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"Angel," he rasped out making my eyes widen, reaching behind me to grab the glass of water from the tray.

I took my hand off of his warm cheek and heard him growl lowly.
The sudden action made me almost throw the glass of water at him, but luckily he grabbed it and gulped it down. Impressed with his quick reflexes, my brain stuttered. Did he just....actually growl?

"Want more w-water?" I asked him softly taking the glass from his hand and helping him into a sitting position, hoping that it was more comfortable.

He looked over at me for a few seconds with unknown emotions swirling in his eyes then replied with a husky 'yes' and I obliged getting him more water to gulf down.

"Y-you need to have some food, you must be h-hungry and if you don't like what I had made, then, I'll make you something else-" he quickly interrupted my awkward word vomit, saying that he'd have whatever I made him, which made me blush again.

I averted my eyes away from his beautiful jade ones that shone with humourous intent and slowly brought the tray of food that I made earlier and got him to take the painkillers along with some more water.

"What's your name, Angel?" he asked, that rich deep voice compelling a pleasurable shiver to run down my spine at the sweet nickname. Gosh, I needed holy water if a single word did this to me.

"S-sofia sir," I quietly introduced, shaking myself out of my unholy thoughts regarding the gorgeous hunk.

"Sofia," he recited my name. An even more apparent blush coated my cheeks at how delicious my name sounded from his plump lips and I looked away not daring to succumb to his sinful eyes and honey, sweet voice.

"You really should have some of the food I-I made f-for you because you need to eat after having painkillers," Clearing my throat, I nodded towards the modest breakfast I prepared and assuredly told him.

"Well, thank you, little one," a sly smile crept on his face as he groaned leaning back, "I think I'm going to need you to feed me since I'm sick and tired," he stuffed with the hint of a smirk.

My eyes widened to stutter out an incoherent sentence before trying to answer him properly. "I-uh-I don't know I-I just c-can't. Wouldn't it make you uh- uncomfortable?" I was embarrassed as I casted my eyes downward finding the wooden floor interesting all of a sudden. I weirdly refused to meet his stare, dodging the eye contact like my life depended on it.

"Look at me, little girl," he said, stern, two fingers tilting my head to face his.

I slowly took my eyes off the ground to look at his face and his darkened green were the first thing that made me freeze, I gulped audibly and took a step back out of instinct.

"It won't. Wouldn't you like to help me get better, little Angel, hm?" he said, his foreign Russian accent was more prominent as each letter left his lips. "You've so good to me, don't you think it'd be rude if you just left me to fend for myself, now?"

Well, that was a bit of a stretch. A little agitating too, I wasn't the one to being guilty tripped and damn, if it didn't make me angry that he'd even say it like that. Like it was my job to be at his aid even after all the trouble I had to go through.

He looked fine enough to feed himself, damnit!

I mumbled an 'okay' and dragged the small coffee table and the tray on it to him. I tried to bring a chair near the couch to avoid being of close proximity with the gorgeous jade eyed man.
"No, no, no, you'll come here, sweetheart. There's no need for that," he said patting his thigh and dismissing my attempt at arguing with him about being hurt.

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