The Worst Study Date I've Ever Been On

672 17 4

A/N so theres violence and some other things in this chapter

Tonys gonna kill me.

I got a freaking 8%. How in the reeses peanut butter fuck does that happen? In my defense, I couldn't read any of the questions, so I just chose random answers... but statistically that couldn't be possible, could it?

I looked down at my paper in disbelief. Was I really that bad? Maybe I should've listened to Tony and studied.

The teacher wasn't much help either. She just stood over me and started talking about why I should come to tutoring before and after school and how this meant she'd have to call my parents.

Yeah, unless you have a phone to Hell, that wasn't going to happen.

The teacher walked away, shaking her head and announced that the bell was about to ring, so we should pack up. It was 8th period, and Aspen should have been here with me, except she had someone pull her out of school early. She said it was an emergency, so I hoped she was okay...mostly. She did leave me after all. But since she wasn't here that meant I was left alone.

I looked at my phone, deciding whether or not to text Aspen and tell her about my grade phenomenon, when I caught my reflection in the screen. I had gotten sweaty during practice, so I took off my hoodie (I had a white crop top underneath) and I never put it back on. Also at some point during the day I took out my hair tie, allowing my brown locks to fall and frame my face.

The bell ringed and I started to pack up my things, along with all the kids around me, but leaving my test paper on the desk.

All the kids around me started getting and walking out, happy to be at the weekend and free of school. Well, all except for Abel Grant, AJ, and Eric Palmer.

Those three had been the bane of my existence since they transferred to my school late last year. They instantly rose through the ranks and became super popular, either that or everyone was scared of them. I never understood why. Sure they were annoying, mean, and lied all the time, but I was never scared of them.

This is probably the reason I'm the target of most of their teasing. They steal my things and mess up my notes and volunteer me for things and embarrass me in the halls by asking me what I'm doing later or just ignoring me and talking to their friends about me. I always talk back though, which is probably my fault, but what am I supposed to do? Let them be jackasses?

I was seated in the back of the class, because the teacher trusted me enough to not to be stupid, while they were seated in the front.

They got up and walked over to me laughing punching each other. They stood in front of my desk.

Despite me being a tall 5'9", these guys were way taller than me, we're talking 6'3", 6'4".

"Hey Leana, what did you get?" Jackson asked me.

"Fuck off." I stood up and said while hiding the paper behind my back.

"Oh-ho this ones got spunk today." Eric exclaimed.

"Oh-ho so you want to die today?" I mocked him, glaring up at his ugly ass face.

While I was talking Abel reached behind me and snatched the paper out of my hands.

"Hey, give that back!" I protested while trying to grab it.

Abel held the paper too high for me to reach, which was so frustrating, and showed it to his friends.

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