"Language, little girl!" Was the first thing that came out of Nadei's mouth when he regained his cool to what I had said.
I flinched seeing his seething form approaching my slightly trembling body on the bed to grip my hand in a powerful hold, discarding how I struggled to not break into hysterical tears.
The other two stood winced at the aghast look on my paling face.
Pulling me from the headboard that I was backed against to stand in front of their towering frames that seemed, even more intimidating at this closeness.
I shook my head at Nadei's unwavering grip and slowly pulled my wrist away. I couldn't help but want to hope for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. So, I only lowered my eyes to the ground and attempted to avoid looking at him- them.
I never liked having eye contact with others because it made me feel awkward and shy. And this was even worse. So much worse.
"Look at me," the still unknown man with the pretty brown eyes, softly, stated. "Look at me, Darling," he softened his voice with more conviction reaching two fingers to grab my chin and I closed my eyes upon contact.
Slightly tightening his loose hold on my chin. I shook my head once again wanting to think of a way to flight this unwanted conversation with the hottest men I had ever seen in my life that had to screw up by kidnapping me and acting as if they did nothing wrong.
Scoffing internally at the absurdity of this situation, I felt fingers taking a hold of my chin to lift my head again to look at the three giants making me avert my gaze elsewhere.
"I suggest that you listen to him, Sweetheart," what I identified as Nadei's voice, scoldingly said making me almost scoff at his threat. What would they do that they haven't done already? There was nothing that anyone could ever do to harm me anymore.
You couldn't really break something that has been already broken.
Not letting myself wallow in self pity and possibly have a breakdown remembering the horrific childhood that I had in front of these three hot nobodies. I quickly put on the stoic face that I was trained to put on in these sorts of dire situations.
I'm a smart, powerful and agile woman and I'm going to get my answers from them. I repeated this mantra, gathering my courage and the unreadable mask that fleeted my features was back in check hardening a smidgen as my eyes met theirs.
He trained us to never show emotions and to learn how to defend ourselves and always have the upper hand over our enemies. He showed us how to deceive them into thinking that we were defenceless until we take them down.
Give them the power to think they're gaining victory but not enough to lose yourself. He embedded that saying into our brains.
I fought back the intrusive demons that were trying to take over my head and make me show my true intent to the trio. I looked toward Nadei making sure to mask the fact that I was planning to fight back and flee. "I have questions."
Gazing at my eyes softly, Nikolai cooed, "And we will answer all of your questions, Love. Well, after you have had something to eat, of course. Is that alright?"
On cue, my stomach made itself known by letting a loud growling noise. I haven't eaten in a while which was fine since I was used to forgetting to eat, nonetheless, my body needed all the nutrition to recharge whatever energy I had left to help me run the fuck away from...this.
"Okay," I mumbled, going with the faux level headed façade.
"Alright, brothers, I'll go fetch the food while you keep this Angel, over here, occupied- " Nikolai chirped before pausing to grab my hand and plant a feather like kiss on my palm making me blush, embarrassed.
"Oh and don't do something I wouldn't do," he smirked looking at his brothers pointedly to glance at me with a soft look I wasn't at all used to.
A sigh of relief left my lips, thankful that I'd only have to deal with these two idiots before I made my escape.
"Perhaps, you'd like to watch a movie with us Lyubov' (Love) Maybe just rest?" Brown eyes asked tenderly, a hesitant tone contrasting his otherwise powerful hulking frame.
I let the fact that they were acting too familiar for people that I had met not even an hour ago. "What's your name?" I asked Brown eyes hoping to not have to refer to him as that anymore. He didn't have the privilege of getting nicknamed by me. I usually did that with people I liked not people like....them.
"Nial." He smiled in response.
Oh, gods, this was too weird even for me and I was the queen of weirdos. I quickly answered with a 'yes' to his request and Nial went to look for the remote on the wall board near the huge flat TV screen.
Showtime, Sofia. My heart thundered against my breast cage as I approached Nadei that was only two and a half feet away from me to hold out my hands to carry me hoping that the distraction would be enough to have him unexpectedly fall for my trap.
He happily obliged like the idiot that he was by closing the distance between us and slightly bending down at his knees to warp my arms around his neck. I smiled menacingly.
Shocking him for a second, I trailed my hand over his throat inhaling harshly as goosebumps appeared on his smooth skin and then, I pressed my thumb hard on one of his pressure points at the back of his neck making him fall forward letting out a groan.
He luckily didn't fall like a dead weight as I expected him to but he wobbled on his feet enough to release his tight hold on me. So, I sprinted out of the room like my bum was on fire after locking the door on them and internally cheered.
I ran down the long hallway, hearing Nial's distant shouting and banging on the door making me let out a snort at the fact that they left the key in the keyhole on the door when they opened it.
Served him right.
Karma was one real bitch.
I slowed down my running to look around to see if there was another possible route out of this excessively big mansion.
I heard the sounds of footsteps making me stop in my tracks and quickly get into a room letting the door slightly ajar while letting me hear and see who was outside.
Locking the door after seeing him quickly stride towards the shouts and bang in the distance. I looked around the room to spot a huge window and approached it noting that we were possibly on the second floor of the lavish mansion making me thank the gods above for the fact that there was a huge tree facing the window.
My only escape is to free myself from potential harm and broken bones from what I did to my so-called-kidnappers just now.
I unlocked the window slowly and rubbed my arms around my shivering body to hold into one of the thick and steady branches of the tree to make my way down hurriedly and sprint towards the woods that seemed to surround the mansion from every side.
I intaked a whiff of the cold but fresh air and continued running my way out of the extremely frigid forest. The huge gate was a no go as it came into view. It was guarded, so I turned towards the opposite way not wanting to lead anything nor have anyone on my trail.
Fastening my pace I drifted off to my overthinking stupor, again.
I was always on the run. Running from my past, my demons seemed to have come back in full force to get me to the dark place I was in once.
And now these men that seemed to have almost made me give in to the sweet sweet temptation that they are but they fucked up the second they took me from my home.
But now I was free.
In another unknown country but still free.
Finally free.
However, If I had only known that my short lived happiness and freedom would be cut short. I would not have helped Nadei or had been stuck in this kind of position.
Screw being compassionate.

Their Wife (Reverse Harem)
RomanceNineteen year old Sofia never had thought that her kindness was a bad thing. Always trying to help those in need and always doing it with a bright, beautiful smile on her face. She was the epitome of an angel. But one fateful night had changed every...