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I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and made my way to the bathroom to wash my face and freshen up.

I glanced at the mirror meeting my puffy slightly red-rimmed eyes and reddened cheeks, my hair untamed and dark shopping bags under my eyes.

And my neck.

A light purple bruise adorning it, provoking me to wince when I skimmed my fingers on it too hard.

Crying before sleeping was absolute shit and the bruising on my throat was even worse.

I looked like a raccoon high on crack.

After combing my hair through the rough tangled mess that it was. A loud knock resonated from the other side of the door, my eyes snapped to its direction feeling my hand grip the counter with force.

I didn't want to be bothered and for sure shit didn't want to see them.

The damned three.

"дорогой, you need to wake up now, please," Anne's soft heavily accented voice contained my attention through the door reminding me of the plans that the trio set in place.

Taking me to their home.

"Okay, I'll be out in a second," I said loud for her to hear.

Tying my hair in a bun, I wore the white sneakers that they left for me in the room and made my way out of the long hallway to ascend the stairs.

As I lifted my eyes, I caught sight of Anne. She smiled warmly but did not expect me to smile back at how shocked she looked when I did.

They weren't going to ruin my damn mood too.

I was kidnapped not dead for fuck's sake.

She ushered me into the kitchen to find Nikolai on one of the stools typing away on his laptop not acknowledging my presence and it was good. A great thing actually, the further they stayed away, the better.

Taking the stool further away from him he snapped his eyes to mine for a millisecond. My widening as I witnessed his hazel orbs replenish with pain, distress and remorse.

I averted my eyes to Anne after she asked what I wanted. Serving myself some lunch, I dove into the food forgetting about the longing eyes that seemed to not stray away from me but deeply relished in their attention.

I took my last sip of the apple juice my glass contained and took my plate and empty glass to the sink to wash them but as I put them in the sink.

A calloused yet soft hand grabbed mine. Gods, whey were they so damn veiny and rough? I unexpectedly, raised my eyes to meet his hazel ones gulping as I watched his ringed hand softly grab mine.

I had a thing for strong veiny hands, you see.

Gods, that sounded dirty.

"Let me do it instead, my love," Nikolai muttered with a small smile yet his eyes still conveyed that unwavering pain and guilt.

My heart slightly stung at the genuine and pure hurt painted on his face. Shaking my head I pulled my hand away from his hoping to erase his hot touch from my skin.

I stubbornly mumbled not wanting or needing his help, "I can do it myself."

Slender fingers tilted my head to meet his eyes that were zeroing in on my neck. Shit. I held in a breath.

"I-I need, fuck, to put some bruising cream on your neck. Kitten, would you let me please? I'm so sorry for loosing control. I-I really didn't mean to hurt you. And I would never hurt." He implored, sadly, his eyes casted downwards not meeting mine, his pained voice made feel bad.

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