Chapter 16. Love? or Love.

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Me and Hanni's dad are taking our fishing gear out from the car's trunk, while Hanni and her mom are setting up the picnic. "Baby wait!" I turned my head to look at Hanni with a confused expression. I leaned down the moment I saw her holding onto a bucket hat. Hanni stood up onto her tippy toes to put the hat onto my head. She also pulled my face to connect our lips.

"You guys are so adorable! I'll be expecting a grandchild soon." I heard her mom giggled after the statement. We chose to ignore it.

We set the picnic on the ground, under a tree to shade us from the sunlight. Me and Mr. Pham sets up our fishing equipment and wait till a fish would eat the bait. I'm already sweating from this! I'm not meant to be an outdoor cat.

Hanni's parents are leaving tonight so we figured we'll spend some time together and make some memories before they leave. Since Hanni mentioned it's been awhile since we all go picnic together, that's what we decided to do. The four of us always go on picnics when we were in highschool. I've spent a lot of my time with their family considering my parents are gone and grandpa often goes on business trips.

"Love?" I turned my head back and smile as Hanni approaches. "Yes?" She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. At the same time, I also notice from the corner of my eyes that her parents hand in hand, walked away, maybe to the bathroom?

Hanni took a seat on my lap, still holding my hand tightly. She rests her head onto my shoulder and let out a low hum. I hugged her gently, "Is something the matter?" Hanni shook her head. She then used her other hand to caress my neck as she softly looks into my eyes and smile. "I love you, you know that, right?" I furrowed my eyebrows and look at her with a confused expression.

"Are you okay? Is something the matter?" I asked, feeling a bit uneasy at the sudden gesture. Hanni shook her head and giggles, "No! I just want to spend time with you." Hanni said, pouting. "Okay then," I let out a sigh, holding onto her waist.

There was a certain comfortable silence between us. It reminds me of how me and Danielle would cuddle up on her twin size bed in her apartment. A little secret that only we share and know of.

"What would you want our future kid's name to be?" Hanni asked, suddenly. I thought for a moment. Nothing really came to mind. I can't imagine us having a child together, when I'm not even in love with her anymore. We can't have a family of our own if it's a one sided love. I feel guilty as I stare into her lovingly sweet eyes. "I'm not sure," I pecked her lips. "Do you have any names in mind?" I asked.

It's like she had already memorised and rehearsed this in her head. "If it's a girl, I think Charlotte is pretty adorable. And if it's a boy, then maybe August! Or we can combine our names, too! Haenni sounds like the cutest kid in the world, doesn't it?" I just nodded as she ramble on.

I'm sorry, Hanni.

Suddenly, one of the fishing rod moves due to the fish caught up on the bait. I pushed Hanni out of the way to get it. After a few seconds of wrestling and pulling, I finally got it up to shore. I should really spend more time working out, this is intense!

"Woah! That's a good one!" I heard Hanni's dad's voice as he happily jogs over. "Sure is!" I replied, getting the bait out of its mouth and releasing the fish back into where it belongs. There's no need for us to keep the fish we catch. Fishing is simply for one's enjoyment and entertainment.

We stayed there for a few hours, enjoying the joy of fishing, a family picnic, and the beautiful weather. I like this, it's quite a fresh breath of fresh air especially working in an office most of the time.


I saw Hanni holding onto a sandwich she made; her specialty! I immediately opened my mouth, waiting to be fed. We do this all the time, she would feed me and I would feed her. As soon as I bite into that sandwich, I flew to the moon. It was awesome.

I wonder if Dani can also make good sandwiches. Ha, wouldn't she be the type to make an all vegetable sandwich? I wouldn't be surprised if she makes those. I want to see Dani.

We stayed and enjoy our time until around three in the afternoon. We packed things up and get loaded into the car, heading home. Me and Hanni helped her parents pack stuff back to Australia but there are still some few things that need to get into the luggage.

As we got home, the first thing I did was take a shower. The smell of fish is not very pleasant, plus I'm sweaty from the heat! The cold water feels nice as it runs down my body. I suddenly remember the touch and the bare skin of Dani as she's pressed against me. Or when we cuddled lovingly under the sheets.

My heart aches, every time Dani is with someone else. It sounds ironic since I'm already married to someone. I'm not sure what to do.

I sighed, exiting the shower. I dried my body then changed into a fresh pair of clothes then wrap the same towel around my neck. I stepped out from the bathroom and could hear laughter coming from downstairs.

I feel guilty, Hanni is so sweet and adorable. Her family have always loved me like their own. It feels warm when I'm with them, but when I'm with Danielle... it feels like a piece that's been missing from my heart has been found.

I went into our bedroom and checked my phone. There was one new message from Dani.


can you come over? i miss you :(

I didn't even hesitate to rush downstairs to grab my keys. "I have to go somewhere, I'll be back soon, is that alright?" I asked Hanni. She placed a kiss on my cheek, "That's fine, make sure you get back on time!" I nodded and head out to where my car is parked.


I cleared my throat a few times and made sure that I do not reek the smell of fish and outside anymore before knocking on her door.

As the door swing open, I could see her face shows a slight hint of shock before relaxing into a small. Those crescent eyes.

"You came." She said, softly.
"You called." I replied.

I cupped her cheeks as I profusely placing kisses all over her gorgeous, beautiful face. I moved us into the dorm and closed the door behind us. "I was so lonely." Danielle said in between giggles due to the kiss attack. I smiled softly.

I brung my hands down to hold onto hers. I squeezed it tightly. "I promise, I'll run to you no matter what, even if it's something small." Dani hugged me so gently, it makes my heart throb. My heart might as well jump out of my chest.

"Yes, love." Was all that came out of her mouth. We sway our bodies from side to side, slowly, enjoying the quiet and comfort we bring for each other.

"What would you do if I turn into a cockroach?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden question. I looked down to see Dani's sparkly puppy eyes staring at me, anticipating for an answer. Her face is filled with curiosity. "Hmm," I thought for a moment. "I'll find a way to be able to communicate with you, and I'll carry you around in my pocket." I answered.

I could hear her giggling at my answer. No matter what she turns into, I think my heart will always yearn for her.

"You're adorable, my love." I said before closing the distance between our lips.

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