Under the full moon

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It was late at night when Hikari woke up. She clutched at her right shoulder as she felt her infection grow again. She bit her lip to stop from calling out. She didn't want to wake anyone up. When the pain subsided she pulled down her pyjama top and little to see that it had spread half way across her chest and now it was half way up the side of her neck too. She knew that would be a problem, it was too visible. Her long white hair hung either side of her face. It covered the infection but it was nit effective enough to male is disappear completely which was what she needed it too do. Her hair was not in a plait, she always took it out when sleeping it was uncomfortable otherwise. When not in a plait it came half way down her butt, if she sat down with it like this she would sit on her own hair but when in a plait this was not a problem as it finished a little past her waistline. She paced around the room for a while but she could not get back to sleep so when decided to go for a little walk. She grabbed a dressing gown and left her room and headed outside bare foot.when she opened the doors however she found Tomoe sat alone by the light of the full moon, a saucer in his hand and a large bottle of sake by his side.

"Tomoe?" Hikari said gently slowly walking up to him. He turned around, his face looked a little flushed. When Hikari saw him she wished she could have left. He was clearly drunk.

"Hikari, will you drink with me?"

"Um..." She wanted to say no but the pleading look on his face was a little hard to resist and she decided that it was irresponsible to leave him alone and drunk on the porch. "I guess a little won't hurt." She said taking a seat next to him. He grabbed another saucer from beside him and poured both her and himself some more sake. "So what are you doing put here drinking sake all by yourself?"

"I am ashamed to say that this is a habit of mine. When Mikage was here he and I used to drink by the light of the full moon every month. It has become somewhat of a bad habit since then."

"Mikage was the previous God at this shrine was he not?"

"He was but he left me alone to manage the place for 20 years and then instead of him coming back he sends a human girl in his place. Hoe humiliating. Someone like me having to serve a little powerless girl. She is human what could she possible do?"

"There must be reasons why Mikage picked her to by the God in his stead. Surely you must trust his judgement." There was silence as Tomoe finished off his saucer if sake and poured himself some more. "So tell me how did the famous wild fox become a familiar?"

"Mikage found me covered in blood, why I was in such a state I do not remember but he healed me and I became his familiar. I do not remember much of my old life, it as if they have vanished. All I know now is that I am to serve Nanami and protect her with my life."

"Do you miss Mikage?"

"What is to miss? He left me alone for 20 years. He told me he was going into town and he never came back. Now I have a fear that Nanami will do the same thing."

"Nanami wouldn't just leave like that. She isn't that kind of person. If she was to leave she would say goodbye first but it would never get to that stage. She wouldn't give up, she is stubborn like that."

"Yes I have come to realise that. She gets herself into so much trouble and she does not listen. Like a child she does what she wishes. It seems she does not care much for the danger that awaits her when she steps out of my sight."

"Even so she is alive and you are to thank for that." Tomoe finished his saucer and tried to pour some more but the jar was empty. He huffed in annoyance and placed the jar on the other side of him. He looked at Hikari's full saucer with desire in his eyes. He began to reach for it but she pulled it away from him. "I think you have had enough." She said drinking the sake very quickly. She placed the empty saucer beside her and looked up at the moon. Tomoe watched her silently. The moonlight reflected of her pale white skin making it look like she was glowing slightly. He looked at he beautiful long hair was rested behind her. He reached forward and took a strand into the palm on his hand. He very gently ran the strand through his hand until he reached the end. Hikari watched him do this. His eyes were so kind and gently is was hard to believe that it was him at all.

"You have such beautiful hair." He said.

"Th-thank you." Hikari stuttered blushed at a mans words, something she had not down for centuries. Luckily though he was drunk and would not remember that she did blush. He bent down and rested his head on her lap and curling up in a ball with his tail swaying slightly. Hikari lifted her hand up like she had done something wrong but eventually brought them down and stroked Tomoe's hair.

"So...warm." He said sleepily. Hikari's eyes widened. She had never been called warm, not even once. She was an arctic fox meaning she had complete control over snow and ice, she was never warm. So how would Tomoe find warmth when resting his head in her lap? Very gently Hikari stroked his ears. She placed one hand on his head and gently played with his hair while the other was resting on his shoulder. She listened to his calm breathing as he fell into a deep sleep...

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