Author's POV.
Her eyes landed on him. And Sofia, instantly, felt like absolute and utter shit. Guilt made her heart sink and tightened its clutches over her making her wish that the ground would swallow her whole and never let go. What a damn relief it would be. She thought to herself.
Brown eyes looked like a mess. He felt like it too, a total mess. His chin in an unruly scruff, his eyes empty and tired. Mouth uplifted in a drunken smile as he saw her. Nial was the definition of a hollow shell in that exact moment.
He downed the whole content of the glass in one gulp feeling the after burn of said alcoholic beverage trickle down his throat, not daring to break the eye contact as he clenched his teeth.
"What the hell is she doing here?"
Cerulean eyes met his angry jade ones and softened despite his harshly thrown question.
"Nikolai, please." Sofia kissed the blond haired man's cheek making his heart flutter but tighten his corded strong arms around her. "Just hear me out. All of you. Please," she pleaded and swiped the long golden strand of his hair back with her fingers stepping away from him to face them at once.
"I said, what are you doing here?" Nadei asked, his tone harsh and stern. Unrelentingly scanning Sofia's small frame, his eyes darkened, he stood up feeling rage rack his body in a hot lava like wave. "What the fuck are wearing?"
Frosty, cold chills ran up Sofia's arms at his tone. Just why did these damn men like focusing on things as small as these but not the bigger problems? Ugh.
She found it so tiring to try and act civil when the trio were being difficult but she needed to have some patience with them.
They had a rough upbringing and so did she, and that, right there, made her realize how dainty and fragile their feelings were despite how they well concealed them.
"Why don't you want me to leave?" She voiced halfheartedly.
The trio flinched at her question, their jaws clenched, hands in tight fists as they struggled to keep a straight mind despite being slightly tipsy. They just wanted to keep her safe. They convinced themselves but knew, deep deep down, the real reason why they didn't want Sofia to leave.
She would want to stay there, in Italy, with her family.
Because what else would she need? Her parents, brothers and family would be there. She'd make new friends. Maybe find someone less dangerous. Someone normal to replace them and start a new life that wouldn't include them.
After all, they were just a bunch of random men that took her against her will and forced their love on her, right?
That thought itself made them want to lock her up with the amount of jealousy and envious intent it filled them with. Geez. They were near losing it over a goddamn four week trip.
Were they that fucking insecure?
The voice of Anika, their mother, made them want to rip their ears off as its shrilly and hateful, coarse but highly pitched tone clouded their minds with insecurities. Telling them how they weren't enough for Sofia to stay, how they didn't mean anything to her.
"Forced into this and you expect her to stay after finding her lost family." Her screechingly annoying voice cackled, "Foolish idiots. Unworthy of anyone's love. Unworthy of life..."
Unworthy. Unworthy. Unworthy.
That word stung more than it should.
They should have been used to it with the way their sorry excuses of parents often used the term to hurt and harm them, mentally and emotionally.
Toughening up your kid by breaking them down first was the absurd, fucked up and cruel way Anika and Lucifer Alexeyev used on the trio. Throwing harmful words and taunting insults like they were paid to.
Uncaring of whatever pain it'll bring them because, men don't feel. As he liked to say while beating them up to a bloody, bruised mess of limbs.
"Come," Nial sighed setting his empty glass down, his fingers motioning for Sofia to come closer. Her heart stuttered as she walked towards her gentle giant. The immense need to hug the ever loving adoration out of the hulk of a man, increased.
"I'm sorry," his arms warped around her midriff pulling her into his comforting embrace. Relishing his warmth and affectionate gestures as she warped her arms around his neck, her legs winding their way around his waist.
"I'm sorry too, Bello. I never want to be away from you." She mumbled into his chest feeling someone's larger body press up against her back, probably Nikolai since Nadei was still being an insufferable emotionless asshole as he stood by the red leather couch, unmoving.
"Missed you so much." Nikolai kissed at the length of her delicate neck, his hand not resisting to fall into her touch, laid on her exposed back warming her instantly. "Fuck, I love you."
"I love you more," she softly whispered turning her head to the side feeling those jade eyes bore into her. She faced Nikolai, her lips aching to meet his as Nial kneaded her hips, not so subtly grinding her against his semi hard cock. "And I missed you so fucking much," Sofia moaned.
Nadei growled suddenly shocking the three huddled up individuals. Having an internal fight with himself, he shook his head and made his way out of their private room. He couldn't stay any longer. It affected him greatly how Sofia wanted to make amends but recoiled as he remembered that she'd leave for a whole fucking month.
This last week had been hell for him more than he thought. Distancing himself from his pretty little girl, clearly, wasn't the answer to minimizing his anger and trepidation towards her decision or quieting his demons.
"No, Nadei. Pozhaluysta."
(Please)His resolve broke at her pleading making him, abruptly stop in place. His left hand on the door knob tightening as he faught back the urge to gather her in his chest and never, ever let her go. She was the damn air that he breathed but why was he pushing her away? Why the fuck was he reacting so irrationally?
Tourmaline aka Nadei fucking Alexeyev, was a hard ass when he wanted to be and Sofia knew that. She knew that he didn't like being disobeyed nor did he like being away from her too long but she needed to hear him say the exact reason why he and his brothers didn't want her to go. Other than their clinginess because she knew them well enough to see through them.
"Anything. I'll do anything, just- please don't leave. I miss you, " she begged rushing towards him. Her arms flung around his waist as he tensed. "Please."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He chastised himself for making her cry.

Their Wife (Reverse Harem)
RomanceNineteen year old Sofia never had thought that her kindness was a bad thing. Always trying to help those in need and always doing it with a bright, beautiful smile on her face. She was the epitome of an angel. But one fateful night had changed every...