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"And that's all there is to know, your assignments will be sent directly to you through emails. I wish you all the best and you might resume starting with the tasks assigned to you."

I nodded straightening my knee-length skirt trying my best to not fidget under her hard, scrutinizing gaze. I had every reason to impress this woman but damn it was hard to read through her.

"Finally, your workstation is right here, our main programmers and designers are on this floor. They all like working in closed spaces so they won't be bothering you or anything."

Elaina-- my supervisor explained, her thick Russian accent apparent with a hand gesture to the unopened office door with laced professionalism in her tone and I offered an understanding smile at her cooperative self.

"Find me if you need anything."

"Thank you."

And with that, she turned with one last firm nod to head back.

My anger skyrocketed to the roof at the fact that the trio made her give me an entire office instead of working in the open space with the other interns.

An office that was a floor away from theirs.

Clingy Giants.

I huffed, frustrated clutching the phone in my hand and opened the door. I was met with a large office. Floor-length windows, a wooden desktop. A comfortable-looking leather chair and two overlooking chairs at the front with two couches and a coffee table, all themed in white.

It might be pretty and well organized but this wasn't what I asked for.

I wanted to work and interact with other people living up to this experience not be isolated in an office by myself and be pampered like some overly privileged little girl.

And them doing this was starting to get on my nerves, especially with the bodyguard outside my door-- who I had also argued with them about just a few hours ago.

But they insisted that I should have ones like Camille and Iva for safety purposes.

Taking off my coat begrudgingly hung it up on the rack. I slumped on the sofa and ran a hand through my hair in irritation.

I typed in my phone on the group message.

Me: I don't want the office.

Nikolai: Wdym, love?

Nial: Do u not like it? We can have it changed or u can come work here with us, we'll get you a desk and all of your things in.

I scoffed my fingers thundering on the screen.

Me: I want equivalency and stability which means that I want to work with other people not by myself in a secluded office.

Nadei: Little one that is not happening.

Me: Why is that??

My apprehensiveness toward Nadei's answer couldn't be measured.

Nadei: Because it's not safe for you.

Me: Not safe?! What's that supposed to mean? I just want to have company, plus It's not like they're gonna eat me alive or something.

I snorted at my answer leaning back.

Nikolai: Baby, Nadei is right, it'll be better if u stayed there.

Me: No, I don't want to.

I knew I sounded childish but I didn't give a single fuck, to be honest, I might've had social anxiety and a whole lot of issues to do with communication but I didn't want to be treated like this.

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