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Nanami ran down the road towards her school. She was going to be late again because of her father. He had gambled away the money she needed for lunch and she had spent all morning shouting at him about it. He remained as he always was. Completely oblivious saying that they would have fifty times that amount when he won. Nanami knew better than to believe that though. He wouldn't win, he never did. Nanami made it too her school and she ran inside and burst open the door. The teacher was already there and everyone turned to stare at her when she came in.

"Sorry I'm late." She said with a small bow to her teacher.

"Sit down Momozono." Said the male teacher with a small sigh. He was used to her being late. Nanami did as she was told and moved to her seat by the window. She smiled at the white haired girl with red eyes that sat behind her. She was Hikari, she had been Nanami's best friend for a long time. The two did everything together. She was beautiful and all the boys drooled over her but Hikari was never interested in any boy. She was always there too protect Nanami, she was a person Nanami would always go to for comfort or when she needed a shoulder to cry on.

"You alright?" She mouthed quietly to her friend. Nanami shrugged, a sign that Hikari knew to mean that there was more trouble with her father, but that was no shock. The guy had no sense of responsibility for his daughter. Isobe the annoying boy that always picked on Nanami leaned over the desk.

"So why you late poverty?" He said mockingly.

"None of your business." Said Nanami looking out of the window in a huff. Hikari glared at the back of Isobe's head. She hated it when he picked on her friend. Nanami was her one and only friend and she was very protective over her. Isobe leaned closer to Nanami. Hikari picked up one of her pencils and aimed it at his head. With as much force as she could she released the pencil. It hit him dead on the head and he fell of his chair onto the floor. The teacher stopped teaching and everyone turned around to see what the commotion was.

"Ow..." Said Isobe rubbing his head and sitting up.

"What is going on over there?" Said the teacher sounding annoyed. Hikari put her white delicate hand up to answer the teachers question.

"Isobe did a massive fart and fell off his chair Sir." She said calmly making everyone in the class laugh loudly. The teacher huffed slightly and went back to writing on the board. Still laughing slightly the class looked back at the board. Isobe stood up and picked up his chair that was sideways on the floor. He looked back at Hikari.

"You didn't have to be so mean?"

"Neither did you."

"I was just messing about."

"Like I care what you were doing. I have warned you before not to do it."

"With you around no one can have any fun. Your like her guard dog, it's ridiculous."

"What I think is ridiculous is picking on a girl simply because you can't tell her that you like her." Isobe's cheeks turned pink and he opened his mouth to say something more...

"Isobe of you disturb my class any more I'll give you a detention." Shouted the male teacher angrily.

"Sorry Sir." He said turned back around...

As soon as the bell rung Hikari jumped up and went to stand in front of Nanami's desk.

"Nanami I need to speak with you about something." Nanami looked up from putting her things away.

"Sure what is it?"

"I need to go away from a little while. I shouldn't be long but it would mean that you and I will not be together."

"Where are you going?"

"Just to visit my Grandma."

"I didn't know you had a Grandma." Hikari looked at the desk, she hated lying to her friend.

"I do and she's sick so I need to go see her. I was wondering of you'll be alright...with me not being here that is." 

"Hikari I'll be fine. You should defiantly go see your Grandma."

"You sure you'll be okay?"

"You know me I'll be fine."

"Yeah I know you will." She said with a smile...

A human yokai (Tomoe love story)Where stories live. Discover now