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After pressing send, I head to the mirror to check out my look one last time. It took me a while to put together the perfect outfit: a sexy bodycon dress, ebony black, lacy, and one-shouldered, with nude platform wedges. I've straightened my hair and styled it up into an Ariana Grande ponytail, and I've painted my lips a bright, bold red. With a naughty wink at my reflection, I spin around and make my way downstairs.


"There's my cinnamon roll," Jimin drawls as I saunter into the dining hall. He stands up from the table and hurries over, taking my hand and slowly looking me up and down. "Oh, damn, don't you look delicious!"

I giggle, bringing my mouth to his ear. "You don't look bad yourself..." I whisper, and then I glance over his shoulder at the table from where Taehyung, Iseul, Hyejin and Jennie are staring at us, mouths agape.

"See you guys later..." I say, looping my arm through Jimin's, and then we walk out.

Muahahaha... This is only the beginning.


As we sit together on the park bench, I lean my head comfortably on Jimin's shoulder and direct my eyes upwards.

An endless tapestry of stars sprinkle the inky skies above us, shining with a blaze that can only be fully appreciated away from the glow the city lights. The silvery moon hangs low in the sky, its pale light bathing our surroundings in a magical glow, and wispy puffs of clouds drift by, their shapes changing with each moment.

"Beautiful night, right?" Jimin murmurs.

"Uh-huh," I agree with a contented sigh. I close my eyes, taking in the calming sounds and scents of the park. It's been nearly an hour since coming here after our dinner date at the restaurant, and I still can't get enough of the stillness and serenity of this place.

My eyes fly open when a sudden rustling noise sounds from the bushes nearby. Jimin and I jerk our heads towards the sound just in time to see a small rabbit burst through the foliage and dart across our path.

Yelping and jolting with surprise, I lose my balance on the bench. I find myself caught in Jimin's strong yet gentle arms as our eyes meet.

For a long moment we simply stare, lost in one another's gaze under the light of the moon and stars...

Then reality sets back in as I feel my cheeks begin to burn, and I awkwardly clear my throat and pull back. "Um, sorry about that," I mumble, not quite meeting Jimin's eyes now.

A chuckle escapes his lips. "No need to apologize. If anything, I should be thanking that little rabbit..."

I roll my eyes, smiling back. "Wanna take a walk along the trail?" I ask softly.

He nods and offers me his hand.
We fall into a comfortable stride alongside the dimly lit park path.

And then Jimin's foot catches on something on the ground, a stray tree root winding across the dirt in front of us, and is sent stumbling forward with a yelp of surprise. In an effort to catch his balance, he reflexively grabs hold of me - only succeeding in pulling us both down into the bushes that border the path.

I land with an "oof" on my back in the foliage as Jimin collapses halfway on top of me, a look of shock on his face.

For a moment we just stare at each other, and then he bursts out laughing. His laugh is so contagious and I start laughing along with him despite the leaves and twigs now clinging to my dress.

"Sorry," Jimin chuckles as I try to push myself up from the bush's embrace. Reaching out, he takes my hand to help haul me to my feet. And then gently, he reaches out to remove the foliage from my dress, his touch sending flutters through my stomach. Our eyes meet and lock in the moonlight once more as his hands linger on my shoulders.

Our moment is suddenly shattered by a loud burst of music and happy voices echoing through the park.

Exchanging a curious glance, Jimin and I follow the sounds through the trees until we emerge into a clearing surrounded with twinkling string lights.

A large group dances happily in the center, their arms linked as they circle in time to the upbeat music. Laughter and cheers ring out as those watching clap and cheer them on.

"Looks like a bat mitzvah!" Jimin observes with a smile, as we draw nearer the Jewish themed party.

One of the dancers spots us and waves us over excitedly. "Join our hora! The more the merrier!"

Jimin looks at me questioningly, and I nod with a grin. We plunge into the mix of dancers, who readily link us in with welcoming arms.

All thoughts of the outside world fade away as I spin dizzily with the circle of people, the music pulsing through my veins.

After a while, the hora circle starts to dissipate, and people start break off into couple dances around the clearing. Jimin sweeps me up into a silly tango, dipping me low with an exaggerated flourish. I respond by attempting the hustle, twirling and twisting around him to the cheers and laughter of onlookers.

Worn out but happy, Jimin and I finally say goodbye our new found party friends and wander hand-in-hand towards this small lake close by, dotted with colorful rowboats floating along the glassy surface. A few couples aboard glide past us in a lover's boat, lost in their romantic worlds.

"Feel like a row on the lake?" Jimin asks with a wink, pointing to where boats can be rented nearby.

I raise an eyebrow. "Do you even know how to row?"

He throws back his head with a cocky laugh. "Of course! How hard can it be?"

I shrug and let Jimin to rent us a boat. As we clamber aboard unsteadily, the little vessel rocks back and forth dangerously. Jimin settles at the rear, grabs the oars - and promptly splashes them face first into the water with a big swing. Sputtering with surprised laughter, we somehow get underway with much flailing and failure to find a steady rhythm.

Just as I begin to relax, Jimin lets out a yelp and we tilt wildly sideways. With a big splash, we topple over the edges into the cold pond water.

We break the surface, gasping and laughing. Linking our arms, we trudge ashore together, clothes clinging heavily to our bodies.

"Well, this date has sure been something else!" I say, squeezing pond water from my ponytail.

Jimin grins back at me, cringing a little. "We'll leave the boats alone next time..."

A comfortable silence falls as we finish our attempting to dry. Looking up, I find Jimin's gentle gaze fixed on me.

"Accidents and all, I've really enjoyed tonight," He says softly. "Being with you has made every moment special."

My heart swells at his words. How I wish I-

Stepping closer, I let my fingertips graze his cheek in a delicate caress. His eyes flutter shut briefly at my touch before meeting my own once more.

Slowly, he leans in as I rise up on my tiptoes to meet him halfway. Our lips connect in a sweet kiss, the moon and the stars glowing and sparkling high above us.

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