclaimed.

"Thanks, it's the power of the 20s!" Shuhua once again, mentioned her catchphrase. Hanni smiled. The two of them get back to work, taking care of patients. "Dr. Kim, I'm changing my lunch time to A lunch just for today, so we won't have lunch together today, I'm sorry!" She pleaded. "Yeah, It's no big deal. We'll have lunch some other time." Minji smiled.

Hanni stopped at her favourite sandwich place to get some food. She did packed Haerin lunch but she figured she'll get sandwiches for a nice change of pace.

Hanni stopped at the front desk, "Uhm, I'm here to visit my wife." She stated. The receptionist smiled, her name tag states 'Receptionist' in big bold fonts and 'Sana Minatozaki' under along with her photo. "It's been such a long time since I've seen you Dr. Kang! Just take this guest pass and enter the elevator. Mrs. Kang should be in her office. Mrs. Kang shouldn't have had lunch just yet." Hanni smiled and thanked her as she grab the pass and head towards those huge elevators.

Hanni bumped into another worker as she enter the elevator and the other one exiting the elevator. "I'm so sorry." The girl did a little bow before leaving. She's cute Hanni thought.

The girl has wavy brown hair, she got really perfectly pearl white teeth, her eyelashes are also long. Most memorable of all, the girl has a carrot keychain.

Hanni knocked on the office door, anticipating her wife to open it. She feels excitement to how Haerin would react. As soon as Haerin opened the door and sees her wife standing in front of her, her eyes slightly widened in surprise. Hanni hugged her wife tightly, Haerin closed the door behind them, giving ultimate privacy.

"Honey, I missed you." Hanni said, snuggling into Haerin's chest. "You didn't tell me you were coming.", "I wanted to surprise you! I got sandwiches, let's have lunch before I need to get back to work."

Haerin, still in disbelief but she obliged. Hanni smiled, admiring her wife as she unwrap the sandwiches. "I love you." Hanni said. "I love you, too." Haerin replied, subtly smiling to hide her nervousness. It would be disrespectful and suspicious if she suddenly open her phone to text Danielle to cancel their lunch date.

The times are really close to each other, there's a chance that some drama would occur.

"Haerin? Are you listening?", "Oh yeah, sorry, continue." Haerin put her thoughts aside and listened to Hanni talk about her work day so far and just random stuff; about how much she wants to see baby cows, meet baby giraffes, or pet a bull.

The sound of Haerin's heartbeat crescendo as the clock tick by.

Hanni glanced at the watch on her wrist, "I should get going." She said. Haerin almost let out a long sigh of relief but she contained herself. "Do you want me to drive you back?" Was all she could say. Hanni shook her head, "No, it's fine."

Before Hanni leaves the office, they kissed passionately (one sided) with her back pressed against the door. They smiled at each other before leaving.

Upon exiting the elevator, she bumped into the same girl with the carrot keychain. She looks smiley and happy. The crescent shape of her eyes when she smile happily is adorable, Hanni thought.

They nodded slightly at each other before parting ways.

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