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In the morning Hikari woke up very early. She went outside and sat in the shrine garden so that she would not bother the others that may be still sleeping. She had done her hair and was already in her school uniform ready to go when Nanami woke up. The stars were fading and there was a warm glow on the horizon were the the sun began to appear. There was a clean and crisp feeling to the air. The flowers were all very beautiful and gardened to perfection. Hikari whipped around and saw Mizuki stood just behind her with a smile on his face, in his hands he carried a bottle of home made sake and a few saucers.

"Good morning Miss Hikari." He said warmly.

"Morning Mizuki. You can lay off the Miss, just call me Hikari."

"May I sit with you?"

"Of course feel free." He sat down and placed the bottle on sake on the ground next to him. He poured some in one of the cups for himself and more in another for Hikari. He passed it too her. "Um...I probably shouldn't but don't tell anyone." She said taking the saucer from him.

"It will be our little secret." He said taking a sip from his own saucer. Hikari did the same.

"Wow this is great. You made this."

"I did indeed, I'm glad you like it. Yonomori was the Goddess I served before Nanami. She was a water Goddess and very fond of sacred sake so naturally I perfected the skill to make sure it was too my mistress' liking. Since as Nanami herself cannot drink though this skill seems a little wasted."

"What happened to Yonomori?"

"People stopped coming to the shrine. If a God is not worshipped they will disappear, that is what happened to my former mistress. Still I stayed at the empty shrine in hopes that one day she would come back but she never did. Every God has a manifestation, for Lady Yonomori is was the plum tree. I used to sit and watched that plum tree by myself, I kept the thing she loved so much safe."

"How is it that you came to try and marry Nanami?" Said Hikari with a little anger in her voice. Mizuki smiled at her.

"Oh my, is that what Tomoe told you? That makes me look bad it was not what you think. Being all alone in that shrine I got bored so I would often take adventures to the outside world in my snake form. I ended up in Nanami's school, the children there were bullying me and Nanami saved me. She placed me outside and taken in by her kindness and beauty I decided I wanted to marry here. I marked her and I left deciding to come back for her later. I took her down to the shrine but she was not happy and eventually Tomoe came for here. He destroyed my home but the plum tree survived, Nanami said that she would come back and look at them with me sometime. Eventually though I decided to become her familiar alongside Tomoe. I did it out if respect for Nanami."

"I see, perhaps I will not kill you for simply being lonely. I understand that feeling. It would seem that Nanami saved you and I from that fate." Mizuki smiled.

"I guess she did. Nanami is kind hearted."

"She is but sometimes that kind heart gets her into trouble."

"More sake?" He said holding the bottle up to her. She held her saucer out in response and he filled it up. "You know you have the most beautiful eyes for a human and your hair is white."

"I'm nit sure if you are complimenting me or not." Said Hikari not wanting to answer his question. Mizuki laughed.

"I did mean it as a compliment but it is unusual."

"Yes I understand that but this world is full of strange things. If we focused on them all we might lose our minds."

"You are very wise."

"Thank you...Mizuki do you still have feelings for Nanami?"

"I do but I understand that those feelings are not return. I will not do anything she wishes me not too, you do not have to worry."

"Good, I will trust you to keep to your word. Nanami is important to me as well as you. I will do everything in my power to protect her."

"In a way you are almost like a human familiar." Hikari smiled.

"I like that." She said...

A human yokai (Tomoe love story)Where stories live. Discover now