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Tomoe sighed as he lay under the umbrella on the beach. Nanami and Hikari were out of his sight and he had seen Ami and Kei pass by him a few minuets ago. Mizuki still hadn't come back.

"Stupid snake." He said under his breath. In truth he was annoyed at what had happened that morning. He had purposely brought him into the conversation, knowing that he would not agree that she looked good. He had seen the look of hurt on her face when he said those words. He felt so bad about it, he wanted to take it back. He wanted to tell her that she was beautiful but he had missed his chance now.

"Tomoe!" He heard the small voice of Ami as she ran up to him with Kei close behind. They still had the ice creams with them and Nanami and Hikari were missing. She looked panicked, this could not be good.

"What is it?" He said sitting up from his lounge chair.

"It's Nanami and Hikari there are missing." She said as Tomoe jumped up.

"What?" He said getting angry. He shouldn't have let them out of his sight for a second. Nanami is getting into trouble and now she had dragged Hikari into it too.

"We looked everywhere for them but they have vanished." Said Ami feeling worried.

"We told them not to move. You have to go find them." Said Kei.

"That damn girl. Stay here, I will find them. If Mizuki comes back tell him what happened." With that he left for the rocks where Nanami and Hikari had gone missing.

Nanami landed onto of Hikari at the bottom of the rocky slide they had come down.

"Ow." Nanami said looking at her hand which was bleeding slightly. She got off Hikari and her white haired friend sat up.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine but where are we?" Nanami asked looking around the large dark cave that they had ended up in. There was the sound on water droplets dropping on the rocks floor of the caven and it echoed through the empty place.

"It looks like we are at inside the cliff." Said Hikari standing up. She held out her hands to Nanami who took them in hers and she pulled her friend up. When the two parted Hikari saw blood that was not her own on her hand. "Nanami are you bleeding?"

"I'm okay it's just a scratch." She said hiding her hand from her friend, in truth it was bleeding a far amount and Nanami knew that her friend would only panic if she saw it.

"Why are you hiding it?" Said Hikari knowing that it was worse than her friend was letting on.

"Hikari honestly I'm fine. Let's just get out of this place. It's dark and creepy." Hikari wasn't happy about it but she dropped the subject and looked for an exit.

"We clearly can't get out the way we came but I see no other way. Perhaps we must go further in and look for a way out that way."

"Okay let's go. The others must be getting worried." Hikari nodded and the two began to walk further into the cave. They got far away from the entrance when a woman appeared before them. She had long green hair that came to the middle of her back. Her eyes were also green and she had fins, like a find who have coming of her face. Her long fingers were webbed too, like the feet of a duck. She wore a beautiful green kimono and she had high cheekbones. Her skin was smooth and perfect like the surface of a white pearl found at the bottom of the ocean.

"My, how much you have changed since he last met Hikari." Said the woman in smooth but slightly manic voice.

"Merissa." Said Hikari realising who the fish woman before them was. Sadness filled her heart, she knew why she was there. Nanami moved closer to her friend.

"Hikari you know this person?" She asked.

"Know me? Of course she knows me Land God." Said Merissa. "I am the one she stole from."

"Stole? What did you steal from her?" Nanami asked Hikari.

"I stole nothing. I cannot steal something which was never yours to begin with." Hikari hissed back at her.

"I do not think it wise to say such things when you are in the weak human form you are currently in. Unable to use your black magic it would be very easy for me to kill you and your human Land God friend right now."

"Why don't you try?" Said Hikari threateningly. Merissa laughed slightly.

"Try? It would be like child's play but it will have to wait for now. I'll save my fun for later." She swiped her left hand to the left and a large whip made of water came at them and Nanami and Hikari were thrown to the left. Much like the solid rock they were sat on before did the solid wall became like water and the two passed through it. They fell into a darker much smaller cave on the other side of the wall. Merissa had not followed them and the two were alone. Nanami and Hikari moaned in pain and then sat up. There was no way out of this placed either. Hikari went to the wall they had passed through but as she expected it was no solid again.

"Who was she?"

"Merissa she is the reincarnation of a cat fish. She might not sound like much but she is a very powerful yokai."

"How do you know her? What would you know a yokai for? What was she saying about you having a human form? Are yo not human? Hikari...what are you hiding from me?"

"Nanami...I'm not human...I'm actually yokai..."

A human yokai (Tomoe love story)Where stories live. Discover now