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But a half an hour into sitting in comfortable silence, I decided to be my dumb self once again. But the real question was, when was I not being dumb?

Pulling myself up from their cocooned embrace to stretch my arms above my head, my sweater rose at the action showing an adulterated amount of skin. "Now, now, enough of the emotional shit. Let's go get us some lunch, I'm starving," I joked but winced after seeing the unamused look on Nadei's face.

Okay... So, joking about it didn't make it any better.

Copy that. Party popper.

"Too soon, I guess," I stated awkwardly, rubbing my nape but my words got a soft chuckle from Nikolai that shook his head looking down at me as he stood up.

"He's just being grumpy, Love," I snorted at the glare Nadei shoot his brother.

"When is he not grumpy? Is the question."

Nial and Nikolai laughed as Nadei tried to act angered at my words but a small smile pulled up on his luscious lips. "Bad, bad girl," He mouthed shaking his head and I blushed ferociously.

"Come on. Doll," Brown eyes held out his hand to me after I threw on my coat and beanie readying myself to face the frosty cold weather outside.

Clasping his and Tourmaline's hand we make our way out, Nikolai following suit.


I sent Vasily- the trio's chauffeur who was one of the nicest and funniest fifty-year-old men ever- a gratified and polite smile as we made our way to the restaurant Nial had recommended for us to go to.

Upon spotting us walking in.

The woman at the reception looked... surprised but composed herself sending the three hulking men shielding me from view a seductive smile pushing up her fake tits by straightening her posture.

I didn't like the way she straight out ignored my existence to ogle the trio. Okay, I wasn't sure if it was me mad about being ignored by the botox induced woman or the jealous streak that twisted my insides but I didn't like her.

At all.

As I huffed at the sickly sweet and whiney tone she spoke with addressing Nial and Nadei who were in front of me. I clenched my fists tight and held back an angry shout as she continued to twirl her short but chippy blonde hair around her fingers eye fucking my men.

Gods, when did I get so possessive?

"Bentornati signori, il vostro solito tavolo è pronto e un cameriere sarà con voi a breve," she said as I pushed the two giants to meet her eyes that were eating my men up.
(Welcome back sirs, your usual table is ready and a server will be with you there shortly)

Her grey eyes met mine that shone with irritation and mild possessiveness at the looks she gave them. I scoffed seeing a smirk pull up on Nadei's face in my peripheral and my stare down with the fake wannabe Barbie bitch heated up a notch.

My given nickname suited her calling her FWBB wouldn't be so bad. Granted, her dirty looks were feeding onto my anger and possessiveness but who did she think she was to look at them like that? Like they belonged to her instead of me.

Oh, fuck. I sounded like a damn yandere.

"Oh, hai portato qualcuno con te-" the jealousy and fake facade she had on began on showing the longer she glared at me and her desperation was clear as day.
(Oh, you brought someone with you-)

"Armando è disponibile?" Nikolai dismissed her with a flick of a wrist the other two looked as bored as ever.
(Is Armando available?)

"No, al momento non è disponibile" she met Nikolai's stoic mask and shuddered at the look cast by my other two men as she tossed me another dirty look.
(No, he is not available at the moment)

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