Their time apart...

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Tomoe sat on the roof of the shrine by himself. A bottle of half empty sake by his side and in his hands a delicate frosted flower. His watched as the light if the full moon glistened off it's petals.

"All by yourself again?" Said Mizuki as he took a seat next to Tomoe.

"Go away snake." Said Tomoe through gritted teeth.

"You really miss her don't you?" He asked looking at the flower in his hands.

"She has been gone for almost two months and we have not heard a single word from her."

"She said that she would come back. Hikari is not on to go back on her word."

"You speak as if you know her." Growled Tomoe.

"I do in a way. She and I often had chats about things. She understood how it felt to be lonely, she sympathised with it. Even though she is an arctic fox she seems to bring a great sense of warmth to this shrine. Perhaps that is because she is focused on protecting Lady Nanami. Still I do not believe she would want you to get drunk on the roof like this."

"Do not tell me what Hikari would have wanted. The last full moon she simply sat with me. Allowed me to rest my head in her lap and fall asleep."

"Don't think you are going to get that kind of kindness from me." Tomoe glared at him and threw the sake cup at his head making him fall over. "Ow! Tomoe what was that for?" Tomoe ignored his winging and looked up at the moon.

"Wherever you are Hikari...please come back to me soon..."

It must have been midnight and still Hikari and Homurako were still training. This was how it had been for the time that she had been there. They would get up early in the morning and train until late into the night. It had taken Hikari two week to gain full control over her magic again and now she had better control over them than she had ever done before. Now she was working on becoming immune to the fire. Homurako was no where to be seen and Hikari stood in the middle of the burning building. She stood completely still with her eyes closed. She was concentrating hard, if she didn't the fire would burn her. She had learnt that the hard way. Now there was a large burn mark on the back of her leg. That had happened a few weeks ago now and it was starting to heal. She couldn't just stand in the fire but what she could do was control. Her body temperature. It was a new skill she had learnt how to do. It was very hard to do, the fire around her was red hot and it kept rising her temperature. She had to keep dragging it back down, back to below freezing point. A flame flicked on her arm but as soon as it touched her ice could skin it burned out leaving Hikari un touched. That was it, fire needed heat to keep on burning you take away that heat and a fire cannot survive. This was what Hikari had been working on all this time she had been away from Tomoe and the others. She could now drop her temperature at an incredible rate. She could go from boiling to ice cold in seconds. Hikari took a deep breath and the ground at her feet began to freeze. The ice spread and kept spreading. It didn't stop when it touched the flame. This fire was not hot enough to melt her ice. It kept spreading until the fire that surrounded her was completely frozen. Hikari sighed, she didn't think she would have been able to do that. Homurako Jumped out of her hiding place and looked around in amazement.

"Frozen fire, now that's something you don't see everyday. Having seen this I believe your ready. Your training's complete." Hikari smiled.

"Thank you for all your help."

"Don't mention it. Anyway I know that now I don't owe you anything...but um...if you ever need anything just call me."

"Why would you offer such a thing?" Said Hikari feeling confused.

"These last couple of months I've seen you've changed a lot. I get the feeling that if we were in the same situation we were back then you would have spared me out if the goodness of your own heart and not expected anything is return. You've changed Hikari, in a good way. I like the new you and someone I would like to have as a friend."

"Really? I'd love to be your friend. Maybe sometime I can come visit?"

"I'd like that."

"Okay thank you for you help Homurako. Would you mind if I spent one more night here? I promise to leave at day break."

"Sure that's fine. Stay as long as you want..."

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