Ami and Kei

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Nanami came running into the classroom the next day flyer in hand. Hikari and Tomoe stood side by side at the back of the classroom. They watched everyone closely, it seemed that the two had become a little closer someone. Nanami wasn't sure what exactly but the relationship between the two had seemed to change.

"Hikari, Tomoe look there is a beach party in the next town over this Saturday. Let's all go together." She said with an excited face.

"No, do you not recall the events of what happened last time we visited such a place?"

"I do but this time will be different and Ami and Kei said that they will come too. We simply have to go."

"Who's Ami and Kei?" Asked Hikari.

"They are some friends I made while you were away but you don't need to worry you're still my best friend."

"I was simply asking who they were I was not suggesting anything like that." Said Hikari with a smile but deep down she was a little sad. She knew she was being selfish but she did want them to take her friend away from her.

"I think you'll like them. There nice people. Anyway were going, weather or not you and Mizuki come is up to you but Hikari and I will go." She said grabbing Hikari's hand and pulling her away from Tomoe. "Honestly Tomoe can be so annoying sometimes. He just doesn't understand how to have fun."

"Um, Nanami where are we going? Class starts in a few minutes you know."

"I'm going to introduce you to Ami and Kei. We still have time it will be fine." She took Hikari into another classroom a few doors down from their own. She opened the door and walked through the classroom, avoiding the kids that were stood around chatting in the middle of the pathways. "Ami, Kei." Greeted Nanami waving at a cute looking girl with strawberry coloured hair and a rose cheeked face. The other girl was stood up next to her sitting friend. She has hair that came to just above the middle of her back and it was a brown colour with what looked like a little ginger mixed in. She was typing furiously on her purple phone which she held in her hands.

"Morning Nanami." Said the red head girl with a cute and very happy smile on her face. Then she saw Hikari who was stood beside Nanami. Ami's eyes lit up, they girl before her was bathed in beauty.

"Hey Nanami." Said the other girl not looking up from her phone.

"I would like to introduce you to my best friend Hikari. She has been visiting her sick Grandma for a while but came back a few days ago. Hikari these are my friends Ami and Kei." She said pointing at the girls in turn.

"It's very nice to meet you." Blurted out Ami standing up and shutting her eyes. She was a little nervous to talk to someone so beautiful.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The girl replied with a smile that made Ami's heart melt a little. Her voice was soft and soothing like silk.

"So you got a boyfriend?" Kei asked Hikari with a small glance upwards.

"I do not."

"You should do. From the looks of things you can have any guy in this room." The three other girls took a quick glance around the room and Hikari was a little disgusted to find most of the boys staring at her with love struck faces. She sighed in disgust and looked away from them.

"Well they should all know that I have no interest in dating any one of them."

"Wait you don't want a boyfriend?" Said Kei like it was an alien concept.

"Not at all. I have no desire for one nor have a had for a very long time. I do not need a man by my side, I find most of them repulsive and only after one thing."

"What's that one thing?" Asked Ami who didn't quite understand the situation. Nanami blushed a little after a while when she worked out what Hikari was saying.

"It's best you do not know. It would only corrupt your mind." Ami looked scared after she said this.

"Why is them wanting that such a bad thing?" Asked Kei.

"Perhaps it is not but are you saying that you would not mind a man using you for that and they dumping you when he had got it?"

"Of course I would mind it but it's still nice to have someone by your side. At least he didn't cheat on you or anything much like a certain boy I know." She said as her face went dark.

"Kei broke up with her boyfriend last night." Ami explained.

"Hikari is coming to the beach with us too." Said Nanami.

"Oh that will be fun." Said Ami smiling.

"You bringing those two annoying boys? It would be much better if it was just the four of us."

"I will not allow Nanami to go anywhere without me." Said Tomoe appearing behind Hikari and Nanami. "She is under my protection." Nanami looked angry at his words.

"I told you not to say those things in public." She hissed at him.

"I will be coming. The snake can stay at home and look after the shrine. It's not like that useless idiot will be able to do anything if you were hurt anyway." Kei's expression grew darker.

"If you're coming you better stay out of sight and not mess this up like last time. If people see me with you how will I be able to pick up a boyfriend?" He shouted in Tomoe's ear but he looked un effected by it.

"Come on Hikari, Nanami class is about to start." He said practically dragging the two out of the room.

"Bye Hikari and Nanami." Called Ami waving at them before they disappeared around the corner...

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