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3:47 AM

I jolted awake, gasping for air, hot tears ran down my face, my choked sobs and cries muffled with my palm.

Another nightmare.

It had been a few months since I had one that vivid.  It felt like I relived it, the abuse, the starvation, the mental and verbal torture.

It was like the last two years away from them were just a dream that I conjured and that I was still stuck there.

My tears turned to soft sniffles and the light was turned on suddenly making me flinch from the bright light. I removed my arm that was shielding my eyes and peeked through my red-rimmed eyes to find Nikolai turning to me, sitting up.

He scanned my shaking form, worriedly and reached a hand to my face, I flinched away, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Kitten, open your beautiful eyes and look at me," his voice deep resonated with worry and a mere delicate whisper.

I shook my head ferociously cowering, a headache forming, my breathing coming in short pants, palms sweating as the flashbacks hit me like a ton of bricks.

All the indications of an upcoming panic attack.



He was going to hurt me just like they did.

"Breathe, my love, breathe, in and out. Come on, baby. Be a good girl for me and breathe," Nikolai soothed slowly petting my hair.

My breathing was out of control as fat tears rolled out of my eyes.

Nikolai murmured soft notions running a calloused hand down my back comfortingly.

A few minutes later, my tears and shaking died down as I sighed and ran a hand down my face wiping all the remnants of my tears from my cheeks.

Slightly comforted, I opened my glossy eyes to peek back at his hazel ones. My physical need to cling to his bigger form was palpable and clear as my scared self and thought that I'd feel safer in his arms.

"C-can y-you hold me, please?" I croaked out my voice hoarse and coming dry making me cringe inwardly.

"Here let me get you a glass of water first, my love," he announced before getting out of the room in a haste.

I changed positions on the bed seeing that the other two sleeping soundly, their backs turned to the same side and Nial's leg draped over Nadei's leg with his arm over his face.

Now, that was fucking hilarious.

I knew that Nadei would've kicked Nial's ass for it because he's the grumpiest one of them. I giggled quietly, wondering how the hell were they sleeping peacefully with all the crying and talking?

Even, when I thought they would've heard me by now but I guessed that they were heavy sleepers.

I heeded the door opening slowly, Nikolai coming into view with a tray containing a glass of milk another glass of water, and a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Now, that was how he won my heart at that exact moment.

Just kidding he'd have to do more than that but this kind gesture made me feel cared for and loved.

He placed the tray on my lap and gestured for me to drink the water. I gobbled the glass of water greedily and mumbled a 'thank you'.

"Anything for you, love-" he waved off sweetly but his mood changed and he peered at me tenderly, my nerves gliding. "Do you want to talk about it?"

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