Chapter 18. "Perfect" Marriage

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I looked over towards the kitchen, where Hanni is preparing our dinner. I decided to surprise her a little. I hugged her warmly from behind, holding onto her waist. She relaxed and leaned her head back. "Kiss?" She asked. I chuckled before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

We stayed in that position with me holding onto her waist as she finish up making dinner. I helped setting the table up and plating the food. "Thank you for the food." We said in unison before digging in. "Babe, will you be fine alone? Do you want me to meal prep so you'll just have to heat it up?" Hanni offered. "No, it's fine. I can handle things on my own." I replied.

Hanni and some of her co-workers have to leave town for a few days and help with the other branch of ADOR hospital due to the shortage of workers there. Hanni worries about me not being able to handle things alone but I'm more worried about her. She tends to become more emotional when staying somewhere that she's not familiar with. Who would deal with the emotional and adorable seal?

I held her hand and squeezed it tightly. "Just focus on what you have to do, I can handle things by myself. Will you be fine without me?" Her lips curved into a soft smile. "If anything happens, you'll come, right?" I paused for a few seconds before answering. "Yeah."

I've promised that I'll always come rushing to her whenever she needs me.. but I don't know if I can keep that anymore.

We continue to eat our dinner, occasionally throwing some conversation in there.

"Babe?" I heard. I closed the laptop in front of me and walked over to the edge of the bed where Hanni is sitting. "Yes?" I answered. Instead of saying anything more, Hanni opened her arms and pout. I knew what this is about. I let out a happy sigh as I hugged her warmly. We relax our body and let it fall onto the soft mattress.

Hanni wiggled her body, snuggling closer to me. She rests her head in the crevice of my neck. I could feel the warmth from her breath. "I really don't want to leave you." She finally said something. "It'll be okay, plus, we still have a full week until you have to go. The trip is only for a few days as well." I reassured.

"I know, but I hate not being close to you." Her voice gradually decrescendos. Her voice became so soft that I cannot make out what she says after that sentence besides mumbles. I move my hand across the small of her back, giving comforting rubs.

"Isn't Dr. Kim also going? I'm sure she would take care of you really well."

Dr. Kim Minji, the person who has always looked at Hanni in such a loving and adoring manner. I used to be bother by it but now, I'm glad. At least, she could take care of Hanni better than I can.

"It's not the same! Minji is just a friend, you're the person I love, Haerin." Hanni exclaimed. "I know, I didn't mean it that way," I kissed her forehead, "What I'm trying to say is, I entrust Dr. Kim to keep you safe from harm and possibly keep you accompanied from boredom."

She looked into my eyes and pout. I leaned in to kiss her. "I love you." I said, softly. "I love you, too." She answered, making our noses touch. She smiled, so brightly that I also can't help but smile.

I looked over my shoulder, seeing Hanni happily hugging onto my arm as we take a stroll. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. "Love your outfit, miss Pham." I joked. She giggled, "Likewise." We're wearing matching clothing; soft tan coloured bottoms with a blue and white striped thin sweater. A sweater that won't get us to overheat but also good in terms of style.

Hand in hand, we walked around the streets and the park. The sunlight shining not too brightly but enough to give warmth to all living things. The sound of the birds chirping through the sky and the rustle of the wind is perfect.

"Look!" Hanni whispered, loudly, getting my attention. She point towards the empty bench. I looked closely and noticed two squirrels next to it, with an acorn in one of the squirrel's hands. It's almost as if the squirrel is gifting its acorn to the other one; a form of love?

"They reminds me of us. Remember how you used to gift me those carton of strawberry milk at lunch?" We laughed. Good times, I guess, I was the first one interested. "I used to buy you all sort of different things to make you like me back!" I said, recalling old memories. "But I ended up falling for you that one time when you showed up on my doorstep, hair all messy and clothes all dirty just because you were looking for my favourite keychain that I lost." Hanni explained.

I softly smiled, I could sense my ears starting to heat up. "That keychain took me hours to find! How did you even lose it like that!?" I teased. We continue to walk around, looking at the beautiful scenery and telling each other stories, mainly from our memories when we were kids.

"You know, at first, I thought you were annoyingly cute." Hanni gave me one of her gummy smiles. "I was actually scared of loving you back, since you're two years younger and all. But especially since I felt that if I love you too hard, I'll end up getting hurt."

I just stay quiet and listen. "I was scared of ever loving anybody, but you always showed me love and care. Anddddd, you didn't break my heart." She hugged me after finishing her words. I could sense the genuine and nostalgic feeling through her voice.

We walked through the park and stopped at an ice cream truck. I sat on one of the benches available while Hanni went ahead to order us ice cream.

"Your wife?" I turned my head over, now looking at the elder woman standing with the support of her cane. "Yes, ma'am." I responded. "She's adorable. I don't mean to pry but I saw the way she was looking at you while I was doing my aerobic dance." She smiled, softly. "That girl really loves you, doesn't she?" Before I could reply, a voice of a young man yelled, "BREAK TIME IS OVER!"

Just like that, the woman walked away, without saying anything more. Love, huh? I direct my gaze back to Hanni. Who now have just received two cones of ice cream.

She loves me.. unconditionally. But what about my feelings?

"Here's your ice cream, honey." Hanni said, giving me my cone of matcha ice cream. I gladly took it. She sat down next to me, already licking her ice cream. I start to lick my ice cream, as well. The cold and sweet taste is so refreshing. "Can I have a taste of yours?" Hanni asked. I chuckled, putting my cone in front of her mouth. After getting a taste of mine, I could've sworn her eyes turned into stars.

Hanni offered her strawberry ice cream to me and I got a taste of hers. I like it, but I'd say mine is still better.

We finished our ice cream and washed our hands at the public bathroom located at the back of the park.

"Done?" I asked. "Mhm!" Hanni exclaimed. I held her hand as we walk to our next destination. It's been so long since I was able to see her smiling so much and this bright.

The gummy smile.. It reminds me of Danielle. The way both of their smile are similar, their perfectly aligned white teeth flashing as their lips part.

Who do I actually love? I thought it was Danielle. No, it can't be. I'm not regaining feelings for Hanni, am I?

No no, the person I love is Danielle. I'm certain of it. I placed my hand on my chest, where my heart is located. The thought of Hanni doesn't fluster me, but Danielle does.

Fuck, this is a mess. Hanni and Dani, I'm sorry. I will clear things up, please just give me more time. I just.. can't. Not right now.

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