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Hikari walked into the bar by herself and everything went silent. All the yokai that were sat drinking turned to look at her. Many glared, others got up and left quickly. Others stayed were they were, frozen in fear.

"You've got nerve stepping in her fox." Growled an ugly looking yokai. Hikari looked at him with cold eyes. The reason she killed these creatures was becoming clearer and clearer to her. She remembered the thought process of them being nothing but vile insects. Her fingers tingled, she was tempted to teach them that she was still much more powerful than they were. She took a deep breath and clenched her fist, controlling herself as best she could.

"I could say that you have nerve to even speak to me." She said glaring at the one that spoke. The yokai, knowing his place backed away from her. "Do not forget who I am. You'd past to the other life without even knowing what hit you. I am not here to fight." She said loudly addressing everyone. "I will not needlessly kill any of you, however if you get the idea that I am weak because of this I will tell you that your greatly wrong. If you attack me and mean to kill I will kill you first. In other words it would be wise to stay away from me." There was silence after she had spoken. Hikari spotted the person she was looking for sat at the back of the room on a chair by herself. Hikari moved and the crowd parted so she could get past. The woman she was looking for was small but her bright red hair made her stand out. Sticking out if her head there were two ear like red feathers and five mire red feathers out the forearm of each arm. She wore simply black jeans and a black tank top, making her feathers and hair stand out all the more. Hikari stopped right in front of her and the girl looked up at her with grey eyes.

"It has been a very long time Hikari. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I come to call on a unpaid favour you still owe me Homurako." She said. Everyone in the bar seemed to lose interested and the bar became full of noises of talking and movement again, but even so the air was still cold in the bar. Like the warmth that had been there before was gone at the arrival of the arctic fox.

"Take a seat." Said Homurako nodding to the empty one next to her. Hikari wearily sat down and studied her surrounding. It didn't look like anyone would attack her but she had to keep her guard up. "I understand that this favour I owe you is for you sparing my life all those years ago, even so I am well aware that you did not spare me out of the goodness of your heart."

"That is true I did not. I did that for this very reason. If in the future I was in a state if need I could call on you and you would have no choice but to oblige. That day you were not my enemy but you were not my ally either, that was why I spared your life. It might be hard to believe but I wasn't all monster back then."

"What exactly does this favour of your involve?"

"You are the reincarnation of a Phoenix and just like Ryuu you have the ability to create and manipulate fire at will. I need you to train me to be immune to fire."

"That's rather a strange request. All these years after Ryuu's death you decide to become immune to fire. Seems strange unless of course you have stupidly fallen for another you controls fire."

"That is true, I have."

"You must know that that's a idiotic move?"

"I do...my head does at least but my hearts seems to only want what it cannot really have."

"Are you feelings returned?"

"They are. I was not planning to act on these emotions but he wants to try. He asked me to and so I am. The black puts have stopped, I will not kill him without knowing and I would not do such a thing knowingly. That part we are safe on but for us to be together I must be immune to fire. I know that it is possible for this to happen. A yokai has the power to become immune to any element they wish."

"That is true but it is always a very hard and painful process. For you an ice yokai to become immune to fire, your opposing element...well it will be much harder than normal that's for sure."

"But it can be done and this is why I need your help. Since I regained my yokai form I have lost control over it and it is putting my human friend at risk."

"Human form?"

"After the death of Ryuu, a God found me and he sealed my yokai form and I became as human as I could be. I could remain that way as long as I didn't use my black magic but a few weeks ago I did exactly that and now I am as I once was. I need to become as power as I was back then to protect the people I care about."

"So you've been hiding in the human world all this time huh? Smart, no one would think to look for you there. Listen it's not that you've gotten weaker since that time in fact from the looks of things I would say that you've gotten stronger. The different between then and now is that back then you used your powers all the time. For everything, no restraint but now you think before using them. You understand that they are dangerous and you don't wish to kill all the time. That's the difference."

"I see. Homurako, will you help me or will you not?"

"If you are asking then as you said before, I'm obliged to help as I am indebted to you."

"Good, we should start as soon as possibly. I have people waiting for me and I do not wish to keep them that way for long..."

A human yokai (Tomoe love story)Where stories live. Discover now