You Must Bring Popcorn to Watch Drama Unfold

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On the drive here I thought out every scenario of this moment, and the best conclusion I made was to stay silent and take the anger Tony would throw at me.

That's how he is when he's upset, and honestly I wouldn't blame him.

When he went missing for three months I was... well lets just say it was not something I wanted Tony to go through.

I just stayed quiet, thinking about how sorry I was like Stephen told me to.

But I didn't expect him to run up and engulf me in a tight hug.

"Oh my fucking god Leana." I could hear the tears choking him up, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't also crying.

"You're okay." He whispered, more like he was reassuring himself than comforting me.

He pulled back to look at me and said, "I'm not mad, just please don't you ever scare me like that again, do you understand?"

I just nodded, he wasn't lying.

He put his arm around my shoulders and we turned out to face the team.

Not everyone was up there, because of my safety or whatever. It was only Steve, Natasha, Bruce, some guy who was giving Katniss vibes, and a kid who looked about my age.

"This is my sister Leana." Tony explained, "Leana this is Bruce, Clint, Peter, Steve, and Nat. Although you've already met a few of them."

"I'm sorry for jumping out a window." I said to Steve and Natasha.

"SHE SPEAKS!" Tony sarcastically remarked.

"No problem kid, we needed the exercise." Steve replied while I rolled my eyes at Tony's comment.

"We do need to teach you how to land though." Natasha added.

Tony shut down the idea right away, "Nononono. No one is teaching her to do anything."

"The footage of her breaking in won't take Fury long to find, isn't it better if we start on our terms rather than his?" Steve politely added.

"Speaking of which, how the hell did you do that?" Tony asked me.

"You put me in just about every extra curricular activity ever. How the fuck did you expect me not to do that?" I replied.

"Tony, you taught her to cuss?" Steve asked.

"No, that's genetic."

As the children in adult men's bodies argued, I went to introduce myself to the people I hadn't met before.

"Sorry bout that, I'm Leana." I said, shaking the older man's hand.

"Clint." He replied, "You put on quite a show, can't say I'm not mad I didn't know ya."

He sidestepped and behind him I saw another adolescent. This one looked to be a little younger than me. Probably about a year or two.

"Hey, I'm Peter Parker." He said while waving awkwardly.

"Leana." I replied.

Something about Peter seemed a little off. Then I got it. He was keeping a secret.

Tony doesn't like having kids who don't know shit around his stuff. And judging by the audience, he only invited who he thought were the smart superheroes. Which meant either two things. One, Peter was Spiderman. Or two, Peter was Friday in human form.

"So how's it like juggling school work and spidermanning? I've always wondered." I asked him nonchalantly.

"Sometimes it's pretty difficult but-" He paused putting the pieces together, "Spiderman? Wh-whos that? He sounds like, uh, a pretty cool guy. But um..Yeah I-I don't know aaany Spider People. And he's not me, I can tell you that for sure."

I just rolled my eyes, my telltale feeling going off that he was lying, but with that save, I didn't even need it.

"And we need to teach you to lie." Natasha commented.

"NO WE- You know what, I see your plan. It's a trap." Tony said pointedly at me.

"Oh-Kay Admiral Ackbar."

"You know Star Wars?"

"Of course I know-"

"SHUT IT" Tony yelled, "You are going to tell us where you went and you're never leaving this compound again!"

"I think you mean or, sir." Friday said from the ceiling.

"Alright, you are going to tell us where you went or you're never leaving this compound again!" Tony finished.

Everyone looked at me expectantly, and I promise you I was about to tell them, when three certain someones threw open the door.

"I heard Tony yelling and there was no way I was gonna miss the drama this time." Sam said to the group.

"I came to make sure nothing got overly out of control, and if it did, I would intervene." Vision remarked.

"I came to watch him watch," Bucky pointed to Sam, and then to Vision, "And watch him try to intervene."

Then a certain someone ran up behind them, popcorn in hand, "And I came because Sam forgot his popcorn, again."

"Thanks Wanda." Sam stated, while grabbing a fistful of popcorn and shoving it in his mouth.

"No problem." Wanda replied.

You might be wondering how I knew their names. Well I have an answer.

Those four are the most entertaining ones in this compound, so sometimes I would spy on them, for educational purposes.

"Why doesn't the whole team come up then, it'll sure save us some time." Tony sarcastically said, except Friday didn't understand that.

"All Avengers please report to A113, Mr. Stark's lab."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I muttered under my breath.

"I like this one already." A voice from behind me said.

"Pietro, what did I tell you about jump scares?" Wanda asked her very much alive twin brother.

"This one doesn't look much afraid, sister." Pietro smoothly replied.

"Ya get used to it." I shrugged.

A new voice came from the doorway, "Tony, so help me god, if you called us here for another one of your-"

"And look, Rhodey, it's my little sister!" Tony interrupted him.

Shocked and confused faces were mixed in with smirks of knowing from all around the room.

Tony continued saying, "Now that we're all here I can properly-"

"We're not all here." Rhodey added on. "Thor just came back. That's why I wasn't up here first."

Oh joy.

"HELLO MIDGARDIANS!" Thor boomed from the doorway.

"If I wasn't awake, I am now." I whispered to the person closest to me, who turned out to be Wanda. She stifled her laugh with a cough, before I turned my attention back to Thor who was rambling on.

"And that is why, my fellow Avengers, I have brought my brother back onto this planet that he so long ago waged war upon." Thor ended his spiel.

Hold on one mother fucking

I realized my horrible, awful mistake of coming back here when I locked eyes with the man I most certainly did not want to see.


"You've got to be shitting me."

happy easter!

love you guys <333

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