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A harsh impatient knock came on the door. My lips automatically detached from Nikolai's as he kissed me to his heart's content. I throughfully enjoyed the feel of his mouth on mine as long it lasted.

He tasted like mint toothpaste and pure sweet depravity and I needed more then I could take. My back arched when Nadei and Nial each grasped a hand full of my ass and tits massaging the lush skin.

"Что?" Nadei growled, his hands not seizing their way around my loose, heady and lustful self. Ripples of hot energy soared through my body and I moaned, Nikolai swallowing the sound with a harsh groan, his teeth pulling at my bottom lip.

"Сэр--" someone interrupted one of the guards.

"Aye! Stronzo apra la porta del cazzo. Ho aspettato un'intera ora del cazzo!" The angry male shouted.
(Aye! Asshole open the fucking door. I've been waiting for a whole fucking hour!)

I giggled at the person's impatient utterances and somehow, I felt funny at the sound of his voice. Didn't recognize it but I wanted to know who was the owner of the pissed rough Italian accented voice, it amused me in a way that I couldn't explain.

And reminded me of my best friend.

Well shit. Speaking of Carter, he sure enough, was going to murder me when he'd get the chance to. I haven't called the dumbass this whole week or answered his texts but it was justified in my records.

It was just one of those times when my social battery died down and I needed some time to get my shit back together.

Needing space from time to time needed to be normalized.

And as much as you'd love a person's company, sometimes you'd just need a break. From everything.

"Fucking Lio," Nadei grunted slouching back, clearly irritated, his hands retracting back to give me some space. "He never listens."

Nial started pulling the straps of my bra up, covering my exposed tetas to slide on my top and fix my disheveled hair. "There you go, little Angel." He smiled pecking my lips, a soft distant look in his brown orbs.

My stomach growled suddenly, a sheepish smile tugging at my lips. "It's past lunchtime." I muffled my groan into Brown eyes' chest as I eyed the time on my phone, begrudgingly chucking the gadget into the side table. "I'm hungry." My stomach rumbled again.

He chuckled patting my bum. "We will head out in a second, alright?" I nodded inhaling his soft musk and ash scent.

"Сэр, мистер Verticolli становится.....нетерпеливым, я позволю ему впустить?" A gruff voice said from the other side of the door, sounding like he had better things to deal with some angry dude.
(Sir, Mr. Verticolli is getting....restless, shall I let him in?)

It wasn't Aleksandr at the door, that's for sure.

He wouldn't have sounded this riled up because that man had a tolerance for taking people's shit. Trust me, I'd definitely know better since he was my bodyguard. I tended to annoy him but get no reaction whatsoever.

Brick wall behavior.

"Da." Nial answered still securing me to his chest, his nose trailing up my neck as he banded his arms around my waist.

Not even a second after. A man barged into the closed office. No one moved. No one spoke. No one even dared to audibly breathe.

We stared at each other until he made the first move.

He pulled me from the couch.

I didn't get a chance to even react before a loud yelp left my lips as the mystery man suddenly hugged me, his arms warped around me in a vice-like grip. Unrelenting but sweet.

Gods, Sofia you're hugging a random man while your men are watching and you're calling it sweet?

Shaking my head, I desperately wanted to rip my self a new brain for my lack of reaction at the actions of the tall lanky male grasping me to him like I'd run away at any given chance.

And I was suddenly yanked away. A loud yip leaving my lips as my back harshly collided with Nikolai's warm chest, his woodsy scent enveloping us confirming that it was indeed him.

What the fuck was wrong with them playing tug game with my small-assed self? This felt indirectly dreaming and disrespectful.

"Bloody hell, these stupid men." Bile rose in my throat and my head spun as I grumbled pulling away from him to see the bleached blond haired male frowning. My eyes scanned him from head to toe noting every detail but trying not to let the nausea overcome me.

He was rather interesting and his gruff voice did not match him, he looked more of a really, really tall lean boy than a man.

Adorning black Doc Martens, dark ripped jeans, a light blue hoodie with a black leather jacket to top it off. My eyes drifted to his hands to his nails, painted a dark blue, his fingers tatted and all ring clad.

He gave off a cool aura and he ate. I loved his style, it looked edgy but chill.

But then my eyes moved upwards and zoomed in on his face. I gasped, it felt like hours have passed as I stared at him, my fingers instantly moved to touch his face skimming over every feature with the utmost attention and he let me.

I flicked his forehead and he pouted grumbling. Holy shit, this was real. I cupped his cheek mushing the flesh. It felt like that scene from 18 again as I made sure that this male was a real but a manlier copie of myself.

My hands shook. What in the actual ever loving fuck was happening? I chanted internally freaking out. I'm not going crazy, am I?

My feet ached more than a prostitute working her corner but I couldn't sit. I couldn't think of anything other than him. It was like being physically and mentally frozen in place feeling my heart thud again my ribcage, blood swooshing through my ears.

He looked like me.

Oh Gods. He really looked like me.

A tear left his eye and he flanked me again hugging the living daylights out of my affection-deprived self.

Almost instantly, my hand reached to pat him back on impulse and my brain couldn't function. It was like I was on autopilot. I could see what I was doing but I couldn't tell if it was me or not.

"Baby," he rasped then hugged me tighter and I could swear I heard a faint growl from one of the guys.

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