A reunion

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Tomoe burst into Nanami's room to find her still fast asleep, the duvet hanging off her.

"Nanami how long to you plan to sleep?" He shouted in her ear causing her to move over but otherwise nothing more. Tomoe sighed and yanked the duvet off her. Nanami curled up in a ball to try and keep warm.

"S-so c-c-cold." She said shivering slightly.

"Get up you will be late for school." He shouted at her. Nanami seemed to wake up to this her thoughts travelling to her friend that left the day before she became a God. She had been gone for so long, Nanami missed her. It would be much easier to have dealt with this whole becoming a God thing if she was there by her side. 

"Have we got any mail?" She asked Tomoe standing up suddenly. He looked a little shocked at her sudden eagerness.

"You we have not. You ask me this almost every day." Nanami frown angrily at her familiar.

"Pulling the covers off someone is not way to wake them up."

"I had no chose you would not have moved otherwise."

"You don't have to be such a jerk about it!" She shouted starting a raging argument between the two.

"Good morning Nanami." Said Mizuki said but was completely ignored as the two continued to fight. "Nanami there is a visiter here to see you." He said a little louder. Nanami immediately stopped fighting with Tomoe and looked at him.

"Who are they?"

"When I asked that she told me to tell you that Hikari is here. A very beautiful woman I might add." As he said the last past Nanami was already charging down the halls. She burst into the room where Onikiri and Kotetsu were talking to a whited haired girl. Like always her hair was tied back in a neat ponytail which hung down the middle of her back. Her bright blue eyes sparkled. Her pale white skin glistened like sunlight hitting a sheet of white snow on a winters day. 

"Hikari!" Said Nanami as she threw herself towards her much missed friend. Hikari greeted her friend with open arms. "Where have you been?"

"Visiting Grandma took longer than expected I am truly sorry."

"How is she?"

"She is fine thank you." Two white haired males entered the room. One was the boy that had brought her into the shrine and sat her door. The other was a very strict looking man. He carried a fan in his long slender fingers. He was very handsome even to someone like Hikari who had no interest in men could not deny his beauty.

"Who is she?" He asked coldly.

"This is my best friend Hikari, I expect you to treat her nicely. She has been away visiting her sick Grandma for the last 3 and a half weeks."

"It is nice to meet you Hikari." Said the white haired boy with the green eyes. Nanami sat down on her knees opposite Hikari and the green eyes boy sat on her left just behind her. The other man knelt down just behind Nanami on the other side.

"Hikari these are my familiars Tomoe and Mizuki." Hikari already knew full well what that meant. It meant that her human friends was now a God but a human would not be able to guess such a thing so she had to play it dumb for a while.

"Familiars?" She questioned as Nanami smiled and nodded.

"They are creatures which serve a God. The day after you left I became the land God of Mikage shrine."

"Really? And how did something like that happen?"

"I met a strange man in the streets who was up a tree because he was afraid of dogs. When I shooed the dog away he came down and he and I talk for a long time. I told him that my Father had run away from home and I had been evicted he said that he too had run away from home. He kissed me on the forehead, gave me directions here and this is where I have been since that day."

"Your Father left you...I knew that he was not the best Father but I didn't think he would do something like that." Nanami smiled at her.

"It's okay I have a great home here." She stopped smiling and looked serious. "By the way how did you know that I was here?"

"I tracked you all over town. I went to your house but was empty. It was no easy task." Tomoe tensed as she said this. The other two seemed completely relaxed they did not sense that something was wrong. It was not normal for a supposed human to guess that their friend was now living in a shrine. Tomoe thought something was up with her but now he was sure, even so she seemed calm and collected and didn't seem to pose any threat towards Nanami at all. Tomoe was intrigued by this girl, he wanted to know more. What exactly was she and why did he get a feeling that he knew her?

"Hikari didn't you say ages ago that you were staying in an apartment by yourself?"

"I am indeed. A few streets from here."

"Well you should come and stay in the shrine with us. We have the room."

"Absolutely not." Said Tomoe. "This is a shrine only for the God and her familiars. It is not a hotel for humans."

"I don't care what it's meant for, Hikari is my friend and I want her to stay here." Shouted Nanami.

"Nanami, it's okay. I am very grateful for the offer but I am fine in my apartment by myself I do not want to intrude."

"Your not. I want you to stay here and you will. Sell your apartment and come here." She continued to shout.

"But your familiar..."

"I don't care what he said, stay here." Hikari was a little taken back but she nodded her head.

"If that is what you wish then I would be more than happy to stay here but only if you are sure."

"Of course I am."

"Alright then but for now we should get to school..."

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