The end of it all

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Nanami, Tomoe and Mizuki were riding together in the night carriage. It had been a few hours since Hikari had been taken from them. They wanted to go after her but they had to wait until night because the night carriage only runs at night. The rest of the day had been spent trying to track her down from the shrine, but that didn't work. Instead they were following a white talisman that Nanami had written Hikari's name on. It was taking them far from the shrine and the moon was full and the stars were hidden by clouds. Nanami leaned put of the open doors at the back of the carriage. She looked below her but all she saw was a large ocean.

"Nanami you will fall if you do that then it will be up to me to save you." Said Tomoe. He had been in a foul mood ever since Hikari had been taken away from them. Nanami and the others could understand why. Hikari had said goodbye to them like she really was simply going to give up and let them kill her. Nanami was worried, she knew that Hikari wasn't all that happen with the way she was. She was struggling to control her powers but she had gone away and done training to re gain control over them. She really seemed to be turing a corner, but the way she said goodbye to them, like it was the last time they would see her. Tomoe moved to the cabinet and grabbed more sake. He seemed to be drinking his worry away, trying to numb the pain he was feeling. Nanami leaned put further to see the water below. Her hand slipped and she screamed and before she knew what was happening she was falling hard.

"Tomoe!" She screamed out. Tomoe turned to see her disappear he threw down the sake and it flew over the floor. He tried to run to the exist but the night carriage rocked and his drunken self fell over. Nanami closed her eyes as she fell. Was Tomoe coming? Where was he? Was she really going to die? She felt herself fall into the arms of someone. They held her in a bridal saddle and instead of falling she was going up. Nanami felt the cold body temperature of the person holding her.

"Nanami, do you have to be so reckless?" Nanami opened her eyes.

"Hikari!" She said throwing her arms around her friends neck. "We thought you were gone."

"No still here. Were you guys looking for me?"

"Yeah we were. Sorry we were late the night carriage only flies at night." Hikari chuckled.

"I could have guessed that from it's name." The platform of ice beneath Hikari's feet melted away and the two safely stepped back onto the night carriage. Hikari put Nanami down and looked around. Tomoe was staring at her, his cheeks were flushed by he looked happy. Mizuki was up standing on his feet looking panicked. He must have thought Nanami was dead.

"Tomoe what were you playing at? I could have died!" She shouted angrily at him. He didn't seem to notice Nanami and practically ran to Hikari and pulled her into his arms. His grip was tight, like he was scared that if she let go she would vanish from his sight again.

"Tomoe?.." Hikari said noticing how tight he was holding her. "Are you drunk?"

"Hikari, I thought you were dead."

"As if I would let some low level yokai finish me off. Anyway I'm very disappointed in you. If I hadn't have shown up who knows what might have happened to Nanami. A familiar should not be drunk when he is accompanying his God. It is your job to protect her and your now help to Nanami if your drunk." She said to him but instead of listening he pressed his lips against hers. It was a kiss of desperation, lust and a great need to have her by his side. A kiss that made Hikari realise how lonely he had been in the two months they had been apart. Hikari felt her heart melt and she wrapped her arms around him, enjoying his warm. No longer afraid of getting to close to him. Then she remembered where they were and that everyone was watching and Nanami, who also loved Tomoe. Hikari pulled back and Tomoe looked at her as if he didn't understand what he did wrong. Hikari smiled at him and planted a small kiss on his right cheek before pulling away.

"Those people are bond to come after you again Hikari." Said Mizuki.

"I know. I'm not all that sure what to do about it." She said thoughtfully as Tomoe came up from behind her and hugged her. He was a head taller than her so he rested his head on hers, closing his eyes, enjoying her closeness.

"I have come up with a plan to spare your life." Said Mizuki catching everyone's interest.

"What is it?" Asked Nanami moving a little closer to him.

"Remember what that man said that came to arrest Hikari?" Nanami's face looked black and Hikari was looking at the floor, thinking hard.

"The day you stop being a familiar is the day you are executed." She said remembering it perfectly.

"Exactly. If you became a familiar then they can't kill you because you are serving a God." Hikari remembered that Mikage said a very similar thing.

"Easier said than done. The real task is finding a God that would want a dangerous yokai as their familiar."

"Me." Said Nanami suddenly. "Became my familiar." Hikari's eyes widened. Of course Nanami, she was a God now and she would accept her because they were best friends. Why hadn't she seen it before?

"Nanami..." Hikair began.

"It's perfect. Think about it, you already live in the shrine, you already protect me with your life and you help Tomoe with the cleaning. Your already doing everything a familiar needs to do all that we have to do is to seal the contract."

"Are you sure Nanami? I mean that would mean you have three familiars. Are Gids allowed to have that many?" Hikari asked looking at Mizuki who she knew would have the answer.

"No one has said that she can't. I would be happy with it and Tomoe would be too."

" how do we seal the contract?" Said Hikari. Nanami's cheeks became bright red. "What? What is it?"

" seal the contract...we have to on the lips."

"Oh." Was all Hikari manages to say. "And your sure there is no other way?"

"No other way." Hikari sighed.

"Alright then." She said wriggling out of Tomoe's arms and walking towards Nanami. The two gingerly leaned in towards each other and peaked each other on the lips before pulling away very quickly. Bright gold hoops appeared around Hikari's wrists and she became to feel a little different. She felt cleaner, lighter. Was this what it felt like to be a familiar?

"That's it." Said Mizuki. "Your a familiar now." Hikari smiled and Tomoe planted a kiss on her cheek and rested and hand on her shoulder.

"Okay, then let's go home..."

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