Imagine # 88

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You were helping Bailey take pictures of him, modeling his new merchandise for his store

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You were helping Bailey take pictures of him, modeling his new merchandise for his store. You kept telling him to smile for the camera, but he kept trying to pose for the camera instead because he wanted you to laugh and you were the one holding the camera. (Totally something that I could see him do, tbh) He started laughing when you were starting to lose your patience with him and you ended up getting some good shots as a result. He did end up cooperating with both you and the camera, after he finished his little laughing fit, which lasted about two minutes or so. The picture above was taken just after the little laughing fit ended and was a favorite of his, yours and his. You may have set it be his contact picture in your phone, without him knowing. 😁
Hey guys,
I hope that you are having a great New Year and are doing well!! Please keep voting, reading and commenting on this book!! I appreciate all that you guys have done for this book and thank you so much for all of the votes, reads and comments!! Let me know if you guys have any suggestions for what you want to see in future updates!! Please comment on this update: what your favorite imagine is, in this book or what your favorite part was in this update, if you want!! Thank you so much again!! - Jess 😎✌️🫶
P.S. Thank you so much for 9.98k Reads, 101 votes and 12 comments on this book. (as of the last time that I checked this story's stats, before publishing this update) This is the most number of reads that I have ever gotten on here for one of my books and I can't thank you guys enough for it!!

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