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As I approach the porch of Jimin's house, I slow my pace, glancing nervously over my shoulder for the millionth time.

"There's no one out there, marshmallow," Jimin calls out, staring out behind me from the porch. "Just chill out already."

"I can't," I say frustratedly. "you don't get it — Greyson isn't just some ordinary guy with a crush on me. That man is all kinds of messed up, capable of unspeakable things. He commands an army of thugs and he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. Crossing him could have serious consequences, not just for me, but for everyone I care about."

Jimin steps down to me, sighing softly. "Yeah, so I shouldn't underestimate him — I get it. But we can't let fear paralyze us either. We need to find a way to handle this carefully, to protect everyone." He takes my hand in his. "You're not alone in this, okay? We're in it together, every step of the way. We'll outsmart Greyson and find a way to break you free from his clutches."

I nod, feeling a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support.

Yep, we need a plan, and we need it soon, before Greyson makes his move.

"So, how are they doing..?" I ask, referring to Thea and Nessa. It's been a couple of days since they've moved in, and I decided to drop by to check on them.

"They've settled in nicely, Jieun is treating them well," Jimin says, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly. "My dad too; He's come around and he's trying his best to be welcoming, but it's still an adjustment — things are a bit awkward between Thea and him. It's like they don't really know what to say to each other... but I'm sure everything will be fine with time." His voice drops to a gentle whisper. "I know this whole situation can't be easy for both of you guys, I'm so sorry. When Jieun left, it must have been really hard. I know you probably missed her a lot. As much as I love her and am glad she's my stepmom, a part of me wishes things could have been different so you didn't have to go through that. You didn't deserve it, didn't deserve having your mom leave you and go to raise some other kid."

I offer him a weak smile, touched by his caring. "I don't wanna lie, it definitely sucked. But don't feel bad, it's not your fault. I don't have any hard feelings towards you. I'm actually really glad that we're kinda family..."

He chuckles, grinning back at me. "Me too."


"Ohmigosh Narae, I love this place!!" Thea squeals to me when I go upstairs to meet her. "It's like something out of a magazine, all white marble and crystal chandeliers, it's insane. Just look around,"

She gestures excitedly at the room. "My room is literally bigger than our whole stupid apartment! I love that wall of windows over there, the view is just so stunning — I spent like an hour just staring at it this morning. And the kitchen! Mom has a personal chef that cooks us all meals every day! Ooh, and she gave me her credit card and told me to get anything I want! But that's not all — she also gave me her brand new Porsche! I can't wait to see the look on Kendall's face when I roll up at school in it! Finally I'll be the one turning heads for a change. Man, I love this new life, I don't ever wanna leave!"

I sigh inwardly, listening wordlessly as Thea continues to chatter. She's not an overly complicated person; Just spoil her with money and fancy gifts and she'll be wrapped around your little finger. Jieun seems to know this as well as I do.

After checking on Nessa next, I go in search of Jieun. I find her relaxing on the patio with a magazine and a margarita on the table in front of her.

She startles as I march up to her. "Narae..?"

"What's your plan?" I demand, folding my arms. "Spoil and dazzle her with expensive stuff to win her trust, and then turn her against me??"

"No," She violently shakes her head. "It's not like that, Narae, I swear."

"I killed him, you know." I say, and I watch with satisfaction as her face goes paper white.

"That's right... Unless you want to end up like him, don't even think of exploiting my sister. I'll be damned if I let you hurt her again."

Jieun lets out a broken sob, but I'm unfazed, continuing, "You shamelessly abandoned us for money and status. I'll never forgive you for that. Do you have any idea what it did to me and Thea, growing up without a mom? Do you have any idea how worthless you made us feel?" My eyes start to water but I take a breath to steady myself. "We were just inconveniences standing in the way of your fairy tale. We never meant anything to you."

"Narae, I am so sorry," Jieun pleads, tears brimming in her own eyes. "I know I hurt you, but I'm trying to make up for it now. Just give me a chance to show you that I've changed. I'm not that selfish woman anymore." 

I scoff, shaking my head angrily. "Knock yourself out, do what you wanna do. I'm not my poor, naive sister, I won't be changing my opinion of you anytime soon. You have a long way to go before I'll even think about trusting you again."

"I can't fucking believe it."

I spin around to see Taehyung making his way over, an incredulous look on his face.

Jimin is trailing behind him, looking flustered. "I tried to keep him back," He mumbles.

"The two of you have been way too tight lately, it was obvious you're hiding something," Taehyung mutters, stopping in front of me. "I knew you'd be here, so I decided to come over to ask what's going on."

"Um," I swallow hard, staring up at him. "d-did you hear anything just now...?"

"Really, Narae, that's the first thing you're gonna say??" He grits out, glaring at me. "You said your parents are dead, why did you lie?!"

"Taehyung," Jieun begins, but Jimin darts to her and grabs her hand.

"Uh, Jieun. I think it'd be best if we leave."

Jieun glances between Taehyung and I for several seconds before finally allowing Jimin to lead her away.

Once they're out of sight, I turn back to Taehyung.

"Look, so I wasn't sure whether my mom was alive or dead, but I've always considered her to be, okay? I cut all ties with her eleven years ago after she abandoned, um, me."

"And your sister," Taehyung grounds out, crossing his arms. "How come you've never mentioned her, Narae?"

"Because..." I trail off, my heart racing. Why are all my precious secrets starting to get exposed??

"Just because, okay?! Because!"

Taehyung grabs my shoulders. "Why don't you trust me, Narae?? Why confide in Jimin but not me?"

I shrug his hands off me. "Jimin is... it's just easy for me to open up to him..."

Hurt flashes across his features. "And it's not easy to open up to me? I care about you, too, you know."

"I killed my own father, Taehyung. I'm not what I seem like, I'm twisted and wretched. You should stay the hell away from me." Just go back home to your stupid, pregnant girlfriend.

I turn to leave, but he grabs my hand and forces me to face him again.

"I can't ever stay the hell away from you even if I want to, even if you want me to," He murmurs, making my skin prickle from his closeness. "I've said this before, and I'm going to say it again — your past doesn't alter my perception of you. The person you've become outweighs any actions from it. And you... You couldn't have murdered him in cold blood. I just don't believe that, there's definitely more to it."

"Well, there is." I mumble, shuddering a little.

He says nothing, his face open and waiting as he continues to stare at me.

A heavy sigh leaves me. I guess I've got to take a leap of faith and give him what he wants: the story of my life.

I take his hand and guide him to the table; We sit and then I start talking.

A/N: Vote and comment, and you'll get a lifetime supply of virtual cookies!

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