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"Yep, I'm definitely gonna be the cool uncle, cause you three can't, for oblivious reasons," Aurelio mocked, boasting himself in the process of roasting Renzo, Luca and Vale. "You're naming your kid after me, right, sorellina?"

Holding back a gurgled laugh, I shook my head at him. "You know I'm not doing that."

"Meh," he shrugged making me laugh, "Worth a shot."

Bombarded with questions after the trio and I returned from the hospital. It was almost an hour since we came back from Delia's office, she was my mother's close friend and co- owned a private clinic with her husband that was also friends with my mom.

It was almost ten in the morning now, Nikolai had rushed us to her office at eight AM and I for a moment believed that he didn't get a wink of sleep as he kept dozing off on the car ride, snuggled up to me. His excitement the night before, literally made him lose sleep.

"What's going on here?" The thick accented voice made the hyped up atmosphere in the dining room, deflate. Our mutual happiness, minimized as he glared at me and the trio. "Morning boys, " he patted Valentino on the back earning a cringed reaction as he did.

Not even bothering to address me.

My brothers confided in me and trusted me to no end and I did too. So when the topic of our family popped up we gossiped about everyone. We didn't hold back our distaste at the way my grandfather had been treating me and the trio.

The guys had told me about his... issues and mal habits. He tended to act like an uncultured, misogynistic swine, form what I have gathered. I hated his disgusted frowns and disapproving glares each time we were in the same room but that wasn't all.

He had been acting fishy lately. As his snarky remarks, indirect insults and jabs lessened, I merely thought that he was just stopping because of my men and I's lack of reaction at his...antics. Because he clearly looked like he did it to spite us.

However, that wasn't it.

I was having my best life. Gods...why did he have to come in and rain on my fucking parade? I knew that I shouldn't be this mad about it but I was. And I was barely holding back the urge to curse him out and equally embarrass him.

He was the most, distasteful, annoying human being to walk this earth and I was the lucky , lucky girl to have his sexist ass as a grandfather.

"Buenos días, Abuelo," Luca ever the rational sibling amongst us five, greeted him back. Sparing me an apologetic glance.
(Good morning, Grandpa)

Waving his greeting away, he poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down, gripping a book in his hand.

The thickness of my brother's Italian accent made the old man scowl, looking up as he said, turning his nose up like he smelled something bad, "Practice on getting rid of that accent when you speak in your native language. It's not acceptable to speak and sound... like that."

Gods he was insufferable. Judging every damn thing that we did. Couldn't he just mind his business and leave people alone.

Rolling his eyes, Aurelio broke the sudden awkward silence in the room. His fingers tapping against his cheek as he leaned over, not so subtly whispering, "Sooo, are y'all getting married after or before you give birth? I wanna know."

Shit....there it went.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing," I intervened. A little too fast.

Mistake number one.

"What did you say?" He insisted clutching his mug tighter. "I asked you a damn question. Answer it," he set the cup with a bang, hot coffee splashed over the mahogany table. His anger skyrocketing the longer we stayed silent.

I looked at my ring finger, suddenly wishing that I tagged along with Mama and Abuela to visit Tia Maria. That would be much more fun than getting interrogated by someone who wasn't even worth being in their presence.

Snapping my eyes over at Lio, I smiled, reassuringly noticing his discomfort. "It's okay," I mouthed to him, placing my hand in his as I gave it a firm squeeze. Hoping that the gesture would ease his panic.

"Why is no body answering me?" He all but shouted at us, banging his fist against the table like a barbarian.

Hating the way it came out of my mouth, I said, "I'm pregnant," Bitterness laced my tone at his shitty behavior, that was making my blood pressure spike and my heart race.

Maniacal laughter escaped his throat as he heard me. The boys shift closer to me not expecting his next move as his laughter died down. Lorenzo and Luca each place a hand on my shoulders, their gazes growing concerned, by the second.

'We're here for you' Valentino seemed to say with his eyes. The softness vanishing to the point of no return as he glared at our grandfather. "What's so fuckin' funny? That's not the appropriate way to congratulate a pregnant woman, now, is it?" he mimicked the way the old man criticized us.

"Don't tell me how to talk, boy. I'm not one of your friends," The old hag growled at my brother, "You will fucking respect me and you..." His eyes cut to my defiant ones.

His lips pursing in disgust, he cursed at me turning the mood sour, "You whore."

"You will never earn my blessing," he sneered, looking back at me with disgust. "No grandchild of mine is to have a bastard born into my pure bloodline. I will not accept it. Ever."

"I don't care about what you think of me," I hissed back, my anger overpowering my calm side as I struggled to reign it in. "I was nothing but respectful and kind . But you haven't bothered to even get to know me and kept me thinking that I did something wrong despite knowing that I didn't..." I regulated my voice after noting how shaky it was sounding. "Don't fucking patronize me and keep your unsolicited advice to yourself. I didn't ask for it. "

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