I Blame Waffles

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I hated waking up in the morning, especially for school.

But it was a Friday, which meant school would end, and I could stay in my room all day tomorrow.

As my mind debated whether to skip school, my 5 o'clock alarm rung, and kept ringing, insisting that I got out of bed.

I sat up and went to my closet, where I had set out my outfit last night. A green Nike hoodie, black leggings, white Nike socks, and some black and white Jordans.

I unplugged my phone as I sat at my vanity and looked in the mirror.

I didn't have the energy last night to wash my long, straight, brown hair, so I put it up into a high ponytail, which would definitely get messed up throughout the day at school, and all my afterschool stuff.

As an extra effort to keep me unseen, I was in a lot of afterschool things. Today I had fencing before school, volleyball, and basketball after school (usually lasting until 7), and I wasn't allowed back at the compound until 9. That meant I had a few hours to spend with my friends and walk back. Well, my friend.

I only have one friend, which may seem sad, but Aspen counted as 5. We do everything together, and she's the only friend I've ever had, probably because we can relate to each other.

Once my parents died, I had never felt so alone. Tony had Obadiah, not to mention all his girls and money, but I didn't have anyone. Aspen got that. Her parents died in a car crash when she was in kindergarten.

Since I had no friends, I got bullied all the time. It doesn't happen anymore, I guess kids are over that part of their life once they are Juniors, but Aspen helped me out of that. She also told me I should ask a doctor if I had ADHD and dyslexia, but I just asked Tony (before he was an Avenger) and he did some fancy things with his technology and it turned out I did.

When the results came back I heard Tony mumble "So that's why..."

I think he meant to say, So that's why I'm extra smart while my sister is extra dumb.

I snapped out of my daydream and looked at my light brown eyes in the mirror, ultimately deciding to stand up.

You must be wondering why I didn't put on makeup, and the answer to that is Tony. My superhero, overprotective, annoying brother says he thinks I already look pretty without it. News-flash I don't care what you think, and I don't think I ever will.

I grabbed my airpods, put on my black backpack, and quietly left my room. 

I walked out into the hall. There were only 2 floors of bedrooms in the whole compound, and there was no way Tony could build a separate room from all the others without creating suspicion, so I had to be really quiet when walking in the hall and down the stairs.

The day before, I had woken up early because of nightmares, and made some waffles. I had some left over for breakfast, and I really wanted them.

As I got to the kitchen to grab my waffles I could hear a voice coming from inside, which meant I probably should've walked the other way, but something was telling me I should listen in. Maybe it was the air. Or maybe it was my curious nature. Or the fact that I really wanted my waffles. Either way, I stopped briefly to listen to who it was.

I thought I only heard Tony's voice so I walked in. Tony usually is talking to his AI assistant Friday, which honestly made him look like a psychopath, which I found hilarious. Since he was usually working on multi million dollar secrets, I usually left him alone, but today I wanted my waffles and some free entertainment.

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