The past of Hikari

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Tomoe stood in his water prison, there really was no way out. He tried his fox fire but must as the fake Hikari had said it was useless against the walls of water. He sighed angrily, when he found that fake Hikari she would not get away easily for humiliating him like this.

"Oh my Tomoe got yourself caught by a lowly yokai." Said Mizuki's voice from behind him.

"Where have you been snake?" Tomoe shouted angrily.

"I told you, out for a walk."

"Your mistress was kidnapped while you were on a walk and yet you still call yourself a familiar."

"At least I didn't come and get captured."

"Not being here at all is worse."

"I guess that I could help you out of here...or I could just leave you here." There was a freezing sound and the water prison that trapped Tomoe and Mizuki became solid ice. Then there a large crack formed in on of the walls and the ice shattered freeing them from the prison. Hikari and Nanami stood side by side looking at the two boys.

"Would you boys stop arguing like children. Nanami is bleeding and cold she needs help." Said Hikari coldly. Tomoe and Mizuki continued to stare at her. She had a tail and ears, her body was less like a school girls and more like a woman's. Her hair seemed longer and whiter and her eyes were a brighter icy blue colour. "Stop staring and get on with it!" She shouted at them. Mizuki was the one to leap into action. He took Nanami's hand in his and inspected it.

"It's not that bad. It should heal in a few days." Said Mizuki.

"Who was the woman that attacked you?" Tomoe asked Hikari.

"Her names was Merissa, she was the reincarnation of a cat fish."

"Where is she now?" Asked Mizuki.

"I wouldn't know, she vanished a few moments. Where are Ami and Kei?"

"There still on the beach waiting for us to return." Answered Mizuki.

"Then we should go and met them. I think it best that we head home now." Said Hikari. Tomoe pulled out a green leave from his pocket and threw it at Hikari.

"That should keep you looking human for now." He said.

"Thank you."

"You guys don't by any chance no the way out do you?" Said Nanami.

"I found an entrance a few feet back. I'll show you the way." Said Mizuki as he and Nanami walked off together in front. Tomoe and Hikari followed them side by side.

"You gave up your human form then?" He said breaking the silence.

"What choice did I have? That manic was going to kill Nanami. It is essentially her fault that Nanami's hand it bleeding. She hurt it when we fell into this place. That foul cat fish is lucky to be alive." Said Hikari in a rather dark tone.

"I am surprised that you did let her live."

"I would not have if it were not for Nanami. She didn't seem to think that Merissa deserved to die." As she said this her tone began to soften.

"That is rather restrained of you."

"There was no restraint about it. I was a monster, the way a beat her up. I resorted straight back to the way I used to be. There is no difference from the me now and the monster you hear terrible stories about."

"But Nanami is alive because of you. The monster that I heard stories about would not have let a human girl live. I understand that the you that lived all those years ago had no value for life. Human or otherwise."

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