Chapter 29. Moving on With Life

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"So what you're trying to say is that you've been keeping me as your mistress this whole fucking time while you had a whole wife at home!?" Danielle said firmly, with an obvious hint of anger. "..Yes," My voice shook a bit. "Don't ever show yourself in front of me again." Was the last thing Danielle said before she took her things and walked out of my house.

Before she left, I could see the tears swelling up in her eyes socket. My heart hurts so much that I feel like it might explode.

That moment just continuously plays in my head nonstop. Ever since I've told her about everything, I haven't had the energy to even leave home.

I don't know, I feel a bit empty inside. Like I'm just there with no purpose in life. I can't even cry and let myself feel relief because it's my fault. I just.. I don't even know.

My new house feels cold and unfamiliar to me. It's like starting on day one all over again, but with no companion whatsoever. My diet hasn't been very great either, I ate instant ramen for the last couple weeks and I feel like if I even smell instant ramen my head would explode.

I sighed, turning my body to the side as I hug my blanket.

I miss her, I miss her touch, I miss her kiss, I miss her voice. I miss Danielle, so freaking much.

I dragged myself out of bed as my stomach growls angrily. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and it's on life support with a whopping 18%. I feel like my life is practically falling apart as of right now.

I splashed my face with cold water then proceed to brush my teeth. Once finished, I walked downstairs straight into the kitchen in hope of finding something to fill my stomach.

I hugged myself, "Why is it so cold?" I opened the fridge and my face dropped as I realise there is absolutely nothing. I checked through the cupboards and still no luck. I grabbed my jacket from upstairs along with my wallet and head out to buy some food.

Luckily, my new house is nearby a park and convenient stores so I don't have to drive. I take a look around, it's still early in the morning so there aren't many people.

Now that I'm finally outside, it feels nice. The street is quiet and the breeze gives a refreshing feel even if it's a bit chilly. I smile subtly as fog creates when I breathe.

I walked into the convenient store and start to scan through the aisles. No more instant ramen. I've eaten so much that I feel like my whole body is made of instant ramen.

I put a few packs of banana milk into my basket, then followed with a few premade onigiris and kimbap. I was about to go checkout when I see a familiar face in front.


I quickly hid myself in one of the aisles, remembering her wish of not wanting to see me ever again.

Why is Danielle here? Her dorm isn't even close unless she's staying at someone else's place. I shook my head profusely as I start to overthink for the worse. I peaked my head over to see if she's still there and immediately jerked back realising I was close to getting caught.

Goddammit, I feel like a freaking stalker.

I waited till she left to be able to checkout my stuff. I let out an audible sigh of relief after successfully leaving the convenient store without clashing into Danielle.

I took an onigiri out from the plastic bag and eat it. On the way home I've devoured quite a few onigiris and a couple banana milks that I just bought.

My face practically lit up as I notice the familiar car in my driveway.

"What are you doing here?" I asked happily, sitting down on my couch.

"Just checking on you," Lily shrugged as I finish the last drops of my banana milk. "How are you doing?" This time, it's my turn to shrug, "I'm alright."

"What have you been eating?"


Suddenly I heard a small meow. Have I been so isolated that I'm starting to go crazy?

"Oh, Luna, are you hungry?"

Lily bend down to bring a small white kitty out of the cage that had been hiding behind the couch, away from my point of view. "Who's that little fella?" I asked curiously. "My aunt wants me to look over Luna while she's on vacation but my dog won't stop bullying her." I could her Luna's loud and comforting purrs as she snuggled into Lily's lap.

"Will you take her? It's only for a few weeks and I figured she'll help cheer you up."

I locked eyes with Luna. She's so adorable I could melt. How can I say no to such an adorable face? "Of course. Leave it up to me!" I said enthusiastically, looking at the adorable kitty.

"By the way, don't forget, your leave is over and you're coming back Monday. We need you."

"Yeah, yeah."

Lily left me with Luna and her cage. I slowly approach the feline but unfortunately, the love is one sided as she scratched my hand. "Well, you're feisty." I mumbled.

I grabbed my wallet and headed out once again in hope of getting some cat food and a litter box for Luna. I looked back before closing the door, Luna just yawn and couldn't care less about me.

She practically sits there and look pretty like a princess. In some sense, Luna reminds me of Danielle.

I've never had a cat before, so I don't know what kind of food they prefer so I got both salmon and chicken kibbles for Luna. I got one of the better litter box but also space efficient since she's a small cat.

I paid for everything and load it into my car. For the first time in a while, I actually feel excited and looking forward to something. Maybe, life wouldn't be so bad alone.

"Luna, I'm home." I carried the bags of kibbles and her litter box into the house. As expected, Luna didn't respond but she walked towards me with curious eyes. I smiled at her as I pour some kibble into a bowl to feed her.

"So you're a ragdoll, huh?" I kept my distance watching her eat. Her adorable face scrunching up trying to bite the crunchy kibbles is absolutely adorable.

Since Luna is going to stay with me for quite some time, I started to clean the house. Despite giving me the cold shoulder by not meowing at all, Luna still follows me around while I clean.

I felt my phone vibrates, grandpa Tae is calling.


"Oh Haerin! I know you don't want to but you have no choice. I already set up a blind date for you. It will be held at the Yoksai Japanese restaurant, Thursday at four. If you don't show up I'll never forgive you!"

Grandpa hung up before I could say anything in protest. Is he crazy? I just got over a divorce and a heartbreak (which he doesn't know), how am I supposed to go see someone new already?

"I don't want to go on that date, will you go for me?" I kneeled down to be closer to Luna. She purrs majestically while rubbing her face against my foot.

I guess, living without her in my life wouldn't be so horrible after all.

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