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Hikari had no idea when it happened but at some point she had fallen asleep. When she woke up she was alone in a dark cella with thick bars that locked her in and only the little light that shone from a crack in the wall. She rubbed her eyes and heard the sound of chains scrapping against the floor. When she looked she saw that her hands and feet had been chained to the wall. She sighed, how stupid are they? She thought to herself, as if chaining me to a wall os going to stop me from getting out of here.

"So your awake them?" Said a massive guy as he stood at the bars of her prison.

"I sure do hope so as this would be a horrid dream." She said glaring at him. She couldn't see his face but she didn't have to to know that he was smirking in a devilish way at her.

"I'm your guard and tomorrow is the day you are to be executed."

"Good luck with that."

"So you plan to escape?"

"Well I'm most certainly not just going to sit her like a good little girl and wait for my death. I have people that are waiting for me to come home."

"If you so much as move from that spot I will not hesitate to kill you."

"As if you could. Honestly it would be amusing to see you try. Do you know what I am capable off? I am the yokai that managed to destroy a whole town and paint it's streets red with the blood of it's people in less than 5 minutes. Do you believe that a few weak chains, some prison bars and you will be able to keep something like that from escaping?"

"You would not have time to escape. I am too quick on my feet."

"What good will you feet be when they are frozen to the floor?" Hikari asked with a smile. The man frowned but felt a burning chill on his bare feet. He looked down to see them in cased in ice.

"What? How did you..."

"I do not have to move to kill someone. My ice will obey my every order and all I have to do is think. If you really wished to keep me here you should have kept me knocked out until my execution was over. There is no way that weaklings like you will be able to keep me restrained." As she spoke the chains that restrained her to the wall began to freeze. The ice crept up the chains and the metal weakened.

"If you really are as strong as you say you are then why allow yourself to be captured in the first place? Surely you could have just killed the men that came for you." Hikari stood up and the chains fell to the floor with a loud clatter. She sighed as she looked at her bleeding wrists. They had been much tighter than she realised and they had cut into her skin making her bleed.

"You raise a valid point. They came for me at my home, Mikage shrine and watching my arrest were people that I cared about deeply. One of them was a human God named Nanami, she is one that hates violence and I couldn't possibly kill in front of her. The man I have given my heart too was also watching. I doubt that he would have minded if I killed them in front of him however I didn't want to. I do not want him to see how monstrous I can still be, even after I have changed so much there are still times I have a great desire to spill the warm blood of my enemies. That is something I cannot get rid of."

"So now that there not here will you kill to escape?"

"I do not wish to but it I am to be attacked what choice do I have. The old me would have defiantly killed everyone here before leaving but if you do not attack I will not counter attack. So tell me do you plan to attack me?"

"No, I do not." He said shaking his head. The look in this woman's eyes was scaring him. She claims to have changed and the fact she didn't kill him proved that she had but she still had that look. The look that seemed to look into your soul, the look that made grown men call out for their Mothers. She was not someone he wished to anger anymore.

"A wise choice."

"If you unfreeze my feet I can open the prison cell for you." Hikari smiled at him like he was a little child.

"Do you believe me to be stupid? Let you go so you may run and call for help? Like I would do such a thing."

"If I do not let you out then how do you intend to escape?"

"There is more than one way to escape than threw the front door." She said turning her attention to the wall behind her. She placed her left hand in the centre and ice began to spread from the palm of her hands. The man that guarded her glared at the back of her head. This girl was beautiful but very dangerous. At that moment though she had her back turned and she was left defenceless. His hands twitched and he grabbed hold of the dagger that was concealed in his robes. He was not magical, not at all. He had no power of his own but he was deadly with weaponry. In a flash he flung it at Hikari's head but it did not meet it's mark. At the last minute a large piece if ice formed in front of Hikari. The blade his the ice and it fell to the floor. "You said you would not attack." Said Hikari turning her icy glaze on him as the ice that protected her melted away. "What a fatal mistake that was." The man began to shake in fear. He thought he could get her.

"Please don't kill me, I didn't mean to."

"Of course because that dagger simply fell from your robes." She said in a sarcastic tone. "You really have no hope against me and to think that they would place someone with no magic of their own to guard me. It would seem that they expected me to escape and they place pd you here to guard me as they didn't wish to place anyone of value as I might have killed them. It would seem that your boss sent you to your death. I warned you I would kill if attacked and I meant it." A large spike of ice formed at the side of her head. It then shot towards him at lightening speed. He cried out in pain at it went straight through his heart and his blood was splattered on the wall behind him. Hikari sighed, it had been so long since she had killed someone but she couldn't deny the thrill it gave her. She scowled herself, that was not right. She was different now. She shot a ball of pure ice at the frozen wall and it crumbled before her. Light poured in from the large hole in the wall, she took a deep breath and moved out...

A human yokai (Tomoe love story)Where stories live. Discover now