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In the evening Tomoe gave Hikari a bucket and told her to start cleaning the kitchen. She did as she was asked without question and was scrubbing the floor when Nanami came in.

"Hikari what are you doing?"

"Tomoe asked me to clean the floor." She looked angry as Hikari said this.

"He did what?"

"Oh no don't worry. I asked him if there was anything I could do. I would feel bad if I did nothing whilst staying here." Nanami came and knelt down in front of her. She shoved her hand into the bucket of warm water and pulled out a sponge. "What are you doing?" Hikari asked as her friend started to scrub the floor.

"I'm not going to let you do this by yourself am I?"

"Nanami you don't have to do that."

"I want to. Your not my familiar and you cleaning my shrine while I do nothing seems unfair. Besides it's nice to clean with friends right?" She said with one of her goofy smiles that Hikari loved so much. Hikari smiled back.

"I guess so." The two scrubbed the floors together. Nanami went to the sink and got more fairy liquid to but in the bucket. She poured it in. "Nanami I think that's more than enough."

"You sure? It doesn't look that foamy."

"That's because your meant to swirl it around a bit like this." She said showing her friend what to do. As she swirled it around loads of bubbles formed very quickly, they poured out of the bucket and some floated into the air slightly. Nanami scooped some of the bubbles up in her hand and played with them. She looked at her white skinned friend and a smiled formed on her face. She reached forward and stuck the bubbles to her face. Hikari looked shocked but them she smiled. "Not a smart move on you part." She said picking up the bubbles and smearing them on Nanami making her laugh hysterically. The two ran around the wet floor kitchen throwing bubbles at each other for a while. Some there were bubbles floating all over the kitchen. Tomoe was in the sitting room cleaning up when he heard the sound of happy laughter coming from the kitchen area. He stopped what he was doing and ran to the kitchen and threw open the sliding door. Nanamk and Hikari both immediately stopped having their fun when he came in. The two girls had bubbles in their hair and large handfuls of bubbles in each of their hands. Their cheeks were flushed from running around and laughing so much. it was the first time that Tomoe had seen colour on Hikari's face. He thought that she looked beautiful, a thought that surprised him. He would never usually think of another in that way but Hikari was different. He had been thinking all afternoon about what and Kurama had said. He would not allow himself to fall for a human but if Hikari wasn't human, it would be a whole different story...

"What are you to doing?" He shouted at them.

"Just having some fun." Said Nanami stepped forwards but as she did she tripped over the bucket of water. The water sprayed upwards and soaked Hikari from head to foot. Nanami then continued to stumble over the bucket until she ended up lying on the wet floor face down.

"Nanami!" Gasped Hikari moving to help her friend, not caring that she was now soaked but in her rush to help Nanami she was not careful and slipped on the soaking wet floor and fell straight on top of her friend.

"Ow." Said Nanami in a moaning voice.

"Are you okay?" Hikari asked but before she could get an answer both she and Nanami were picked up by the collar. Their feet almost left the ground and the twisted to see and angry looking Tomoe holding them.

"Look what you have done to the kitchen." He said angrily.

"We were just having some fun." Repeated Nanami. "No need to be a party pooper."

"Then go and have your fun else where." He said practically chucking them out of the kitchen. "And change your clothes before you catch a cold." He shouted at them before sliding the kitchen door shut and beginning to clean up the mess they had made...

A human yokai (Tomoe love story)Where stories live. Discover now