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"And we're here."

Nikolai's words pulled me out of my stupor.

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets upon catching the sight of one of my favorite historical monuments that I only dreamt about visiting one day.

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

I had it in one of my listed destinations to visit once I had enough money to travel the world.

I always had a thing for history, architecture, and art too, and was practically a know-it-all considering how much reading and searching I used to do. Correction, still do.

In awe of the beautiful temple, I observed the large spacious exterior with an unadulterated amount of awe. Nikolai chuckling softly made my eyes excitedly snap to him.

"What do you think, my love?" I decided to tease him a bit.

"Not the place I had in mind when you said a date, but -" I bit back a smile to seem serious and he looked sheepish for a second before he noticed the huge smile that broke out on my face. "It's so much better!" I flung myself on him, peppering kisses all over his face.

"This is the best date ever."

"I'm glad you like it because this is just our first stop," he smiled and we got out of the car after he exchanged a couple of words with our chauffeur.

We halted as I gawked at the impressive height of the establishment, noting the fact that I read that it was indeed the highest temple in the world and was the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and the Russian people. It was so glorious in comparison with the amount of pictures I had in my traveling gallery.

It was thankfully vacant but opened and I cheered internally at the fact that I'd explore to my heart's desire without having to deal with a flock of people.

I hated crowds with a fiery passion..

And my enthusiasm couldn't have been contained, I felt like a kid, desperately needing to explore this beautiful ancient sacred space and skip through every hallway and climb its domes to admire the beautiful scenery of Moscow- that I didn't have much time to truly scour since Camille bailed on me.

She had to visit her parents with Dimi, their wedding was only a few months away and she still had some planning to do.

"Let's get in my love," Nikolai ushered us in, after paying for our passes.

I almost jumped at the serene and classy Russian revival architecture that I had only seen through a screen. So I snapped a couple of photos of my own reminding myself to check it off my bucket list.

The sudden urge to talk the blond hunk's ear off about things he probably knew already was blinding. I loved talking about subjects that I liked and Nik was the perfect candidate to have as my listener.

"This was originally built between 1839 to 1883, I don't know the exact date," I chuckled holding on to his hand, "It was delegated by Tsar Alexander the first, in honor of those who died in the Patriotic War of 1812, it's like a -" I rambled off noticing that he was adoringly gazing at me.

I snapped my fingers wanting to get him out of his trance and he cracked a soft smile. "What're you thinking of?"

"That you know more of this place than some people that have lived here their whole lives did. It's impressive," I snorted making him chuckle.

"You could've just said that I'm a nerd."

"You might be a nerd as you said--" he kissed my crown, "But you're my nerd."

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