Hope that this would give you the justice that you deserve, too.A.H
-Ripping the yellow envelope, I pulled a flashdrive, a stack of pictures and a note. I read the messy cursive writing on the folded piece of paper a second time. Unsure of what to feel..
I was... relieved but confused. I obviously still didn't know who the stranger was nor did I know how he knew anything this personal about me.
However, it didn't matter, now.
All what mattered was the slight feel of satisfaction that coursed through my heart. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little happy that they got what they deserved. Honestly, It was long overdue.
Revenge felt good.
Not great.
And it had me questioning everything. The thought itself of Adrian's death, his dark eyes staring into nothingness as his equally dark, sick and twisted soul left his body was... satisfactory but it was still missing something.
Closure was something that people took for granted, thinking that that they can just move on from whatever they had went through just because they...can. I understood it now. The concept of needing to confront my demons before I took them out. Before I ended them.
And I wanted to be on the other side, I wanted to be the one that would pull the trigger. Maybe would have brought me the peace that I craved? Maybe it'd give me the justice that I wanted?
"Fuck.." my hand trembled as I griped one of the gory and awfully detailed pictures. A gaping, crimson leaking hole was on Maximus' forehead. He had tremendously changed physically, he no longer was that scrawny dark haired kid with uncontrollable anger issues. "Jeez.."
Nor was he alive, my conscience reminded.
"Gods..." I breathed. The second picture was even more terrifying.
Adrian's deformed face wasn't recognizable and if it weren't for the fact that I memorized what his eye color or what his facial structure looked like, I wouldn't have been able to tell that it was him, of all of the dark, bloody bruises painting his face. His jaw was twisted in an abnormal angle that almost made hurl my guts out.
It was nothing less than horrifying.
"Love!" I heard Nikolai shout from the bedroom. Snapping me out my fearsome thoughts as I regarded the rest of the pictures hurriedly. Panic taking residence in my actions. "Are you okay in there?" He asked.
"Y-yeah! I'm fine," Cursing my voice for cracking at his concern, I set everything aside to wash my face. Hopeful that the cold water would smack me into reality. Instead of being stuck in my head. "Be out in a minute!"
Gulping down the pile of nerves clogging my throat. I took a deep breath, awareness seeping into my gobsmacked self. I really needed to pull myself together.
They got what they deserve, end of. I didn't need to make any of this into something that it wasn't. I just needed to accept that the world is a better place without them. Period.
But damn, I was still shaken because Jude had these in his grasp. He didn't know any better and if he were to have opened them.... Gods, I wouldn't even fathom the idea of one of my babies being traumatized like that.
Seeing something so fucking viciously detailed. It would take away their innocent take on everything. That was something I hoped that I'd die before I let it happen, that was why I never let my men talk about anything besides work around our kids.
I took a look at the stack of pictures, deciding to burn them before the guys or anybody saw them. Whatever was in the flashdrive, I was going to see it later and the privacy of my own room. My heart couldn't bear more of this gory shit.
"Happy birthday to you!" The guys sang as I swung Lorelei softly, her cute little giggles lighting up the mood as Aurelio, Renzo, Vale and Luca sang along, pulling a big grin out of Jude. "Happy birthday dear Jude! Happy birthday to you!"
"C'mon little guy , make an awesome fu -freaking wish!" Lio urged my son as I casted his idiotic, sailor mouthed self a hasty look for almost cursing in front of the kids. 'Sorry' he mouthed, looking sheepish.
"Okay!"Jude blew on the candles and the dim light was turned all the way up. The six year old's excitement evident as Nikolai guided him through cutting his cake. My brothers clapped, fueling his happiness even more.
"Cake! I wan cake, pleeeease!" Lorelei, that I had in my arms stumbled across her words, stretching the last one for emphasis, her pointer finger poking at my cheek adorably. "Momma! Cake!"
Letting out a laugh, "Alright, Neonata," I started. "Monkey's gotta cut it first, then, I'll give you this much cake!" I imitated having a huge piece of the two flavored sweetness. (Baby girl )
"Woo, LeiLei! It's your turn! Here comes the cake monster!" Aurelio mocked an evil laugh and smeared a little bit of the chocolate frosting on her little nose pulling a hearty grin out of her. "Bwahahahaha!"
"Zio! Nooo!" Lio being his usual self smeared even more frosting on her and managed to get some on my cheek. I couldn't help but feel my worry ease, slightly at the innocent joy emitting from everyone. Unaware of what horrors I had seen a few seconds ago, they continue to mess around. (Uncle)
Timing wasn't my friend in the least.
This was supposed a good day. A happy day. Spent in having fun and joy, not overthinking who sent the package or what their motive was. It surely didn't make sense how someone would do something like this and not expect anything in return, right?
There had to be a reason why this approached my son after years of us not finding a trace on the Heizers or what was left of them. So why would he do this now?
I thought that I hid my turmoil pretty well but as Nial casted me a long, worried look across the table, I let my facade drop for a millisecond, "Later," I mouthed earning a nod from him.
Glad that he wasn't pressing on the matter, I put on my big girl pants and smiled. Cutting Jude's cake while the guys chose their drinks and getting Mama and Papa on a video call. I sighed. Hopeful that the cheerful mood my family was in would ease my worried head and perturbed heart.
Still feeling stagnant about what the flashdrive sitting in my drawer.
"Why so gloomy, Darling? Everything okay?" Nial said as he sat to my right. Leaving Nikolai to my left and Nadei to kneel in front of me, holding onto my legs as he softly kneaded them. "You look... distracted," Brown Eyes shared a look with his brothers.
Wordlessly, I pull the forsaken envelope and hand it to Nadei. Unable to form a single sentence as they regarded it with keen interest. "Look."
The curious look on Tourmaline's eyes fell into a dark glare, his lips pursed as he clenched his jaw, handing each of his brother one of the seven pictures. "Where did you get these?" He asked, inhaling sharply, grasping the crumbled note. "Who is A.H?"
"That's what I'm trying to find out." I mumbled numbly, fully through with this detective game. I was fucking exhausted. "There's this, too," I shakily, pulled the blue Toshiba flashdrive.
"I haven't checked what's in it, yet," I said, thanking Nikolai as he swiftly pulled my laptop out of my bedside table, gently setting it on my thighs. "I thought I should tell you guys first."
"I guess we're about to find out."

Their Wife (Reverse Harem)
RomanceNineteen year old Sofia never had thought that her kindness was a bad thing. Always trying to help those in need and always doing it with a bright, beautiful smile on her face. She was the epitome of an angel. But one fateful night had changed every...