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After an hour I finished organizing everything in its place reminding myself that I won't be staying long and was going to find some way out.  I shut the closet and turning to discern a tray-making me know that someone was here just a few seconds ago.

A glass of apple juice, a bottle of water with a plate with medium cooked stake exactly how I liked it and some veggies. On the other side of the tray  a sticky note was attached to its handle.

I plucked out the note reading it.

Baby girl,

We had to leave for a work matter. We'll be back later also we left some lunch for you. If you need or want anything, call us.

Behave little one.

Enjoy your food, Love.

I laughed at their attempt in writing me a note with each of their handwriting and the nicknames indicating who wrote what.

It was cute, not gonna lie.

Sofia stop-

I plopped the note on the nightstand and sat grabbing the tray to devour the food while it was still warm.

Thoughtfully annihilating the delicious meal and putting everything on the tray. I thought of going downstairs to place the dishes in the sink and wash them since I hated messes and having dirty dishes near me was messing with my OCD-ed ass.

I made my way down the stairs wondering if Camille was around to chat and keep my depressed self from resuming to self isolation.

Being lonely royally sucked.

I heard a faint feminine hum of what I thought was Wake up by NF coming from the kitchen.

I bit back a smile when I noticed a short brunette seemingly a few inches taller than me and noted how she hadn't spotted me giggling when she abruptly stopped humming and turned to face me holding a knife in my direction in a threatening gesture.

I cracked an amused smile receiving a frown in return.

"Кто ты?" She snarled menacingly, her dark brown orbs swirled with hostility.
(Who are you?)

Plopping the empty tray on the counter, "I don't understand Russian," I stood strong not showing my internal but resurfacing panic.

"I said who are you? What are you doing in my house?" She spat out, her voice thick and laced with a Russian accent, the slight undertone of fear, present.

"I'm Sofia and I-uh live here?" I stated a question at the end not knowing how to answer her.

She hastily pulled her phone out of her back pocket, her gaze not leaving me as she dialed a number but the person didn't answer.

A curse left her lips.

"No, you don't! Who brought you here?" Her hands shook and her eyes welled up with unshed tears as she glared at me with clear distrust.

I lifted my hands in surrender trying to get her to calm down not wanting to be the cause of a panic attack she might be having.

I sighed, Look, the triplets brought me here, okay? just-just calm down and breathe, please," I softened my voice keeping it steady and calming.

Her eyes widened a smidgen then relaxed but her guard was still up not putting the knife down.

"Inhale, exhale," and she obliged calming herself down and putting the knife away along with her phone.

I slowly outstretched my hand for a handshake and she took it hesitantly discarding the knife.

"I'm sorry for scaring you," I apologized bestowing her a small smile.

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