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"I'm so sorry," Iseul groans, her voice barely above a whisper as she clutches the hot water bottle closer to her stomach.

"Aww, it's okay, Iseul," I say, reaching out and rubbing her arm soothingly. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine on my own." I rearrange her pillows, trying to make her as comfortable as possible, and then I hand her a water bottle and some aspirin.

"Thank you." She mumbles, giving me a small smile.

I nod. "Try to rest. I'll be back as soon it's over."

I head to my room to grab my purse and then I make my way downstairs. When I reach the bottom, I run into Taehyung.

"Going to your cast removal appointment?" He asks, gazing at me curiously. "Where's Iseul — wasn't she supposed to go with you?"

"She can't come. Cramps," I say flatly as I move to step around him. But he swiftly blocks my path.

"You shouldn't have to go alone, I'll go with you instead." He offers.

"No thanks. I'll be fine by myself." I try to walk past him, but he steps into my way again.

"Stop being difficult, I said I'm coming with," He says firmly.

I look up at him, eyes narrowed and he stares back, his jaw set with determination.


"Fine," I grit out, stomping past him and towards the door.


The hospital ward is busy. Beeps and murmurs fill the air as nurses flutter between beds, checking on patients.

I sit nervously on the edge of the crisp white bed, eyes fixed on the clock. Each tick seems annoyingly prolonged as I wait and wait for the doctor. Taehyung paces nearby, hands shoved in pockets and gaze lowered as a tense silence stretches between us.

A rustle of sheets draws my eye to my neighbor — an elderly lady watching Taehyung and I curiously. I offer a tight smile, hoping to discourage a conversation, but her eyebrows only raise further. After several long moments of more scrutiny, she clicks her tongue.

"Trouble in paradise?" She asks, voice papery but dripping with glee. "The tension between you is so thick I can nearly touch it!"


I glance at Taehyung, who hunches his shoulders higher, looking away.

The lady fixes her keen eyes on me, waiting for a response. When none comes, she clicks her tongue again. "Trouble in the bedroom too, eh? Not getting your needs met?"

I sputter, face heating at her brazen insinuation. From the corner of my eye, I see Taehyung turning a shade of crimson. 

Undaunted, she presses on, "That's usually the cause of fights, you know. One of you wanting more pickle tickles than the other." At this, Taehyung averts his gaze to the ceiling, entire face now bright red.

I open my mouth to respond but she barrels ahead without pause. "Or is it the mother-in-law staying too long? Those witchy women always meddle where they shouldn't."

My mind races to form some denial but she offers yet another annoying possibility before I can speak. "Oh I know — he's still not putting the toilet seat down! My Arthur used to fight with me about that too."

By now, Taehyung resembles a tomato with legs, clearly wishing the floor to swallow him whole. I can't blame him; if I had a way to disappear right now, I'd take it. Is this stupid old hag for real??

YOU, ME, & SHE • |KTH AU| • Where stories live. Discover now