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So, the next day, Iseul and I hit the city for what she refers to as "retail therapy".

She leads me into all these designer boutiques, and we browse and try some things and show them off for each other and before I know it, we've both amassed a decent-sized pile of clothes.

We spend the rest of the day at her go-to beauty spa, where we kick things off with some manicures and pedicures, which are soon followed by a series of other treatments.

For the last part we are whisked away to the hair salon, where I get caramel highlights swirled throughout my long dark locks, creating an divine contrast that plays up my new wavy cut. I look so damn hot I could cry.

I plan to go all out with dressing up for the party tomorrow. Hopefully, that, along with my new look, will be enough to finally earn me something more than a cursory glance from someone.


The Next Day

"And there you are..." Iseul replaces the lipstick container lid with a flourish.

I give my lips a pout, admiring their rosy tint. At my request, Iseul made sure to apply each step with a light touch, maintaining my natural beauty, and the end result is a fresh, effortless look.

"So let's get going, then," She says, fumbling with her makeup bag. "We're late enough as it is."

Taehyung and Hyejin even left without us a while ago because we were taking too long to get ready.

As Iseul dashes out to her room to get her purse, I head to the mirror for one last self once-over. I've got on one of my new dresses - a cute black A-line one, short and cute - and matching, black gladiator heels. My stupid arm, of course, is a bit of a distraction, but there's no denying that I look gorgeous. I blow a kiss at my reflection and prance out.

Dominik drives us to the venue, which is about forty-five minutes away.
The huge, dazzlingly lit house attractively stands out in contrast against the surrounding darkness of the evening.

The inside looks even more impressive. Waterfalls of chandeliers shower light on glass sculptures and banks of lush flowers. Hundreds of antique mirrors line the walls, throwing back reflection after reflection of well dressed guests.

Waiters in crisp white uniforms glide through the crowd, expertly balancing trays of champagne flutes, offering them to the guests with a smile.
Mingling conversations and classic music fill the air.

Iseul smilingly links her arm through mine. "Come on, let's go and-"


We both spin around, surprised by the sudden voice.

A human snack stands there.

His meticulously styled peach hair catches the light, giving off this ethereal glow. He's rocking a black tuxedo that looks like it was tailored just for him; The fabric hugs his frame in all the right places, showing off his toned, lithe physique.

His dark eyes sparkle with mischief as he struts toward us. "Iseul, my sweet jujube, who is this ravishing beauty with you?" He shamelessly rakes his gaze over me, plump lips twisted into a smirk.

"Is your name Google," He continues, eyes boring into mine. "Because you've got everything I'm searching for..."

A chortle bubbles from my lips. What the fuck?!

Iseul doubles over with laughter. She guffaws for several good seconds before finally straightening up.

"Okay," She breathes out. "That was so cringe-worthy, Jimin," She lifts a hand to gesture at me. "This my friend, Narae. She's currently staying with us."

"So this is her..." Jimin muses, casting a glance at my arm. He then turns around, stares out at the guests. "Taehyung's somewhere over there - follow me," He starts to saunter away, and Iseul and I exchange a shrug before trudging after him.

"Tae, you douchebag," He calls out as we approach the other guy. "How come when you never mentioned how stunning Narae is. I'd have dropped by to see her, for sure."

Taehyung says nothing, expression passive as ever as he glances at Jimin. And then his gaze lands on me, eyebrows lifting a fraction as he takes me in, from head to toe. I try not to grin, warm with satisfaction.

I want to stand around and chat but Iseul suddenly spots some friends and drags me there to introduce me.

I'm smiling and nodding at stuff, but my gaze keeps darting back to Taehyung. How do I make my way back to him without looking obvious??

While chewing over this, I notice I'm not the only one checking him out. Every female in the vicinity is giving him hungry looks, even ones old enough to be his damn mother.

I'm in the middle of a silent scoff when my gaze lands on an unexpected person, and I freeze.

Her dark hair is styled up in a chignon bun and she's wearing a short, deep red bodycon dress, off-the-shoulder with long sleeves, with black spike heels.

She purposefully sashays to Taehyung's front, places a hand on his chest.

His entire face lights up at seeing her, and then, he lowers his head, presses his lips on hers.


I stagger a couple of steps back, feeling like I've been punched in the gut.

Taehyung has a girlfriend. And it's not just anyone - it's Jennie freaking Kim.

I look on in barely concealed horror as he wraps an arm around her waist, his face filled with open affection.

I quickly look away, force a sugary smile on my face.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I say to Iseul, who's deep in conversation with a friend, and without waiting to see if she's heard, I turn on my heel and hurry away.

I stumble several feet away before realizing I've no idea where the bathroom is, so I instead head for the balcony beyond, grabbing a champagne flute on my way.

Thankful for the solitude, I plunk down on one of the chairs laid out. I down the champagne in one go, toss the empty glass over the rail.

Why is this coming off as such a surprise to stupid me?? Of course he can't be successful, goodlooking and single all at once. I should've presumed this shit.

My chest tightens as I recall the tender way he was looking at her, the way I want him to look at me.

A sob escapes my lips.

Why her?? Of all people...

I'm not sure how long I sit out here for, before I pick up a voice in the near distance, one that sounds like it's getting closer and closer-

Oh, shit.

I wipe at my cheeks, swiftly get up, try to see if I can sneak away somehow, but it's too fucking late.

Jennie Kim steps onto the balcony, holding her phone to an ear.

"Right," She's saying. "That's what I needed to..." She trails off, as her gaze lands on me.

She slowly lowers her phone, shock and recognition flooding her expression.


So Taehyung's wannabe girlfriend and actual girlfriend know each other, huh... 🤔 Interesting.

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