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Nial was the one to sigh and get up, stomped his way to type in the code and unlocking the door for the new incomer.

I looked over the door to see a beautiful woman maybe in her late forties, with brown hair and brown eyes showing her evident concern and anger. She had Nial's eyes was the only thing I noted.

She strode into the room, her hands shaking at her sides, eyes blazing with concern and discernible anger.

"Γιατί διάολο δεν άκουσα από κανέναν ότι επέστρεψες; και γιατί στο διάολο δεν απαντούσες στις κλήσεις μου, νόμιζα ότι κάτι σου συνέβη-" she shouted out but soon became aware of my presence and paused to eye me with a curious yet skeptic look etched on her face.
(Why the hell haven't I heard from anyone that you came back? and why the fuck didn't you answer my calls, I thought something happened to you-)

"Who are you?" That was the first thing that she said to me. Her eyes were hard as steel and her mouth pursed into a thin line expressing her irritation.

"I-uh I'm Sofia?" I countered questioningly, my voice breathy and face flushed.

She looked me over, head to toe, focusing on the marks that adorned the observable skin and I saw a sly smirk pull up at the corners of her lips making my blush tenfold.

That was very freaking weird.

Sensing my discomfort, Nikolai stood up and hugged the mystery woman lightly, and his brothers did the same, murmuring their greetings and apologies.

"This is our aunt, Anastasia, she's one of the people that we wanted you to meet-" Nial introduced with soft eyes, pausing for Nadei to continue "-this is Sofia, our fiancee, тетя." (Auntie)

Fiancee my ass.

"It's nice to meet you, Ma'am," I politely clarified.

My hand extended for a handshake but she surprised me by pulling me into a warm embrace, her 5'8 frame towering over my 5'2 in a bone-crushing hug.

Was everyone in this damn mansion a giant?

"It's nice to meet you as well, αγαπητός. You can call me Ana," she squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. (dear)

Pulling out of the hug, I caught the trio with their mouths agape and eyes wide, staring at their aunt as if she had two heads.


"Why are looking at me like that?" Anastasia stated bluntly, eyes narrowed to slits, and her hands on her hips looking like a mother about to scold her kids.

Oh, this is gonna be good, I smirked internally.

"Why are you being so nice?" Nadei murmured looking at his aunt with a frown etched on his face.

"Psht, I'm always nice," she retorted glancing at me for a brief moment with a small smile.

Simulationasly rolling their eyes, they let out at the same time, "No you're not."

I giggled when she smacked each one of them, groans and protests leaving them as they clutched the back of their heads mumbling incoherent words.

I fucking loved this woman.

"Would you like to join me for a drink, Sofia?" She inquired me not caring about the fact that her nephews were seemingly baffled by her actions.

"I-uh-I don't drink but sure. I'll join you," I replied giving her my mega-watt smile.

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