Definitely Not a Doctor Puts a Spell on Me

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Yeah, I was lost.

I stumbled around trying to find someone, anyone who could help, but it was like they couldn't see me. At one point I was so desperate I walked up right in front of them and waved my hands, but they just looked at me and told me to "Get the fuck away from them".

Wow that was mean.

After that I gave up on humanity and focused on finding help in technology. Tony's number was engraved in my mind, he made me memorize it at a young age just in case I was ever in trouble. He said it was for emergencies only. This was an emergency, right? 

The blood from my face would not stop falling, which got really annoying, and it made me have trouble walking. Probably either from the blood loss, or the blood in my eyes. Both had an equal chance of winning, but I decided to focus on more important things than my declining health.

I walked down a street that looked friendly enough, and had many buildings. I didn't want to wake anyone up so I just knocked at the doors of building with lights on.

After the 5th rejection, I was starting to feel a little bit hopeless, but then my knees buckled and that little bit of hopeless turned into a lot a bit of hopeless. 

There was one last house, and if they didn't answer me I was going to be really sad. I didn't want to die so pathetically! I always imagined it as this huge sacrifice with explosions and cameras, so let me just say, this was not living up to the dream.

I tripped up the stairs of a building, I could see that it was tall, but my eyes were blurry. Especially my left eye. It was slowly, slowly, regaining it's sight, almost like a polaroid picture. One thing that didn't change was a grey line down the middle of my vision. Yeah, that was going to get really fucking annoying, real fast.

I could tell there was a sign to the right hand side of the door, but the only word I could make out was Doctor. So that meant the place must've been a doctors office, and they could help me mend my eye while I called my brother.

I leaned on the door with my shoulder and swung my arm against it to knock. It made a resonating bang, and I thought they must've heard that, so I closed my eye.

I lost all feeling in my legs and slowly slumped down the door. Maybe they would answer the door before I died. As I contemplated my last words, I heard a deep-ish voice come from inside the building.

"Unless you're selling Girl Scout Cookies, we don't want any!"

"What's a Girl Scout Cookie?" a scruffier voice asked.

Wait, they didn't know what a Girl Scout Cookie was?! If I died right then, at least I would die with a smile.

I heard a gasp from the first voice as they said, "Why you uncultured swine! I'm getting you a box of Girl Scout Cookies, and then you cant talk to me again."

Okay this was funny and all, but I kind of had to ruin the moment, just considering the small fact that I was dying.

I tried to say Help! , but my lips wouldn't form the word, so it ended up sounding like "Earl! " which didn't help my situation. If it was me at the door I would've just yelled "Go fuck yourself and leave me alone! Jersey Mike's is WAY BETTER, and you know it!!"  and left them to die. Luckily the doctor, or... whatever, inhabiting this place was a way better person than me.

I heard a groan of annoyance, probably to the previous statement, and the lock click. 

"Look whateve-" They said as they opened the door.

Whenever I decided to put my whole body weight on the door, I really didn't think it through, because as soon as the man I now see opened the door, I fell headfirst into the tile and landed with a crack.

"Oh shit."

"Ow." I replied. My brain felt like it was vibrating in my skull, which on top of the blurry vision and already pounding headache, did not feel very pleasant.

"AGH she's bleeding!" The scruffy voice said again.

"Seriously Wong," so that was his name, "you've never seen blood before?" the high pitched man voice said as he kneeled next to me to look at my injuries, "Okay honey, I'm gonna pick you up now, try and give me and indication that you're conscious and that's okay."

Who the fuck did he think honey was, cause I for sure knew that bitch wasn't me. So I did the only responsible thing. I kicked him in the shin. 

I guess he took that as an okay, and not what it really meant, and picked me up from laying on the ground, into his arms, bridal style.

"Okay now I'm going to set you down on this couch." He stated, like he was giving a play by play of a game, which was weird, and continued saying, "I'm gonna assume you can't talk, so don't be scared, but I'm going to put a healing spell on you so you can at least communicate with us."

He put the spell, but it wasn't that weird. I did just get attacked by wolves and a full time ass in an alley, so unfortunately not the weirdest thing to happen today.

"Strange, that spell only lasts for an hour, you know that right?" Wong guy said, also what'd with the weird names? I mean, come on, Strange? That had to have been code for something... right?

"Of course I know that, which leads what I was going to ask," Strange (HAHA... *cough* sorry.) glared pointedly at Wong, "As he said, we need to get you to someone before the hour is up," so...not a doctor, "what about your parents. Do you know where they are?"

That question shouldn't have been funny right? It was a sore subject, but I couldn't stop myself from letting out a giggle.

Both of the Not Doctors looked at me concerned and Wong said, "So, you know where they are?"

Another giggle managed to come out, but that time, I got a few words out after.

"Yes, I know where they are."

"Okaay, well where are they?" Strange guy asked me.

I looked him dead straight in the eyes and said, "Hell.", and burst out into another fit of giggles.

Even though I was delirious, I'll never forget their reactions to that word. Strange Man's jaw dropped and Wong dude put his hands on his head and started mumbling words I did not understand.

"Maybe we should call Tony or Bruce, they know how to handle this kind of stuff, right?" Wong said. Wait, Tony? I felt like I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. I laughed at myself for being so silly, why couldn't I remember?

"Yeah you're probably right, say kid what was your name again?" Strange asked me.

Oh! That's where I know Tony from. But wait did he just call me kid?

"I am not a kid! I'm 17! Why does everyone keep thinking that?" I said and pouted. Sure I was still a junior and whatnot. Maybe I failed a grade or two in elementary school, but I did not look that young, did I?

"Sorry, but what's your name?" He asked me again, obviously annoyed I didn't answer the question.

"Oh yeah. My name is Leana. Leana Stark." I said as I stood up from the couch, looked at their shocked and confused faces, fake curtsied, and fell right on my face.


sorry this chapter is so short! 

i was wondering if i should end it here or add more but ig this is more of a cliffhanger, so youre welcome!


author --> out

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