Ahhh... Memories

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TW for death

"Oh, it's you again" Strange said.

Will asked me, "You know him?" at the same time I whispered to Annabeth and Percy, "We have to go now."

"Where are you going?" Strange asked us.

Before anyone could reply I said, "We aren't going anywhere, not that its any of your fucking business."

I mumbled the last part under my breath, but I think Nico heard me because he decided to cough at that exact moment.

"Tony said that if I found you, to bring you in." Strange stated much to my disliking, "He set out a search for you, so wherever you're not going, you would theoretically  have to be very careful as to who sees you."

"That bitch!" I replied, very angrily.

"Something we can agree on." I heard Strange mutter under his breath.

I heard some shouting in the distance, and realized we had very little time to get where we needed to go.

"We have to go before they get here." Annabeth pointed out.

"Really?! I had absolutely no idea." Percy sassed back at her.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Will apologetically, "You're gonna have to think up a really good cover story. And sorry for the weird ass thing that fucked up the magic tent." I turned to look at Strange, "Tell Tony..."

I was trying to think up a right way to reassure him I'd be okay when Annabeth interrupted and said, "Don't tell him anything. Money makes people feel powerful, and I don't need him messing up our little trip."

That wasn't exactly what I wanted, but Strange just looked at her and nodded, to which Percy whispered, "Let's go Blackjack."

Before I knew it we were slowly being lifted up by the Pegasus's wings, and off to Boston, where I would hopefully meet this Magnus Chase I've been hearing so much about.


We flew in silence for a long time. 

It might've been awkward for Percy and Annabeth, but I thrived in awkward silence. It meant I didn't have to say anything that might regret saying later.

It was also an opportunity to take in the beauty below us. We were flying over Long Island, which gave me and idea as to where the camp was, when we passed over a familiar lighthouse.

Once, when I was nine, Tony took me to Montauk Point. It was right after he had told the world he was Iron Man. He was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, but I wasn't since no one knew who I was. We walked over to a fence that overlooked the ocean, and looked out to take in the view.

"Our world is about to get so much bigger." He sighed.

I looked up at him and said, "I know."

He gazed back at me and squatted down so he could look me in the eyes.

"I can't let anyone know about you, because if they do, they could hurt you. I should've thought more about you when I was standing up there. Leana, I'm so sorry. Say the word and I'll quit this whole thing. I'll buy us a house in the country side and you can grow up there, like you should be anyways."

"No." I looked back through the gate into the ocean and sat down, "You have to help get rid of all the bullies. Then there'll be no more bombs and no more death." I looked back at him, "If me being quiet will help you save the people that are hurt, I'd do it 11 hundred times."

He picked me up and hugged me super tight.

"I love you so fucking much." He whispered into my ear.

I pulled back and asked, "Tony, what does fucking mean?"

I internally laughed at the memory. Sometimes whenever I got tired and frustrated at Tony for keeping me hidden, I remembered that moment. I remembered it was ultimately my decision and I couldn't take it back.

Sure he was a total pain in the ass, and at that moment I didn't like him, but I'll always love him, he's my brother.

"We're here." Percy exclaimed, a little more louder than he needed too.

"Holy shit!" I clutched my chest, ungrateful for the sudden jump scare.

Blackjack landed and we jumped off. In front of us was a ginormous mansion. It was a six story high brownstone, with very creepy gargoyles on the top. It had huge stained glass windows and a very grand marble staircase, leading up to the front doors.

We walked up the stairs and Annabeth worriedly noted, "Magnus told me he made this place into a homeless shelter for kids, but if he had then why are all the lights off? And why is there no sound?"

"Maybe they're asleep?" Percy asked.

"Its 10:30." Annabeth said.


I rolled my eyes at the both of them, walked up to the front doors, and knocked.

No one answered.

"You know what, maybe they're not home." Percy decided, scooting backwards towards the steps.

Just then the door opened.

But what I saw inside was not expected.

Dead bodies littered the ground, and the floor was completely stained red.

They were all children. And they were all gone.

I summoned my dagger to my hand, preparing myself for a fight.

Annabeth gasped beside me and ran inside, with tears running down her face. 

"MAGNUS! Please WHERE ARE YOU?! Magnus!" 

Percy and I followed her as she ran up the main staircase, stopping abruptly at the landing before the stairs split and curved around.

She fell to her knees, crying "No no. No Magnus. Alex. Please wake up" She was gasping for air. "PLEASE WAKE UP! No... no." 

Percy, silently crying, grabbed her shoulders, pulling her into an embrace as she let out heart wrenching sobs. 

I walked forward to look at the scene.

A tall blond boy, who looked a little older than me, was hugging another person, who had dark green hair, and sharp features.

Lifeless features.

They were both dead.

Painted on the floor with their blood, were these words.

"the start to your pile."

sorry for such a short chapter

pleeease dont hate me

love yall!!!!

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