400 years into the past...

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Nanami landed on the padded floor of a green forest. She sighed, her body was killing her, she was finding it hard to move.

"Lady Nanami do you wish to return now?" Mizuki asked.

"No I don't. Where are we?"

"400 years back from our era. I don't know if this is when Hikari met her God but it's as close as I can get for today. We should find out what stage this is in Hikari's life then return home."

"Not without finding that God." Said Nanami.

"Lady Nanami please think of your health. Your body is already at it's limit, you couldn't possibly do another trip. In a few days when your body has recovered we can return to the past."

"We don't have a few days. Hikari is struggling with her powers now. She has done so much for me and I have done nothing for her. This is the only way a human like me can help. I have to find that God, I have to help her."

"I understand Lady Nanami but I am sure that Hikari will appreciate all that you have done for her today. Your health however is more important to her than finding the God that gave her her human form is."

"Human form?" Questioned a male voice from the shadows. Mizuki came closer to Nanami, ready to protect her if necessary. The male figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Ryuu?" Said Nanami recognising the yokai in front of her.

"The one and only. I haven't seen you in what...400 years? So tell me you'r are time travelling, aren't you?" Nanami looked at Mizuki not knowing what to say.

"You know that we can't tell you that." Said Mizuki and Ryuu smiled.

"I guess I do. So I understand that your looking for Hikari again right?"

"Yes, do you know where she is?" Asked Nanami.

"She is currently in town but she should be back soon."

"Back here?"

"That's correct. She and I share a small cottage past these trees. Come in and have some sake and wait for her there." He said motioning for them to follow him. They did stepping over logs and over things until they came to an opening in the woods. In the middle of the opening there was a beautiful wooden cottage with green ivy growing up the side of the wall. There was a wooden porch over the front door. Ryuu opened the door and walked in with Nanami and Mizuki following behind him. The room was dark but with a click of Ryuu fingers the fire in the corner came alight and burned bright, lighting up the whole room. Nanami's eyes widened, he has such control over his power, he did that like it was nothing just a passing thought. There was a small table in the middle of the room and blue cushions surrounding it. It was warm and homely. Ryuu took a jar from a wooden shelf that leant against the wall and took a seat placing it on the table. "Please take a seat." He said setting out three cups. Nanami sat down opposite him and Mizuki sat down next to her.

"So you and Hikari are together now?" Asked Nanami and Ryuu smiled.

"We are despite all the odds. Most would disapprove of our choice to be together, fire and ice are not compatible. Not that it matters to us, it's not like we are really going to let low life yokai judge us for our decisions."

"How is Hikari?" Nanami asked.

"She is okay. It took my a while to get close to her, she likes to keep herself distant from others. Many see her as a dangerous monster but now I understand that that was never the case."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Mizuki knowing that Hikari was a dangerous monster in the past.

"She only kills yokai, she has never laid a hand on human nor God. She only kills yokai because she thinks that her own kind are disgusting. She hates the way many will prey on humans who are much to weak to fight against them. I suppose you can say she is fighting on the side of humans."

"But at this point in time Hikari has never even come into contact with a human, therefore you cannot possibly know that she would not have killed them." Said Mizuki.

"At this point in time you say...then you are from the future. In truth you are right I do not know that she would let the said human live. It is hard to say. Hikari can lose her temper quickly and be very unpredictable. She often has black outs. It seems to happen when she gets very angry, her mind goes blank and she forgets who she is. Since I have met her though she seems to have changed, she doesn't kill needlessly when she is conscious any more. She did used too but no longer, the years of killing without thought has taken it's toll. I understand that you cannot tell me much of what is too come but you said at this point in time...and early you talked about Hikari gaining a human form...and then you, a human God appears, looking for Hikari in a time period that is not your own. You must really care about her, are you good friends?"

"Hikari is my best friend." Said Nanami.

"I see then I also understand that I am not around in you time period either." Nanami looked at the floor not knowing what to say. Ryuu smiled warmly at her even though her just found out that he was going to die. "If I am fated to die then so be it. There is nothing I can do about that but even so I a, glad that Hikari continues to live and has found a found that she can rely on. I thank you for that Nanami." There was then a loud knock on the door.

"Is that Hikari?" Asked Nanami.

"No, Hikari would not have knocked. By the scent it smells like Lira and old friend."

"Wait, scent?" Questioned Nanami.

"I'm the reincarnation of a dragon and because of this I have a very good sense of smell. That was how I knew that you and Mizuki were close by, I recognised your scent even after all these years." He said and he got up to answer the door. Mizuki frowned as the pieces began to fit together in his mind. He remembered the story that Hikari had told them. An old friend of Ryuu comes to visit when she was out and when she got back...

"Lady Nanami we must leave."

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