Maybe falling?

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Tomoe's eyes fluttered open to the sight of the rising sun. His head was rested on something comfy but it felt strangely like a like. As he sat up as felt a pain shoot through his head. He had drunk a lot last night and it wasn't doing him any favours now. Tomoe look at the thing he was rested on. He saw Hikari lent against the pillar on the porch fast asleep. Tomoe couldn't help but smile, she looked cute when she was asleep. He noticed something on her neck and reached out to pull it down to find the growing infection that now almost reached her jawline. This would be visible when she put on her school uniform. It was still early and he did not want to wake her. He picked her up in a bridle saddle instead. Hikari moaned slightly in her sleep and buried her head into her neck, seeking warmth in the absence of a blanket or Tomoe who had been keeping her warm too. She hadn't meant to fall asleep but there was something about Tomoe that Hikari felt comforting and she couldn't help but fall asleep beside him. Tomoe rested his head on the top on hers and looked at her beautiful long way as it dangled down, reached a good way to the floor. He gently carried her into the shrine and found Mizuki stood in the hallway. He froze when he saw the other familiar.

"Doesn't she look cute when she is asleep." He said affectionately looking at Hikari. He began to move forward by Tomoe turned away from him.

"Stay away from her snake."

"Why do you get to hold her like that and I don't?"

"Because you will most likely try to marry her." Misuki smiled.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. Perhaps Hikari wants someone by her side."

"I believe she has made it quite clear that she wishes to be single."

"Nobody really wishes to be alone forever."

"Hikari seems to be different."

"Yes that must sting you must it not? Since you have been to one to develop feelings for her."

"I have not." Tomoe declared.

"Then why sleep in her lap? Why carry to bed when she is fast asleep? If it was Nanami I could understand because she is you lady in mistress. It is your duty to look after her but Hikari is merely a human friend of your Mistress."

"Hikari is not human. She is a yokai in a human body." Mizuki did a little huff that sounded like a laugh.

"Human or not she is a very desirable woman. If you are mot careful you may just miss your chance. She might be snatched up by another." Then he turned and left Tomoe to ponder on what he said?

"Stupid snake." He said as he entered Hikari's room. Very gently he placed her down on her bed and placed the covered over her. She snuggled into the pillow and then did not move. Tomoe look down at her and gently moved the hair out of the face. Was the snake right? Did he have feelings for her? He knew he did feel strongly towards her but was that love or was it purely respect? Tomoe left the room silently thinking on these questions...

Hilari ran around her room. She was dressed and in her school uniform but she still hadn't done her hair. She had woke up really late and was panicking that she would make everyone late for school. Today was Friday, that last day if the week and tomorrow was meant to be the day that they go to the beach party. She wasn't really looking forward to it but Nanami wanted to go so she didn't see that she had much choice. She rushed around her room, checking her bags over and over again for something she could put around her neck to cover the infection. She found nothing. She sighed but then heard a knock at the door.

"Hikari are you up yet?" It was Tomoe. He thoughts immediately went back to last night and a small blush crept onto her face. She scowled herself, why was she blushing? She never blushed, she had too keep her cool.

"I am." She said opening the door. Tomoe stopd at her door with a purple scarf in his hands. He pushed her back into the room and closed the door after himself. "What are you doing?" She said suddenly getting nervous.

"If Nanami wakes up and sees that infection she will have questions, will she not?"

"Yes of course she would." Said Hikari mentally scowling herself again. He was simply helping her not trying to do anything weird.

"I brought you this to cover the infection. I noticed that it had grown quite a bit."

"Oh...thank you. That very kind." She said taking the scarf from him. Her cold hands brushed Tomoe's gently but she pretended she did not notice it. Tomoe on the other hand felt a great urge to grab her hands and hold them in his. Hikari was about to place the scarf on herself when she stopped.

"Hair first." She said to herself as if Tomoe wasn't there. She grabbed several hair bobbles and a hair brush and beg and brush her hair from the bottom up in front of the mirror. Tomoe placed his hands on hers making her freeze.

"May I do your hair for you today?"

"Um...if you really wish." She said handing him the hairbrush and bobbles. She had a faint blush on her cheeks which she trued to hide but not all that well. Tomoe still saw it and it made him feel a little happier than he had been before. He plaited her hair ever so gently, sending goose bumps up and down Hikari's spin. She watched him in the mirror, he looked happy and relaxed.

"There that should do it." He said finishing her hair.

"Thank you Tomoe...for everything." She said placing on the scarf he gave her.

"No need to thank me. It should be me thanking you. I was in a state last night and you looked after me. I thank you for that. Now if you will excuse me I have to get Nanami up." Hikari smiled at him and he turned to leave. The scarf Tomoe gave her was warm and it smelt like him. Hikari smiled, it was Tomoe's scarf and it made her happy to be wearing it...

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