I make the worst plan ever

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TW for suicide

It was my fault.

That message was meant for me.

The one person who could give me the answers, who could give me the truth I so desperately needed was dead. No thanks to me.

Guilt and grief washed over me as I listened to the sounds of sadness that were coming from yhe dead man's cousin.

She fell to the floor and held on to Percy, like he was the only reason she wasn't slipping away.

And there was nothing I could do but watch.

Maybe if I had told them sooner, or just left as soon as I knew where they were, everything would be okay.

The coppery smell of blood was still fresh as I backed away from the scene, unable to see it any longer.

I carefully ran outside, scared to make a noise and let them know I wasn't by their sides anymore.

Once I got outside, I realized something. This lady wasn't going to stop until everyone I cared about or even had remote fondness towards, was dead. That included everyone I had met from camp, and Tony.

Either they died, or I did.

She was using my sadness to get back at her husband, but if her husband cared about me so much, then wouldn't the best payback be my death?

But the truth is, I was terrified of dying. I can imagine eternal darkness or eternal light, but dying? Dying implies nothing, forever. I couldn't imagine nothing, and that terrified me.

Or maybe since all these gods were real I could go wherever I wanted. Like the Underworld or Valhalla. But.. that's still something forever. I wanted to live my life, and be free to make my own choices before I was forced to make the ones that had already been made for me.

But what if another person died because of me? How could I live with myself knowing I could have saved them? Plus there wasn't really another option.

So sitting there, on the cold marble steps of the mansion, I made up my mind.

If killing myself meant countless people would live, I would do it a million times over.

But how would I tell them? No, I couldn't put that pressure on them.

I would keep it a secret.

When though? I wanted to say goodbye to Percy and Annabeth, but also Will, Nico, and maybe Connor. If I could find Aspen, then I would want to tell her too.

But not just my friends, I would have liked to thank Strange for helping me. And say goodbye to Tony.

So three days should be enough time. Just summon my dagger and...yeah.

I heard the doors open behind me, and I wiped the tears I didn't realize I had shed, before turning around and standing up.

I looked into the bleary eyes of Annabeth, expecting to see sadness and despair, but instead they were filled with hatred.

"You know what the message meant." Annabeth accused me, while Percy stood helpless to the side.

"Yeah." I whispered, looking at the ground and not wanting to meet her eyes again.

"Who did this?"

A name popped into my head, one that I had never heard before, but I knew was right.

"Who. Did. This." She repeated, more slowly and calculated than before.

"Angrboða" I finally met her gaze.


"To get revenge."

"On who?"

"Her husband, Loki," I clarified and took a deep breath, unable to hide the truth anymore, "and me."


these chapters are honestly getting depressing and short but i pinky swear its all gonna change

also im already thinking of a sequel to this

 but im not sure if i should make another book completely or just add on to this one

love yall and thank you so much for reading!!!

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