Nadei."Look, all I-I'm saying is t-that the a-amount of cousins, nieces and nephews we have is enough to inhabitant a whole c-continent." Lorenzo sniggered across from Nikolai, his words coming out a slurred mess. Eyes drowsily drifting away. His flushed face but contorted in a board sleepy dopey grin.
And I knew that the идиот was gone for, the second he got rid of his glasses.
(Idiot)Luca chuckled shaking his head amusedly, "The hell did you expect? We're Italians for fuck's sake. We don't do families of three. Plus, big families are awesome, it doesn't help with the fact that we fuck like rabbits too."
Vale laughed at Luca's wording, obviously making what he said a sexually odd joke in his corrupted head but he soon shut his mouth as his father sent him a pointed glare, sparing us the displeasure of hearing whatever he wanted to say.
God knows what went on in that brain of his.
Rolling my eyes at the easily intoxicated male, that barely drank three glasses of wine. "So," I clapped my hands on my knees getting their attention.
Amusement clear in my voice as I addressed the rest of my family. My dark eyes settled on my girl. "We should probably head to bed, you guys came from a long trip and I'm sure that you're tired as well. The rooms are set to your likings, make yourselves at home-"
"No, no, no! I want sissy to st-stay--" Renzo hiccuped clinging to his sister who had a humourous grin on her soft face.
God, she looked so happy and I didn't want to separate her from her siblings but it was getting late and we needed some rest. Sofia looked quite exhausted too. Physically and emotionally nonetheless happy- happier than she was with just us.
Standing up from my seat, my brothers did the same excusing themselves at the loud shrill of their phones resounded. "Tough shit, Thelma. your sissy," I chuckled along with Lio at the use of nickname when gave his brother, "Is tired, frankly, so am I and we're going to need all the sleep we can get. Let's go, my love."
She looked up yawning, eyes closing as her lips parted softly effectively confirming my doubts. Her pale blue eyes longingly glanced at her overjoyed but tipsy brothers stopping to linger on her parents.
She was seeing her lost family for the first time but fuck, I needed her. In my bed and preferably in my arms. Now.
No matter how selfish it was to crave and want to have her attention on me. On us. I needed her to myself.
"Bro, Lorenzo is on the brink of passing out," Luca snickered, shaking his head, arms stretched backward.
Almost instantly, said man fell asleep or half-asleep. I winced as his head thudded again the table. He was still mumbling gibberish under his breath, swatting away Luca and Vale's hands when they tried to move and carry him.
I rolled my eyes for the millionth time averting my eyes elsewhere.
Marcella laughed, then amusedly said holding Gio's hand, standing up and to greet Anne as the maids started clearing the dinner table, "Come on, Figlio, get up." She placed her unoccupied hand on Renzo's shoulder, his eyes blinking open before he closed them again.
(Son)"Baby? Figlio, you need to get up."
No answer.
"Figlio, I won't repeat myself."
He mumbled something along the lines of, "Manchester United be unskilled bitches."
Hm. It figures. I wasn't going to argue with that or try to wake him up. That man spoke facts while drunk out of his mind which didn't help with the fact that he was a genius in the Underworld too.

Their Wife (Reverse Harem)
RomanceNineteen year old Sofia never had thought that her kindness was a bad thing. Always trying to help those in need and always doing it with a bright, beautiful smile on her face. She was the epitome of an angel. But one fateful night had changed every...